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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New release, Added option to hide persistent.sfs file Added option to archive a save Added options to auto-archive or auto-delete old saves Added option to load from archives Wrote new instructions Usage Settings are available in the stock Settings pages. The following options are available: In the General column: Replace stock Load Game dialog on F9 This replaces the Load Game dialog, if disabled, then F7 opens the window Don't show the persistent.sfs file Use alternate skin A more compact skin which a number of mods use In the Deletion/Archive column: Archive old saves Archive and Delete are exclusive, only one can be active. Delete old saves Both can be disabled to disable this functionality Unit: Hours Hours and Days are mutually exclusive Unit: Days File age in specified units The number of Hours/Days a save has to be to be either archived or deleted The BLSG window has a number of toggles and buttons: At the top are: Use Archives A toggle which has the mod show all the archived saves Sort One of three different ways to sort the saves in the list At the bottom are the following buttons: Delete Delete selected save Archive Move the selected save into the Archive directory Cancel Close the dialog Load Load the selected save
  2. New release, Thanks to forum user @leatherneck6017 for this: Add custom check for parts that have TechHidden = True
  3. Can you either explain in detail what you mean by glitching in flight or get a video showing it?
  4. Ok, thanks. I'm still trying to replicate it, will go through your logs this evening
  5. I notice that you are running some sort of planet pack which adds stars. Can you please try it without? Also, please go into the flight scene and see if they appear at that time. If they don't appear where they should, what scene are you in, and where are they actually appearing? Edit: Both of you, log files, please
  6. You probably have 2 DLLs, most likely from a bad install Not really. Adding that would be prone to bugs. It's really not that simple as it sounds.
  7. Install the ZeroMiniAVC mod, it deletes all copies of the MiniAVC.dll which are seriously broken in 1.8 and 1.9
  8. I've adopted this mod, please move all discussion to the new thread:
  9. Originally written by forum user @PrivateFlip, original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/34082-part-16-davon-supply-mod-v025/#comment-462820 The intent of the mod is to provide an automated way for the at times repetitive chore of fuel supply missions but to do so in an acceptable, 'realistic' and non game breaking manner. I present to you the Davon Station Logistics Hub: the outsourcing solution for your resupply needs in the Kerbin locale. After transportation and proper activation of the Station Logistics Hub, it allows fuel resupply missions to the station to be undertaken by Davon industries on your request as part of Davon logistic services. Read manual before use. Limited to Kerbin and its moons. Delivery time may vary upon location. Terms of service apply. Availability Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/364/Davon Supply Mod?ga=+3102+'kerbal+space+program'> Source code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/DavonSupplyMod License: GPL Available via CKAN Dependency ModuleAnimateGenericEffects The model is made by KhaosCorp See this spotlight by by Kyle Kidd: The Davon Medium Supply Station, produced by Davon Tech Ltd, is an integral part of Davon logistic services. After transportation and activation of the station, to be executed by KSP as described in contract 14-4626, Davon will start to offer its very affordable logistic services(tm) as set forth in aforementioned contract in regard to the so deployed and activated station. Upon a suitable service request by KSP, Davon will employ automated spacecraft to resupply the asset and make available any such resources to KSP operations on location. Read manual before use. Limited to Kerbin and its moons. Delivery time may vary upon location. KSP compatible docking port not included. Terms of service apply. Cost overruns will, presumably, not occur unless they do, regrettably, and lie with the emptor. Station will remain the property of Devon industries. ---Clearly an offer we can't refuse! (The drones used for supply are rated as the most sophisticated in their specific cost range according to their own manufacturer, but somehow they cannot be relied upon to locate the Medium Supply Station if it moves anything more than a legally very vaguely defined quantity. Davon will bill us even if they can't locate it so please be somewhat careful.) Deployment The high dry mass of the station, it has no fuel to begin with, requires you to already have some decent heavy lifting capability to bring in into orbit. -Bring station to desired location for activation and press deploy. Take into account the station will fail to operate on an orbit which greatly exceeds the orbit on which is was activated. -When you are not playing in career mode you first have to supply it with several times the fuel capacity of the station in order to activate the station. This "supply activation" requires the you to already have developed some supply capabilities yourself. This way this part will not start to deliver relatively huge amounts of fuel while the player does not have the rockets and skills to do so. To supply activate the station proceed as follows: supply it with the same resources the module is used for, transfer them into the station and press Supply. Repeat until Supplies is at 100%. Station should remain static throughout this procedure. Unless you have some very serious heavy lifting capability you will have to make at least one or two additional fuel supply runs. To successfully supply-activate the station, it's orbit should remain stable throughout this phase. It will reset your progress to zero if is doesn't. (There's more then enough margin for small variations caused by repeated docking.) -When playing in career mode, no activitation is required. Instead you will be billed for each supply. -The activation is locked to the celestial body where the activation takes place. If is is towed to another SOI after activation it will perform a factory reset requiring you to activate it once more on location. This station is limited to Kerbin, Mun and Minmus. Operation -After activation a fuel delivery can be requested from the station. The fuel delivery is delayed and the delivery time is dependent on SOI, for example Kerbin 2 days, Mun 6. I've tried to make the time a little bigger than the time it would take to do these resupplies for real. -The size of the resupply is based on the empty part of the station's tanks at the time of making the request. So think before you make a request, because resupplying the entire part costs a lot of funds. -After activation the station can be moved without serious consequence. However during the time between request and delivery its orbit should again remain stable. Furthermore the station will fail to operate on an orbit which greatly exceeds the orbit on which is was activated. (There's an indicator giving you the relative altitude of your orbit in regard to this limit) Adding additional resources and changing the part In its original form the part supplies liquid fuel, oxidizer and monoproppellant. It can however be modified to supply other resources or to make use of another part altogether. There are different ways to do this. One simple way, using Module Manager, is described in this post by hab136. Another method which involves changing a small text file is described in this guide created by HurricanKai
  10. Fixed saving and loading of light data Moved lights.cfg into PluginData *** VERY IMPORTANT *** Removed about 1000+ lines of old code related to the old Toolbar & Blizzy Toolbar Please try it again using the current release, I changed some code which may be related. When I just tested it, it seems to be working now.
  11. Ok, thanks for the report. I'll probably fix it this evening during my coding stream
  12. Yes. The lights are precisely aligned. When you have 2 and 2, that means you are lined up. If you get 3 and 1, or 4 and 0, you are out, and need to adjust appropriately
  13. The order to set the stage is: Main Menu Space Center Flight (to see the lights) Tracking station Main menu (via space center?) and then Space Center Flight and at this point, no lights? Please confirm
  14. You are looking for ballest tanks. There are a few mods which provide that. Here is one that I found:
  15. New release,1.2.6 Added a day, night & streaming modes to store sets of settings Updated settings page to list each group in seperate column Fixed button being hidden when timer went off Fixed harmless nullref when returning to main menu
  16. Just an FYI: My release already has the movable mod control panel My release also has individual settings for each scene I am working on an update to provide a "Streaming" mode I hope to have the next release out today
  17. Is that new for 1.9? Interesting way of organizing things, I'll think about it.
  18. New release, Thanks to forum user @Initar for this: Fixed fairing bases for 1.8/1.9
  19. It isn't as powerful as KSTS. I'll support it, but would recommend KSTS.
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