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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. That doesn't seem to be the full KSP.log. I'd prefer the Player.log, for me it's better
  2. If you can give me a patch, I'd be happy to add it. I'm busy with other mods right now, but given a patch, I can push out an update in a few minutes
  3. I see. If you could provide a list of those parts that have the wrong size nodes, I'd be happy to write a patch that fixes it. That's not difficult, and i could fit it in between some other work I'm doing. I just don't have time to sit with the entire mod and look at all the parts
  4. It's not coding, it's 3d modeling. I can't advise on this, not my area of expertise. A good modeler might be able to give some advice or even fix it, if they were so inclined. Since the original files aren't available, it would have to be done in Blender 2.83, using an addon which is only compatible up to that version. There are a number of threads talking about how to do this, do a search for blender in the forum. This is the Addon thread:
  5. As of now, no. It actually depends on a bug in KSP whic CF fixes. Go ahead and mark it as incompatible, if I ever do get it fixed, we can update at that time
  6. This makes no sense. You need to define the following: Rocket Generator Plugin Saying Questions No Mod Appearance
  7. Found a problem: Two parts have the same part name: From the ModuleManager.ConfigCache: First one: UrlConfig { parentUrl = Hangar/Parts/AsteroidHangars/AsteroidHatch2.cfg PART { name = AsteroidHatchNew Second one: UrlConfig { parentUrl = Hangar/Parts/AsteroidHangars/AsteroidHatchNew.cfg PART { name = AsteroidHatchNew
  8. Thanks. I've been looking at it, so far no idea what's happening, there isn't the expected nullref. If you could create that sandbox example you mentioned, zip up the entire sandbox save for me, would be helpful Those messages "Error 2/3" are not really errors, just left over debugging messages, you can ignore them. The other two regarding the scanType may be an issue Edit: I found the error, so will be just a matter of time to fix: 177873 ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: SCANsat
  9. New release, 2.0.12 Updated presets to have consistant names re. windowed and Fullscreen Note: If you have a problem with the window resetting after losing focus, try removing the mod entirely, make sure the directory is empty, and then reinstall
  10. Thanks, may take a little bit, but I'll be looking into this. I created an issue on Github to track this: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/ksp-craft-organizer/issues/1
  11. Anything regarding Kerbalism needs to be asked about in the Kerbalism thread. There are two parts with internals, the Sci Lab and the Zoology lab
  12. So I've just gone through ALL the contract packs listed in CKAN. None of them are doing what I'm trying to do, which is collect science from multiple locations. The only thing that I know does that are some of the stock contracts where you have to fly to a certain location/altitude and get a temp reading and then go to the next one. :-(
  13. I'm beginning to think it's a bug in Waypoint Manager, when I removed it, things worked mostly as expected. Not sure if it's just a bug, or an oddity, where the first waypont stays in the dialog even after the second is shown
  14. It seems that if an experiment is run (for example, the thermometer) at a waypoint, it will be considered to have been run when the next waypoint is reached. I'm trying to have a contract which requires an experiment to be run at three different locations, however, even though I have seperate blocks for each location with a block for the experiment, the experiment is considered run at the second and third waypoints. I've included the entire contract below, looking for any suggestions, if it's at all possible:
  15. New release, Updated text in Settings window re. dragging the Nav Window Small optimization regarding initializing styles, eliminating an extra function call during OnGUI Fixed nav window initialization (was not setting background/opacity upon startup)
  16. Is it possible to hide a waypoint after reaching it ? The following code hides it after contract completion (according to the docs), but doesn't seem to hide it after reaching the waypoint. PARAMETER { name = Location3Arrival type = VisitWaypoint index = 3 title = Direct rover to the third Interesting Place completeInSequence = true disableOnStateChange = true horizontalDistance = 250.0 hideOnCompletion = true disableOnStateChange = true showMessages = true completeInSequence = true }
  17. New release, Thanks to github user @eminterrupted for finding this bug: displayOpacity was being read incorrectly from the saved config, causing the display background opacity to be reset to 50% every game restart Added text to config window explaining how to drag the nav window Updated version file to use github for version info
  18. Yes, but I'm not done testing, and the latest test shows that all 3 waypoints are shown with no indiciation of which one needs to be the first; apparently they need to be completed in order More work :-(
  19. I solved this by using the DATA_EXPAND block. This does have the number of locations static, but it's a reasonable solution. Using this method you can't change the name of each individual waypoint, but that's ok for now. You can see the contract below, the DATA_EXPAND block has the name of the field as waypointIndex , and it's referenced in the parameter below
  20. I was, and then I tested and see that it's working with spaces. I had a comma in there, I'll have to test to see if that's the issue Edit: Looks like it's the comma which was causing the issue. I put the comma in and found this in the log file: 35899 [INFO] ContractConfigurator.ContractConfigurator: Loading CONTRACT_GROUP: 'RoverScienceMod' 35902 ContractConfigurator.ContractGroup: CONTRACT_GROUP 'RoverScienceMod': Providing the agent field for all CONTRACT_GROUP nodes is highly recommended, as the agent is used to group contracts in Mission Control. And yes, I did update the agent file as well as the contracts.
  21. Found either a bug or something had changed. The field for the agent name in the agent config used to allow spaces in the agent name. It doesn't anymore, so I'm going to have to update all my contracts to fix this :-(
  22. New question, this time regarding Waypoints. Currrently the contract is accessing a single waypoint near the rover. Full contract is in the spoiler below: Not sure if this is possible, but .... I'd like to be able to generate a random number of waypoints within a range (ie: 2-5). It's easy enough to create the 5 random waypoints in the WaypointGenerator block, but I'd like the main contract to be able to iterate over the available waypoints. It's a rather big contract, I don't want to simply copy/paste the sections 5 times. I am guessing it might need to be a list of indexes, and then have the index for the location arrival point to that, but not sure (yet) how to do it. Pointers would be appreciated.
  23. First, the hardPlanetsTemp was part of my trying to get this to work, I tried to clean up all my unused statements, I guess it got through. Second, the symptoms are shown in the image below: Even this stanza: planet = Prestige() == Trivial ? @/easyPlanets.Random() : Prestige() == Significant ? @/mediumPlanets.Random() : @/hardPlanets.Random() was met (second line, Must bean orbited body), and it relies on the stanza which is unmet to succeed. It seems to me that CC thinks that if any value in a DATA block is empty that it's an unmet condition. even if it's intended for use in a different DATA block. I tried making it hidden, but that only hides the result, but it still affects the outcome. There doesn't seem to be a way to tell CC that the results are intermediate and should not affect the conditions And of course, 5 minutes after typing that, I found this: I just added the requiredValue = false, and it's now working
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