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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Sorry, been busy with other stuff. I saw it, will merge it when I get to it, but I want to be able to give it proper consideration. There is a bug in KCT I need to look at, might get to it tomorrow night..
  2. The use case is probably unnecessary, to a certain extent I was trying to see if it could be done. A cargo door part was made for one of my mods with three individual animations. Each animation needs to be adjustable (ie: clamping the max open), and also needs to start at a different point in the previous animation's progress. I was trying to have the mod flexible enough to have multiple start/stop events, but seems that is not as easily doable.
  3. Thank you. One more question: if a mod wants to stop an animation at a specific time (ie: say at progress == .33), what's the proper way to do that?
  4. You can solve that many times by doing the reflection calls one time, if possible in an initialization routine For non-KIS games, I would just mod in a virtual container into each command pod
  5. Absolutely amazing thing to do, please keep us updated with your progress.
  6. The following fields are listed in the API, not mentioned in the Wiki, and I can't find any description of them: allowDeployLimit = true revClampDirection = false revClampSpeed = true revClampPercent = true Can some kind soul please define them? I'll be happy to update the Wiki once I have an answer. Thx
  7. Which is why I updated the OP with the dependencies. I never thought it would be interpreted that way, but the fact is that I just forgot to add the Dependencies section to the oP
  8. You can make it optional by checking to see if KIS is installed. Shouldn't be too difficult to make an API using Reflection. And as long as the interface doesn't change, you shouldn't have to rebuild KKS. Needing a "spare parts kit" doesn't mean redesigning parts. Just making it necessary to have enough spare parts in (whatever), and be able to reduce the spare part count as necessary. And of course, make it optional
  9. If something is listed in the changelog, it's there for a reason I've updated the OP with the depencencies at the top
  10. Do you have the dependencies installed? Please provide a log file when you report issues, saves time.
  11. If you were playing with non-full tanks (for balancing, etc), the tanks get filled. If you recovered a vessel into storage, it will fill the tanks before launching
  12. There are some suspicious errors in the log file which seem related. I can't load the craft since I'm missing a lot of mods. So, two suggestions: First, make a new sandbox save, put only this craft file in and see if you can load it there. Second, zip up your entire GameData directory and get me a link (dropbox is faster). Finally, I noticed that you are playing on 1.3.0, is there any reason you didn't upgrade to 1.3.1?
  13. After at least 4 weeks (probably more), countless reverts, etc, I finally finished the Mun STS 2-4. Videos are below the mission summaries. Mun-STS-2 - Bring up the research base. Shuttle was short on fuel, so waited for a refill Mun-STS-3 - Spread over two videos, bring up the rover. One of the videos has an amusing sequence where a shuttle decided to be a rover, and then decided to do a perfect backflip and land back on it's wheels. This shuttle also brought up some refueling rovers, which had their own problems. Had to wait for Mun-STS-4 for more fuel Mun-STS-4 - Spread over five videos. Landed about 5 km away from the base, so there are some rather long sequences of watching the rover travel over the surface. All three shuttles and the EEV took off in the 4th video, two landed. The third shuttle and the EEV landed in the last video. Amazingly, all shuttles were able to land without needing engines, a first for me. The third shuttle had a few reverts during the landing, but the first attempt worked, but was a little long. I did two more to satisfy myself; only the last landing is shown on the videos And now to the video tape: Mun-STS-2 Mun STS 3 (1 of 2) Mun STS 3 (2 of 2) Mun STS 4 (1/5) Mun STS 4 (2/5) Mun STS 4 (3/5) Mun STS 4 (4/5) Mun STS 4 (5/5)
  14. Ok, so I'll take a plane, destroy a part, recover and edit it, fix the part, add a new antenna and also reset all experiments by hand Can someone else try to replicate this, please? Also, I am aware of the experiments not being reset, there is an issue for that on Github
  15. First, it probably works in 1.7, would be best if you tried it out and reported back here with the results Second, please don't bug mod authors about updates. We do this for free, in our free time.
  16. In general, I only work on older mods if a bug is reported. If not, then I assume it is either working or no one is using it.
  17. New release, Changed category from "none" to "Coupling" in the small_decoupler_stack
  18. Follow the link in my signature about how to get help. Follow the instructions and post what is needed including full logs etc
  19. I found the problem, I was looking at the wrong file. Sorry. will get an update out later this evening
  20. @Stone Blue just an FYI, I hadn't been thinking of buttons, I was thinking of toggles. Buttons would work just as well if not better. I might make it optional, buttons vs toggles. I'll have to test them both
  21. @Claw what sort of effort would it take to duplicate the VAB/SPH interior without the baked in lighting?
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