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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I'd use SmartParts and have parachutes autodeploy immediately after dropping. But it is a valid use case, and I'm looking into it.
  2. Ok. This may be unsolvable right now. It never worked this way in the old version, so it is an existing bug. This mod wasn't designed for this sort of science gathering. It is a stage recovery mod. When you do new science on a detached stage, and then return to the main flight without recovering, returning to the main flight essentially undoes some internal data creation in KSP. Now, when the mod does the auto recovery, it goes in and takes care of this, because it knows about the missing data. But KSP doesn't, so when you recover using KSP, you are bypassing the mod and KSP runs into data it isn't expecting. I have some ideas, but since this is a pre-existing problem, I'm not going to hold up the release for it
  3. Ah. A picture is worth a thousand words. The missing data was that you ran the experiment AFTER staging, not before.
  4. Well, i can't reproduce this. I launched a vessel, had science gathered in the first stage. I landed it, went back to main, landed that, went to space center and recovered the first stage, and got my science. Please do a video showing this
  5. Because I was tired when I did it. Thanks, I'm add this now. I'm ignoring non-stock science right now, but I'm going to be testing using your steps. If I can reproduce it, i can fix it @Hacki Can you post your probe vessel for me to look at?
  6. If you could, a video would be helpful, along with the log file from that run. thanks
  7. I see what you are talking about. No idea, I'll look into it.
  8. I think we are agreeing here. No one objects to a list of mods, whether it be a CKAn list or a manual list. The whole thing here is about the packing.
  9. What you are proposing isn't a modpack, it's a list of mods, or a "collection". A Modpack is when someone packs them all together for a single download. And, what you are proposing is fine, IMHO. It's just like a CKAN list, only manual
  10. When testing and debugging, I regularly ask for and get the .ckan file for an install. In almost all cases, I import that file into ckan and it installs all the mods listed without and problem. So yes, it does work
  11. @dlrk thanks, that was a stupid mistake New release, Replaced lost line which was causing the greyed out buttons (I shouldn't do dev when tired and having a migraine) https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/FMRS/releases/tag/
  12. Unfortunately, we still can't embed imgur albums.
  13. Turns out that adapting the mod to work in the flight scene is more work than I expected. I'm still working on it.
  14. Well, could you try it first? I'm not going to do an update for a few days.
  15. Please don't do that. That would end up punishing everyone for the bad actions of a single person. Instead, do what I do: all of my mods now write the mod version to the log file. When someone asks for help, I can immediately see what version of the mod they are running, and, if not current, I just tell them to update before reporting bugs. PM me if you want details on how I do that.
  16. Are you saying it doesn't follow the kerbal now? This may be more of a question for some of the camera mods, not sure. Nothing I can do about this now, anyway, busy with some other issues
  17. New Release, New icons courtesy of @EmbersArc Fixed F2 bug Fixed issue with returning to main mission after recovering dropped stage Probably also fixed the issue with the loss of science, need confirmation Also probably fixes the vessel switching, but again, I need other people to test. New release located here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/FMRS/releases/tag/
  18. To summarize the current issues: 1. FMRS window and the hide UI button (F2) Steps to reproduce: Open FMRS window Press F2 Press F3 Press F2 again I've verified the bug, will fix in next release 2. FMRS kills Science. Please test this with stock, not with Galileo Planet Pack. I can add compatibility with GPP later, but need to know that stock is working first. 3. Doesn't automatically return to main mission after recovering dropped stage Launch vessel Drop stage Go to stage via FMRS Land stage Hit KSPs "recover vessel" button You end up on your space center screen and nothing further happens. Expected behaviour is automatically jumping back to the main mission from the space center screen. I've verified. I did notice that going to the tracking station and then going to the vessel in flight resumed from where it was. I also assume you are doing manual recovery, not automatic, please confirm. 4. It looks like something weird happens with the vessel switching. When I'm flying the returning stage, the view gets apparently unfocused (changing view does nothing, nor does to attempting look around with mouse or arrow keys) and rotated 90 degrees. http://imgur.com/a/VlrMO. Looking at the debug log, this seems to be triggered by the original vessel being destroyed or unloaded, which also seems to cause a bunch of NREs in other mods, which seem to not have caught the vessel switch. https://www.dropbox.com/s/qid50jqqc8q22c4/output_log.txt?dl=0
  19. Your idea of "help" is interesting, to say the least. Do you consider the players who download these modpacks, and then get frustrated because they don't work? Are you willing to invest the time to investigate every modpack uploaded, play through complete games with each to be sure the players are getting a quality pack?
  20. Either would be fine Thanks The basic game doesn't have any concept of a "locked" body, and there are too many ways to infer that. And does SFC penalize you for not having anything in orbit around all the planets, or do the rewards get larger the more satellites are? I'm not aware of any mods which are implementing font scaling, can you point me to them? Re surveillance, I'd want to do that with a part. So if someone want's to make a part for this, please get in touch with me.
  21. Who said anything about banning you? You seem to feel that only your opinion counts. Maybe in your world, but not here. I'm speaking as a fairly well known mod author and maintainer. You have no idea what happens when someone download a modpack which has old versions and then looks for help. Frankly, I'm seriously thinking of adding version checking into all my mods, so that a mod won't run on an incompatible version of the game. And it because of modpacks. More work for me, and frustrated players down the road
  22. They do two different, but overlapping things. And I am looking into seeing whether they can be integrated or not. This one is checklists, which you can set up yourself. @Enceos NOW included in the mod.
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