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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. It would be interesting to see, so I look forward to your results
  2. Maybe just wait a few days until it gets updated. You could also use Autostruting
  3. Not yet, but if you start that Twitter hashtag thing, you will be.
  4. Well, even Mechjeb gets it wrong sometimes. It's ok for a mod to be wrong some of the time, people understand. But they will screen bloody murder if the game makes a mistake. It's not a "it can't be done", it's "it can't be done PERFECTLY"
  5. That is the correct thing to do, for all mods. Downloading from anywhere else leaves you the possibility of missing files, etc. Don't assume that if a GameData folder is there that it will contain everything needed.
  6. Not going to happen, too much work, to many chances for error I'll look into it. But, I don't control the position of the buttons in the toolbar. Not going to happen for a while, if ever. I'll consider it Again, I'll consider it
  7. I know of at least 132 mods which won't be updated until 1.4.1 drops
  8. Would it be possible to combine this with GPP? I realize that one of the home planets needs to removed, but other than that, would it work? And if so, how do I remove the home planet from this?
  9. No, but this was announced. One reason is to fix any immediate, obvious bugs, the other is for the Making History DLC
  10. But what would that colored bar indicate? This opens a can of worms. Personally, I think that a basic list of dV per stage shouild be all that a minimal display should have, along with buttons which w would bring up info screens explaining what it is and what is needed to get to orbit. Accept the fact that in order to d o well, you need to use numbers, and move on from there.
  11. Then why don't both of you wait until the mod is upgraded to 1.4. You've established that it isn't working fully. So now wait and be patient
  12. I don't think you can, the current model doesn't allow it
  13. Strange, but that is really just KSP doing it's thing. Looks like the Mun is close to the orbit, maybe it's getting confused
  14. I will not provide any support for 1.4.* until I rebuild the mod for 1.4. You are on your own
  15. Maybe because it isn't updated for 1.4 yet? Given that the OP still says 1.3.x, you really should stop bothering mod authors until they get the mods updated
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