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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Kerbal HotSeat has been adopted and released for 1.2.2 The Toolbar still works in 1.2.2, he hasn't updated it since it hasn't needed updating
  2. Not going to happen. Interiors are not meant for floating in (in the game). Only from viewing. No colliders, etc.
  3. Not too difficult, I'll see what I can do It's already there. You need to go into the KSP settings, then select the Werher's Checker tab
  4. New release, 0.2.17 Found error in CRC calculations (was making a fixed texture of 38x38, instead of using the source textures size). This was causing some textures to come up with the same CRC, which breaks things Added try/catch to watch for duplicate CRC code Unfortunately, some of the CRC codes for existing icons will change, which will make icons which have had their CRC code change to be removed from a folder (if it was in one)
  5. Probably not, it works in the editor, using editor tools. You would have to edit the save file to do this
  6. Floor 1581. You realize you are really at the top of a really, really big rocket
  7. No problems. This is a long-standing problem, and most likely won't be fixed quickly.
  8. Don't use both together. I just added a conflict stanza to the CKAN entry because of this. Toadisus tools is used by this mod (and VOID) only
  9. Where did I say it didn't? Your words, not mine. After looking into the code, it's fairly obvious why it doesn't show up in Blizzy's toolbar. The very short answer is that there is no active code to put it into the toolbar. But, since you have it working, I'll leave it in your hands
  10. Where is the source code for this DLL? It certainly isn't on Github, none of the Repos I looked at had 1.2 compatibility. It took me about 1/2 hour to make changes. @Ser When I adopt a mod, I support it. Which will include Blizzy's toolbar and RPM for this mod
  11. @linuxgurugamer I will provide an alternate file in the download to require more crew. Just a thought, is it possible to have a contract know the difficulty of the game? If so, you could make the number of crew dependent on the game difficulty.
  12. I have it working, need to package it up,maybe tomorrow...
  13. Can anyone help me with getting the data from the planets in KSP into a format for this? I'd like to be able to print them out and put them together. Would be happy to make the files available.
  14. Just an FYI, Nightingale is trying to keep all contract mods for ContractConfigurator to live in the GameData/ContractPacks directory. Looks like putting IPContracts in there will work, but you may want to zip it up for the next release starting at GameData, so that in the zip file it will be in the correct location.
  15. New release," Adjust TT06-A launch clamp pivot point It's not perfect, but looks better now
  16. I understand, but could you either provide instructions on how to change it, or an alternative file to use?
  17. I would suggest that you have missions to other planets (not the local moons) require a minimum of 2 crew. Or maybe based on difficulty?
  18. New release, 0.7.12: Fixed bug where a cargo bay without deployable doors was causing nullref errors (specifically, B9-HX parts) @Satlock Just updated for you. Please delete all that garbage in your post, it is hurting me (I can't load this page without problems)
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