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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Ok. So, I'm going to move this conversation about TweakableEverything to the correct thread here: I wasn't aware the old one had been lost :-( Anyway, I downloaded and installed OPT, I see the problem (node is there, but not usable) I think the problem isn't the Firespitter, but something else inthe part itself, I'll have to dig into it and see. Thank you @CobaltWolf for being patient with this side discussion, it doesn't belong here any more.
  2. Please see the continuation thread here. This is a replacement thread for the TweakableEVerything thread which was lost back in January This OP is not fully finished, will be filled out in a little while Ever wanted to open a shielded docking port in the editor, or start your ship with crossfeed disabled across your docking ports? Maybe adjust the ejection force of your decouplers, or open a solar panel? The poorly-named TweakableEverything exists to provide exactly such features. Shielded and lateral docking ports can be opened in the editor and fitted with other stackable parts. Decoupler ejection force can be tweaked, and solar panels can be opened in the editor. These options and more leverage the new Tweakables system for your fun and profit¹. Featured Tweakables: Docking Port Decouple Staging Toggle Docking Port Ejection Force Slider Docking Port "Magnet" Force Slider Docking Port "Magnet" Torque Slider Docking Port Re-engage Distance Slider Docking Port Shield Toggle EVA Thruster Pack Gimbal Range Slider Gimbal Reverse Control Toggle Intake Enable/Disable in Editor Parachute Deployment Time Factor Sliders Reaction Wheel Torque Sliders (Yaw, Pitch, Roll) SAS Autopilot Upgrade Slider (Career mode only) Solar Panel/Radiator Deployment Toggle Solar Panel/Radiator Sun Tracking Toggle Bonus Features: Docking port "Control from here" now available for use in action groups. Resource flow enable/disable/toggle now available for use in action groups. Gimbal "reverse control" available for use in action groups. TweakableEverything is so named not because it makes everything tweakable (that would be ludicrous), but because it is Everything that I have made Tweakable. But, since you might not want all of it, I have broken things out into separate libraries. If, for example, you don't want TweakableSolarPanels, just delete TweakableSolarPanels.dll and TweakableSolarPanels.cfg from your TweakableEverything folder. I won't be offended -- promise! COMPATIBILITY: The TweakableGimbals module is known to be generally incompatible with HoneyFox's TweakableGimbal, which provides a more advanced set of tweakables for gimballed engines. If you are interested in using HoneyFox's TweakableGimbal alongside TweakableEverything's other functionality, just remove or don't install TweakableGimbals.dll and TweakableGimbals.cfg from the archives below.
  3. Look at texture replacer, it may already have been done
  4. New release, 1.3.2: Fixed nullref when starting game
  5. Ok, thank you all for your patience. I was able to reproduce the problem fairly easily, thanks to all who provided assistence and information. Here is a new file which fixes the issue: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tvjgtzzug4ma86f/Fusebox-b2.zip?dl=0 I'd appreciate your testing it before I release. Thanks
  6. Ok, i found the problem with the Tweakable Docking Node, would appreciate it if those of you who tested the previous file, take a few minutes to test this one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/tp9u1aztbjml84w/TweakableDockingNode-b2.zip?dl=0 Thanks Please keep in mind that I need your help, there is no way I can test everything. I tested what I can, but I don't have OPT installed, among other things.
  7. Yes. Who knows, when 1.3 drops, it might be doable again
  8. Ok, I think 2 months is enough. Consider this to be adopted in the next few days
  9. ok, could you send me the save file, please? Thanks for testing. It was a quick fix, which I didn't have time to test. This will help me figure it out. Oh, and when switching away, what are you switching away to? If another vessel, is it local or elsewhere?
  10. Is the leak only in the editor, or is it in flight as well? Also, does this happen if you move buttons to folders?
  11. If anyone can try this patch: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9p5bot7su93dczm/FuseBox-patch.zip?dl=0 It may fix the problem. I found some missing events which I added. Not able to test, but would appreciate it if someone else could. Just replace the dll in the FuseBox/Plugins directory with what's in this file Thanks
  12. Ok, that makes sense, since there was a huge change in the background. I'll figure it out this evening Just to confirm: When you launch a ship, and stay with the ship, Fusebox Continued works correctly. It's only when you change ships that it has problems. Are these ships inside physics range, or outside (ie: on rails)?
  13. Actually, you might have given me an idea. The engines running but consuming no fuel, was that with both versions, or just my version?
  14. The following is just my opinion: This is a bad idea. CKAN is intended for distributing and installing mods. Yes, this can be done, it's fairly easy to do. But, think of all the headaches you will incur from people who try to install it and it's broken. Remember, it goes in CKAN and everybody will see it, many will install it just for the heck of it. I do think that maybe setting of a secondary repository, for developers, may be a good idea, both from the developer's point of view and CKAN. The developer gets to know that it is being installed in a very specific fashion, CKAN gets to know that the netkan file is tested and working before putting it into general distribution
  15. Hold course is a LOT harder than hold heading. Hold heading would be to say "point at a specific point and don't change course", leaving it to the pilot to make adjustments. Hold course, well, take a look at the various autopilot mods to get an idea of how difficult it is. Hold Horizon, on the other hand, is much easier. I know this is a stock thread, but I think that since there are many ways to interpret this request, it may be better to leave it to various mods to implement
  16. New release, 1.2.3 Thanks to @https://github.com/joaofarias, this fixes the issue of clearing contracts and strategies
  17. That doesn't make sense, this doesn't touch the parts or the resource usage, other than to monitor the EC usage. Re. the VAB drain, that was a bug which I fixed, the drain should be a maximum of 3.6 (1.2EC/min per axis). It was doing the calculation wrong, I fixed it in the 0.1.3 release. If you are still getting more than that being estimated (ie: >3.6), I'll need to look at it. You've given me some good info, I should be able to test it this evening
  18. @codepoet Seems to be interest in this mod. If you aren't interested in continuing it, let me know LGG Just an fyi, it seems to compile cleanly against the current version of CLS. Runs also, only issue I see is that CLS is unaware of the kerbal moving on his/her own. I misunderstood the CLS dialog
  19. For any who are interested, I did some work on the mod: Kerbin Date Calendar Redux, It works, but I couldn't get it to overwrite the overlay over the Mission Time in the TimeWarp Panel. If anyone has any ideas about that, please let me know, or, if you want to try working on it yourself, feel free to fork my repo: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KSPCalendar
  20. I'll keep it in mind, but since I was thinking of animating in one scene only (Editor), I can see this turning into a nightmare Thanks
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