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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. You have a problem in your staging. You have the 2nd and 3rd stage engines in the same stage. When I fixed it, the first stage main engine didn't light when the srbs were released. Another issue is that the SRBs by themselves can't lift the vessel, so I had to hack gravity to let it get off the ground. There is still a problem, and in trying to fix this vessel, I came up with a few test cases I can use. I'll have to load BetterSRBs before I can test the old test vessel
  2. Short answer is yes. In general, most parts-only mods will work, you should learn to install and test it yourself before asking for help. You will learn something and become a better player
  3. Weird. Do you have an antivirus which might be doing it?
  4. Lots. There is the Engineering Tech Tree, Tetrix (I'm currently playing this), Simplex (simpler version of Tetrix), the Community Tech Tree, and I"m sure there are others.
  5. This is from EVA Enhancements: @PART[kerbalEVA*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleScienceExperiment]:HAS[~experimentID[ROCScience]]] { MODULE { name = EVAEnhancements } } and this is from DeadlyReentry: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[KerbalEVA]] { ..... do something here }
  6. Make sure the dependencies are installed. Also, a log file is necessary for any diagnosis
  7. I have a beta which fixes the engine plates, please try it out and let me know how it is: BETA Fixed autostaging with engine plates Available here: (beta not available,)
  8. Sometimes it's just the simple things in life :-) Glad it's working for you
  9. Please test these craft with GT. https://kerbalx.com/linuxgurugamer/GT-Test https://kerbalx.com/linuxgurugamer/GT-Test-2 https://kerbalx.com/linuxgurugamer/GT-Test-3 1 & 3 work on my system. 2 doesn't and should. Would like to confirm that these represent what you are seeing
  10. New release, 0.4.1 Added toggle to switch between active (changes value) and inactive (display only)
  11. If they put in everything that anyone feels should be “stock”, then one of two things will happen : Game will be years late and over budget Game will have bugs galore Or: 3. Game will be on-time and mostly bug-free Pick one.
  12. Makes sense, be sure to list all the dependencies in the OP. @HebaruSan I can’t do this right now, could you take a look?
  13. New release, Thanks to forum user @leatherneck6017 for this: Add upgrades for ISRU Drills and Radiators. WIP for antenna range.
  14. I have it working, its as nice as I remembered. Hope to release on Sunday
  15. Do you have a joystick? What happens when you try to raise the throttle?
  16. I thought I had released it. I’ll look at it later this evening.
  17. Excuse me for trying to be helpful. If you had said “console” the I would not have been shooting in the dark. Most players are pc. Actually, I do consider that when coding, and take pains to make sure that nothing is using too much cpu. And, it depends on the mod as to whether it is going to put more pressure on the system or not. I’ll leave now, since I’m obviously not wanted here. Enjoy your day.
  18. Try it again after a while. Quite possible there was a hiccup in Cloudflare,which the use to reduces the server load.
  19. New release, Reverted the fixed opening of the initial window position
  20. This mod, Stock Default Settings, is designed to manage certain game config values which, while only accessable in a game, are actually global variables, and changing them in one save will affect all other saves in that install. This can be a problem for someone who has multiple games (saves) going on in a single install. This mod will allow these settings to be specific for each individual save, if desired. Additionally, this mod has default settings which override the stock defaults. These values are: Name SDS Default Assigned Value Stock Default Description HIGHLIGHT_FX True True Highlight FX INFLIGHT_HIGHLIGHT True True Part Highlighter Enabled in Flight TEMPERATURE_GAUGES_MODE 3 3 Temperature Gauges & Thermal Highlights CAMERA_DOUBLECLICK_MOUSELOOK True False Double-Click Mouse Look ADVANCED_TWEAKABLES True False Advanced Tweakables CONFIRM_MESSAGE_DELETION True True Confirm Message Deletion ADVANCED_MESSAGESAPP True True Advanced Message App EXTENDED_BURNTIME True False Extended Burn Indicator ANTI_ALIASING 8 (8x) 2 (2x) Anti-Aliasing TEXTURE_QUALITY 0 (Full res) 1 (Half res) Texture Quality Toolbar icon: SDS Window: Buttons Button Description Apply Applies the settings, keeping the window open Accept Applies the settings and closes the window Reset to default Clears local settings, and loads the mod defaults Cancel Cancels any changes and closes the window Save for current game Saves the current settings for the current game only, also applies the changes to the current game Clear local settings & load global settings Clears all local settings and resets the settings to the current global settings Note: The Reset to default is immediate, canceling will not revert the changes Dependencies Click Through Blocker ToolbarController SpaceTuxLibrary Availability Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/2549/StockDefaultSettings?ga=<Game+3102+'Kerbal+Space+Program'> Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/StockDefaultSettings/ License: LGPL CKAN (soon)
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