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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Looks like the server where those images were being hosted had an account expire: http://members.shaw.ca/diazo/AGExtQuickStart1.jpg
  2. And this is why I like CKAN. Glad you got it figured out.
  3. No need to copy the files, I have it done, in two sizes, max temperature is 451: I'll probably release it in a day or so, want to see if anybody provides any additional parts.
  4. @Shadowmage I'm working on adding support for SSTU into Fusebox. Specifically the solar panels. I need to know two numbers: Max EC generation possible for use in the Editor Current EC generation I see a field: resourceAmount, but no explanation as to what it is. Can you help? Thanks
  5. @Shadowmage I'm adding support for KSPWheel into Fusebox. How can I see the current EC usage for the various modules? Specifically: for KSPWheelMotor: I see maxECDraw, which works in the editor, but I need the current usage when in flight. For KSPWheelRepulsor: I see energyUse, which I assume shows the energy being used, but then I also see guiEnergyUse. I need to see the max energy which it can use as well as the current amount (max energy is used in the Editor) For KFAPUController: I see energyOutput and throttle, I assume that I multiply the two together to get the current output? and for in the editor, just the energyOutput and any other modules which consume EC, I'll need to get both values (max usage as well as current usage) Thanks
  6. You need to update SpaceDock, it's still at 0.2
  7. That's not true plywood, it's a pressboard. But it works Since this involves copying a couple of Squad files, I've asked for permission
  8. New release, 1.3.9: Merged patch from @eberkain updating tweakscale cfg Merged patch from StahnAileron fixing the rcsJet cfg to use EC and adjusting the stats Thank you all for the help
  9. No, variable sweep wing is a different issue, in that the wing is always there. From KSP's point of view, the COL is what changes, not the lift. New release 0.1.3: Added easing in of control surface after animation finishes. Ease-in is over a period of 1 second
  10. I've just updated the RetractableLiftingSurface to now ease in the control surface over a range of 1 second once the wing animation is done While I haven't tested, it should work as long as you use either one or the other. I don't know how they will work together, it's something on the roadmap. First I'll need to decide what should happen if you happen to want to use both in a single launch, not a trivial question Fixed, check the thread
  11. No resolution. and there won't be for a little while. Once 1.3 drops, I'll be updating all my mods, and will be looking at this at that time. Sorry about the delay
  12. New Release, Fixed build environment (was building for .net 4) Fixed EVA fuel not being used Fixed EVA fuels being preserved when entering vessel which doesn't have storage Please test and let me know if you see any problems
  13. If you could post the cfg, I'll get it merged tomorrow.
  14. It's taken a bit longer to fix than I thought. I just finished, but haven't had time to do a full test. I hope to get it out by tomorrow eve at the latest.
  15. Good description, I'm adding it right now
  16. If you know C, you should be able to pick up c#. I'd suggest trying it, and ask for help when you need it
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