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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Sounds like you have two differnt DLLs installed. Would be nice to see a log file so that I could help you
  2. Manual landing. it lets you jump between the different stages and fly each one
  3. State taxes are deductible from income for Federal taxes. I believe it's calculated based on what was withheld on the W2, so if you get a state refund, that money was not taxed by the federal, so that's the reason you pay taxes on state refunds
  4. No,. Federal refunds are not taxable, however STATE refunds are, since you didnt pay taxes on that money, I should know, I get a few thousand back every year from the feds, and usually about a thousand from the state. and yes, I have been audited, never had a problem
  5. New release, Disabled log spam due to missing shader Updated version file Note: The MovieTime and NightVision modes are currently not working. This is known, please do not report as a bug
  6. It is the HullCamera mod. The shaders can't be loaded due to the change in Unity, this is now on my list of things to work on once I get everything updated. however, it actually showed a different issue, so I'll disable those messages in a few minutes with a minor update
  7. New release, Updated to use the ToolbarController registration Removed setting for blizzy from mod Fixed ability to use the primary Modifier key in conjunction with another key
  8. Not really. It's rather difficult to upgrade a mod which is already upgraded
  9. The toolbar setting is going to be moved into the Toolbat Controller in the nbn ext update. And I'll look into the alt key
  10. New release, 1.1.8: Thanks to @Wyzard for the following bug fixes: Fixed kerbals not going on vacation if recovered from the tracking station or space center scenes. Fixed vacationing kerbals sometimes being auto-assigned as crew in the VAB/SPH. Fixed NullReferenceException after clicking on the launchpad or runway at the space center. Reduced some brief logspam when opening the astronaut center.
  11. New release, Thanks to @whale2 for this: Added onUndock to the list of separation events Added new setting to control whether the undock events should be seen as seperation events, defaults to false
  12. No idea. This is a game. SpaceX is real life. Ballutes are real, so why not sit back and see what the real rocket scientists do
  13. No, it's now a seperate mod, due to a new build process. I haven't yet updated ckan to show that properly
  14. A log file would be helpful. and, about 30 more mods to update
  15. New release, Fixed nullref when setting textures and no stock button set New release, Fixed nullrefs when blizzy toolbar not installed Added code to always show buttons on stock if lbizzy not installed
  16. It's in my sig, but here it is: Read this BEFORE asking for support: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/83212-how-to-get-support-read-first/
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