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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. It's there,, you can also try searching for "Recoverable" make sure it's showing all mods
  2. I'm really curious, what other games have you anticipated for so long and not complained about delays, announcements, gameplay, etc? As above, really curious. Do you have experience with game development, or any significant software development at all?
  3. @Snark Just tried starting a new Sandbox game using New Horizons, getting the following error: Full logs, including Player.log, KSP.log, all files in the Logs directory and the ModuleManager.configcache available here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/woqg1tzone1x55k/PlanetInfo_NH_Logs.zip?dl=0 Edit: Uploaded bug report generated by KSP Bug Report mod, here: https://oshi.at/Qwvv/KSPBugReport_2022-06-28_133214.zip
  4. All, I've heard back from @Error_Sophius, he wants to continue supporting the mods himself.
  5. Any chance of packaging this up for a release? Do you need help with that? Even a beta would be useful, not everyone is github fluent
  6. Here: Let me know if you need help downloading it, it's only a github repo for now Here is an unofficial release based off of @coyotesfrontier' & @Lisias's work https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/New_Horizons/releases/download/
  7. I've been looking at the mod, and found a few issues with 1.12 Here is a beta which fixes them, I'd appreciate some feedback https://www.dropbox.com/s/p4pn0gz4rby0pen/AECS_Motion_Suppressor-1.3.3.zip?dl=0 Changes Added GameEvents for the following engine events: onEngineThrustPercentageChanged onEngineActiveChange onMultiModeEngineSwitchActive Moved all game events into new VesselModule Eliminated the now unnecessary EngineGimbalController Now only touches engines on the active vessel
  8. Ummm, JNSQ, New Horizons both work well, and I believe that GPP is being worked on
  9. I've sent a message to @Error_Sophius, waiting to hear back. FYI, I'm planning on merging the two mods
  10. @blackrackI posted a couple of issues on Github: csproj file has an absolute path for one of the cs files ReferenceEquals is not properly detecting a null value in a few places, causing nullrefs to be generated. I can do a PR for each if you'd like, but I'm concerned about the second issue. ReferenceEquals is used 151 times in 34 files to check for null, if it's not working in some places, maybe it's causing issues elsewhere??
  11. All, I'm going to be adopting this mod along with the Draggable Navball I've heard back from @Error_Sophius, he wants to continue supporting the mods himself.
  12. All, I'm going to be adopting this mod along with the Draggable Altimeter mod
  13. Would have helped if you had pinged me Details, including how to replicate, please. The only change between and 1.3.3 was adding a delay before actually locking the gimbal, so I need something I can use to replicate to test
  14. @Aelfhe1m @modus FYI, This is exactly what AMP is doing. What I may do is add something to Janitor's Closet to NOT manage buttons if AMP is installed. ToolbarController simply has the ability to put buttons on either the Blizzy toolbar or the Stock toolbar (or both), it doesn't do anything about different scenes. Blizzy toolbar allows you to define toolbars for each scene
  15. New release, Fixed check for GravityTurn (dll got renamed) Changed _obj.DestroyGameObjectImmediate() to GameObject.Destroy() in OnLeaveFromState (2 locations)
  16. Never from me sorry. I don't do textures, graphics or models, it's bad enough when I try to do a button. However, if someone were to submit something for inclusion, I'd be happy to do so
  17. Never knew that we had enchanted objects in the game
  18. Thanks, I missed that one when finishing up (was using the 1s for testing) for now, change the "s" to an "h", and I'll get an update out soon
  19. New release, Fixed missing image for Blizzy toolbar button =================== I'd prefer the Player.log
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