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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Please send me that file, I'd like to figure out what's different. It's possible that this was a change which I never pushed to github, I'll check when I get home
  2. I took the order from the order in the menu, your suggestion makes sense except that Edit will be available when in an advanced debug mode, to be specified in the settings page
  3. Some things either shouldn't be repairable, or should require an insane amount of resources/time to fix. IMHO, engine bells are in the latter category. They aren't landing legs and shouldn't be useable as such
  4. It will most likely work. Worst case is that the dll won't work; if it doesn't, you could just grab the dll from a 1.3.1 version of the mod. The last version for 1.3.1 was 0.1.11
  5. I don't know. I've seen the same issue without KRASH but with Hyperedit, and since KRASH uses some HypeEdit code, i figured it won't hurt.
  6. I assume you are referring to the little menu which opens up with the 8 buttons to select? What would you think about a row of toggles to the right of each tank? Each column of toggles would replace the buttons. So, for example: FL-TX1800 Fuel Tank 1 2 810 809.5 99.9% o o o o o o o Where the toggles would be in the following order (the o's above): Highlight Edit Transfer In Transfer Out Balance Dump Lock I would have them abbreviated, maybe with tooltips when hovering I'm not sure about the Edit functionality, I'll have to see what's up with that. Seems like a very cheaty thing. Also, for all, I'm thinking about moving the settings from the custom settings window into a stock settings window. I'd like to hear some feedback before I do (either pro or con)
  7. Agreed Ok. So now parts need to be damageable. Taking a cue from D&D, assign a certain number of HP to each part. There is already a mod which addresses this, called Kerbal Krash Systems. It also includes the ability to repair damaged parts. KKS repairs are based on an engineer's level, higher level engineers can repair more and faster. I could go on, ...
  8. @EnzoMeertens Have you ever thought about adding the requirement for spare parts (ie: repair kits) to be needed for repairs?
  9. Log file would be useful, but it looks like you are running KSP 1.4.2? If so, it's not supported. The message is a bit unobvious, it's from the AVC and needs to be fixed a bit. You can ignore the message, while not supported, it should be fine
  10. There is a low level of realism in the game, aka the physics, fuel, etc. The stock game doesn't include any way to do repairs, mods add that capability. Adding a repair ability to the stock game will need careful review to be sure it doesn't overbalance things
  11. Tires can be patched. Solar cells are crystals, and when broken cannot be fixed. There are mods which allow repair of things, but I disagree about it needing to be stock.
  12. Hmmm. CKAN didn't install the toolbar controller automatically? That's more than strange, it should have been installed since it's listed as a dependency. Regarding the Toolbar, that's optional. the Toolbar Controller (yellow wrench) controls the actual buttons. If the toolbar isn't installed, then the button will appear on the stock toolbar (if enabled) And putting them in the same file would cause other problems.
  13. Well, assuming you are on KSP 1.1.2, that is before my time. You can try some of the earlier ones, found here: https://spacedock.info/mod/452/Kronal Vessel Viewer (KVV)#changelog Also, I mistyped earlier when I said that was the last version for 1.2, it should have read 1.1.2
  14. As listed in the changelog: Fixed Missing Key error when resources were listed in the filterconfig file and not available In english, the mod ships with a large list of resources & modules along with a "best guess" version of each for UI stuff. The new code was looking at all of them, even if they weren't in the game, causing the missing key error. Didn't show up in my environment because the list was generated in my environment, ergo nothing was missing
  15. curious, have you tried doing this with an action group (as mentioned in the previous post), or is that also unavailable for this?
  16. Thank you. That's actually an old bug. Do you have Hyperedit installed? If so, please try removing it and testing again
  17. New release, Added missing bottomup node to the small Mk16 parachute Added stagingIcon to the Mk1 Updated the tags for the Mk1 Known issue: If the engine is too close to the bottom of the Mk1, then it will be blocked and the Mk1 will explode from heat. Only an issue for the Flea and FL-T100/FL-T200 tank
  18. That's because the little parachute doesn't have an additional node added. For now, find the file in the Pebkac directory: Pebkac\Parts\LaunchEscape\MM_Chute.cfg and add the following to the end: @PART[parachuteSingle] { node_stack_bottomup = 0.0, -0.120649, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0 %attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0 } However, there is an odd interaction with the tower and parachute, I've had the small LES exploding upon launch with this config. Until I figure it out, I'm not releasing this (it may be why it wasn't included). I have been able to narrow this down to an issue with the bounds, it is only a problem when you have either the Flea or a FL-T100/FL-T200 + engine combo. So you can go ahead and use the patch above, as long as the engine is more than about 1m below the bottom of the capsule (assuming the mk1 capsule)
  19. It should. This is the last release by the original author for KSP 1.2
  20. New release, Added README Fixed BashCopyTextures.sh for when there are spaces in the path
  21. New release, Fixed Missing Key error when resources were listed in the filterconfig file and not available Added "None" to modules (for those parts which didn't have any modules) Adjusted the sort so that "None" is always first
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