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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. New release, 0.1.2 Added code to work around stock bug where the editor ignores the lock when the ActionGroup pane is shown This change was needed to support Action Groups Extended. Note that this is a bit of a hack, and you will see a blue flash under the mouse in the Action Groups pane when the mouse is over a part
  2. New release, 0.0.14 Added warning message if patch file is missing (when deactivating an existing patch) Fixed location of ActiveMMPatches (was assuming it was in modname/PatchManager/ActiveMMPatches) Added some minor verbage to the log file to help mod authors in debugging It will probably show up in CKAN in the next few hours, in the meantime, you can download it directly from Github
  3. Not sure what you are referring to. The accident count is more than just what for us is a single event. And I'm not going to be putting too much time into this right now, not with 1.4 around the corner. I have worse bugs in another mod
  4. Send me your files via PM, I'll take a look
  5. That's just poor coding, not poor language design
  6. This has caused more errors than I can shake a stick at
  7. I came across this variable one time: $wgaff I can't type it here, but it got past a lot of code reviews before someone realized what it was
  8. Simple shell script to clean out a set of directories every night. It went something like this: for d in $dirs; do rm -fr $d/ * done Yup. You guessed it. This was run by cron every night. Next morning, computer was dead, totally unresponsive, looking at the dusk showed no files. That darned extra space deleted everything on the disk. We didn't realize what happened, so we restored from backups, re installed the SAME script. Next day, same thing, and that's when we realized what was going on. The script had passed a code review as well, no one caught it. That was a looonnngggg time ago
  9. Make sure you have all the dependencies installed.
  10. Looking into an issue with AGExt, I found that this call: EditorLogic.fetch.Lock(false, false, false, "abcd")' Doesn't lock the mouse clicks when the Action Groups pane is selected. This means that there is apparently no way to block the clicks on a window from selecting a part underneath. I saw this same behaviour in MechJeb, didn't look at any other mods. Anybody have any ideas how to prevent the mouse clicks from falling through?
  11. @sarbian Just came across something as part of debugging my ClickThroughBlocker. This code: https://github.com/MuMech/MechJeb2/blob/29d9b1ba7e75a325476b9a4f5712d1970c09b840/MechJeb2/MechJebCore.cs#L1136-L1147 works in the Editor, EXCEPT when Action Groups are selected. When Action Groups are selected, the mechjeb window doesn't block clicks from falling through to the parts underneath. Would you have any ideas how to fix this? I'll open an issue on Github, would really like to get this figured out
  12. Doesn't look like I'll be getting to this anytime soon. I may at least get it recompiled for 1.4 when it drops. It's on my list of potential adoptees
  13. Scrapyard is touching the internals of KRASH, I believe. So the solution makes sense. please notify the author of this issue
  14. His MM is up to date, according to the log It already is
  15. Fusebox is showing the MAXIMUM drain of EC in the VAB, not the normal. So yes, it is the drain while transmitting data, most likely
  16. Can you describe this functionality, please? Does it require a netkan file? How does it work,exactly? Thanks
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