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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Since I haven't heard back, I've forked this and made a new release for 1.2.2. New thread here, please move all discussion to it:
  2. Continuing this wonderful little mod by @codepoet, original thread here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/63722-0242-kerbalhotseat-v1030-11th-august-2014/Introduction Maybe he has ants in this pants, or maybe they did not install that new comfy seat in the pod that he asked for, but for some reason Jeb just can't sit still. Given the opportunity he keeps getting out of his seat and moving around his spaceship, swapping seats with Bill and Bob, moving to the other pod etc etc. With this mod installed your kerbals will occasionally move seats to other seats in the craft. Because this mod uses ConnectedLivingSpace they will only move between seats in the same Living Space. Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/1272 Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KerbalHotSeat License KerbalHotSeat is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License TODO Configurable time delay, right now it is set to 300 seconds Add a "return to assigned seats" button Add a "Shuffle seats" button
  3. Will this work correctly if there are two .version files in the same directory (for two different mods)?
  4. New release, 0.6.6: Added new government, Kikkstarter Krowd Funding Platform, contributed by @MysterySloth Corrected spelling of Astroid to Asteroid Fixed poModifier/scModifier, thanks @PhilM-47 Added KLA thanks to @rasta013
  5. New release, 0.3.9: Thanks to @RealKolago for the following: Update part10degree.cfg Update part225degree.cfg Thanks to @eberkain for the following: added oscar-c fuel tank to tweakscale
  6. New release, 0.1.6: Updated icons for Blizzy toolbar Added icons for stock toolbar
  7. New release, 0.2.16: Permanent fix to memory leak problem Fixed performance issue as well, where fps would drop by 20-40fps when toolbar was open
  8. I had to do a little more with Unity than I like, but I now have the buttons displaying correctly
  9. @RealGecko Back in January you requested I send you a PR for the changes I had discussed. I created the PR on January 19. Are you going to merge it?
  10. So, my final solution is this: Turns out that I can access the sprite.texture, so I don't need to get the texture using that above code every frame. So, the only time I do that call is when setting up the button the first time, and that's needed to get the hash number. So all I need to do now is this in the FixedUpdate(): if (curButton.Value.origButton.sprite.texture != curButton.Value.buttonTexture2) which is better both from a performance issue and memory usage issue. The only issue I have now, is that the texture is being displayed a little smaller than the 38x38. The code doing this is: Rect brect = new Rect(0, 41 * cnt, 41, 41); if (GUI.Button(brect, curButton.Value.buttonTexture2))
  11. Ah, the light dawns. Ok, that's easy enough to do, thanks. Actually, I have to create a new one, because it is being stored. But I've added code to destroy it when not being used.
  12. My first was an Apple ][ But before that, was using a mini-computer in 1972, HP2000: http://www.hpmuseum.net/display_item.php?hw=411
  13. Unless you have memory issues, why not install Janitors Closet and use it to hide the parts from the mods you normally don't use?
  14. I'll confirm this. There have been a number of mods I've wanted to take over, but after checking with the moderators, wasn't able to because of no license, which put it into the ARR area
  15. While may not be an issue with OPT, there is an issue with Tweakscale and Tweakable Everything, currently not resolved.
  16. Ah, the light dawns. Ok, that's easy enough to do, thanks. This code: static Color32[] pixelBlock = null; . . . pixelBlock = img.GetPixels32(); img2 = new Texture2D(img.width, img.height, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); img2.SetPixels32(pixelBlock); was copied from the link (a Unity page). It is getting the texture into a Texture2D class (img2). I don't thing the "catch" has been used lately, it's there for safety. Fusebox, Ampyear, and some others also change it on the fly to show current status. Not stock icons, their own icons on the toolbar
  17. It wasn't a conflict, it was just missing the patch. I assume that OPT came out after this mod, it was never updated.
  18. Could you contact me via PM, I'd like to see if we can fix this.
  19. Interesting, I wasn't aware of this. I'll contact the TS author about it Edit: According to @pellinor, the two mods don't play well together :-( I'm sure we can figure it out once we get a chance to talk
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