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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ay8vvshe4zmqwj5/DebugSR.zip?dl=0 I must have been very tired last night :-) Yup
  2. Here is a debug DLL. It has the fix for the guiclips, and some extra debugging code. Could you run it, and then send me the log files? Thanks
  3. I used Mechjeb to launch this, and all three were recovered. What I thought might have been a problem is a problem, but not related to this issue. I noticed that you are running 1.7.0, did you see the same issue on 1.6.1?
  4. If you have a reasonably short list of mods, or a .ckan file, I could use that with your craft For both of you, please describe the stages: Liquid or solid? If liquid, is there any fuel left? And, if liquid, are you trying to use Powered Recovery? I have an idea of what's going on, would be helpful to know the answers
  5. Ok, I need test vessels which do not have any mod parts on them, unless those parts are causing the problem. I just looked at both of @DaveLChgo's craft, and they have numerous mods. Please remove the mods from those craft, I can't use them. They appear to need multiple mods installed, and I don't have that sort of time. I'll continue testing on my own, but could really use some stock craft which show the problem. Using Mechjeb (I do have that installed) to do the launch would be fine, just tell me your settings
  6. For those of you who are having issues, could you try reverting to the previous version, please. Download it manually from Spacedoc and replace the dll. I haven't had a lot of time to look at this, but I am doing a bit now.
  7. New release, Fixed patch Removed ModuleManager
  8. What mod, and are the dependencies installed? Also, a log file would be helpful
  9. It's a problem with a patch, will be fixed this evening. It's actually been there for a long time without anybody noticing the problem
  10. Ok, I know what's happening, and it's definitely NOT ModuleManager. (deleted)
  11. I think I just came up with a bug in MM. I have a mod, EVA Handrails Continued, which needs MM to run. All of a sudden, it's not working, getting errors like this: PartLoader: Compiling Part 'NEBULA/EVAHandRailsPack/handrail 2mR curved/handrail 2mR/EVA handrail curved 3mR' PartCompiler: Cannot clone model 'NEBULA/handrail 2mR curved/model' as model does not exist PartCompiler: Model was not compiled correctly When I remove the MM dll, the models do get compiled properly. Log files here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t7uoksssesgahxe/AABTTxu7GMczgE4RSz6G05mPa?dl=0 The only change between the compiles is that MM was removed for the Good compile. These logs are from a Windows, system, I saw the same errors on a Mac Please don't say "remove the spaces". The spaces are there, and have been there for a very long time. For various reasons, they will be staying
  12. I really need that log, because questions are arising which might affect this. for example, what OS are you running, do you have ModuleManager installed, etc.
  13. As you know, I have quite a large number of mods which I've updated. Up until now, I've tried to keep the installation directories the same. However, this is leading to some confusion both on my part and others when using Janitor's Closet, etc. A simple example is the Mk2.5 Spaceplane Parts, which is in a directory called RaginCaucasin. I'm seriously thinking about renaming the directories for this and some other mods which I support. Quite a number of authors decided to keep all their own mods in a single master directory, and to have each of their mods have a subdir inside their master directory. The only think I think I'll have to worry about is to add a small MM stanza which provides a "FOR" statement for each mod renamed; this to avoid breaking any MM scripts which depend on or check on the existence of a mod An alternative (for Janitor's Closet) would be for me to create a mapping of directory name to mod name. I'm interested in hearing other views on this, please. If good reasons are presented as to why this wouldn't be a good idea, I'll probably not do this.
  14. In the main KSP directory: settings, PartDatabase both get updated, and sometimes the PartDatabase needs to be deleted and remade
  15. News Flash: SpaceTux Industries, in conjunction with Apoapsis Industries, is pleased to announce the expansion of the adopted Mk2.5 Spaceplane Parts with the addition of a larger cargo bay, capable of holding large cargos up to 3.75 meters in diameter, nicknamed the Beluga parts This will enhance our offerings, providing the ability to bring large cargos to and from orbit without the need for an overlarge shuttle. Costs can be minimized, and larger cargoes brought to orbit. ================= New release, 1.5.1 Converted all TGA and PNG files to DDS. Note that there are a few png files which have a zero length, those are needed due to a quirk in the way the texture is read Added Beluga parts, thanks to @suicidalInsanity Credit to @suicidalInsanity for all the following parts contributed in the past: Mk2.5-mk3 adapter Mk2.5-mk2 adapter Tail ramp Mk2.5 Engine Plate Updated the Engine Mount and the Mk2.5 Engine Plate to use B9PartSwitch to switch between 1, 2, and 3 mount points for the engine. Now requires B9PartSwitch as a dependency
  16. While ModuleManager is not a requirement, if you had run a game with it, all the cache files (MM & KSP's) need to be cleaned out.
  17. Anybody know what happens if the following is in a cfg file, but MM is NOT installed: KCT_FUEL_RESOURCES:NEEDS[RealFuels] { fuelResource = AK20 fuelResource = AK27 fuelResource = Aerozine50 fuelResource = Aniline }
  18. Please try it with a totally clean install. there may have been some cache files floating around
  19. OMG, the absolute horror of it! TG it can't appear without being installed
  20. I'm trying to test this, but need more information: Career, Science or Sandbox? Expansion installed? Language (locale)? Which tech nodes are being researched? That value should be replaced with "Engineering 101", at least in the english version. If you start a new game, and hover the mouse over the engineering node, what does it show?
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