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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I'm assuming you mean this: Can you please re-edit that, it's unreadable the way it is, and is messing up the pages. Thanks, I'll add it in.
  2. I need the full log, this one is cut off. I'm guessing there is a nullref somewhere, but without the full log, I can't do anything
  3. Test with the update I just put out, the nullref will invalidate all other tests New release, 0.5.5: Fixed error when Realchutes wasn't installed Fixed nullref in CheckForCrewMember which happened first time in the editor. This was a very old bug, there was a try/catch around it because it hadn't been fixed
  4. Strange, I don't think i changed anything for those, but thanks for the example, I'll get it fixed ASAP Edit: It's related to RealChute, i was testing with Realchute installed, but there is a problem when it isn't, causing all the problems. Working on it now
  5. New release, 0.6.4: Added SpaceK contributed by @Rock3tman_ Added budgetPeriodsPerYear, to allow for more than (or less than) 4 periods/year Now using Planetarium.fetch.Home.orbit.period to get the correct orbial period of the homeworld. Added settings page for customization of budgetPeriodsPerYear and Enabled flag Added code to prevent mod from running if not CAREER Added option to stop warp at the start of a new budget period Added option to stop warp at end of year Fixed typo in new review available message Fixed position of new review available message to not cover tolbar Changed the budgetPeriodsPerYear on some governments to other than 4
  6. @dlrk I don't see anything in the code which would kill a kerbal. Is it possible that you have another mod doing the killing?
  7. I looked at the code. I think the problem may be in FirstPersonEVA.cs, in the void resetCamera() at line 119. It doesn't check to see if the current vessel is the kerbal, so when a kerbal dies, the camera gets reset. Probably adding something like the following would help: if (!FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.isEVA) return; at the beginning of that function would help, or maybe adding it to the code at line 141. Change the following: GameEvents.onCrewKilled.Add((v) => { resetCamera(); }); to: GameEvents.onCrewKilled.Add((v) => { if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.isEVA) resetCamera(); });
  8. A user, @dlrk reported an error on the FMRS thread which he traced to this mod, you can see the problem here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9kg7lq7vz3zuyi5/Kerbal Space Program 03.06.2017 - https://www.dropbox.com/s/qid50jqqc8q22c4/output_log.txt?dl=0 Anybody know what's going on here?
  9. Isn't this just the world's first funding? No. The initial funding was 25,000, 600 was used for the pod. Then somehow, it got an additional 158400 added when the ship was hyperedited into orbit. Strange.
  10. Stange thing just happened. I'm testing another mod, and when I saw this, I made a clean install: New game, put a pod on the launch pad. Checked the funds, was at 24,400 Hyperedited into orbit, funds went to 182,800 I don't see any way to disable funds in HE, and frankly, I would have expected it to go the other way, if anything
  11. I took a look at this. First, I found a small problem in the config, there are two entries for ModuleRCS, I'm fixing that, but it's not significant. I also found that it was looking for a missing module, "AnimatedRCS", I'll fix and release that soon Second. to make this work only when the engines are running, I'd have to write a new module. This isn't a simple config change, this needs some code behind it. So it's not going to happen right away, sorry
  12. So, here are two images, the first is the regular flat image, the second is an icosahedral image. You can take the icosahedral image, cut it out, fold along the lines and tape it together, it will be a rough sphere. I've asked them for some more details, I should get an answer since I just paid them to upgrade to the latest version
  13. RELEASE: 1.2.1, available at Spacedock and in CKAN: Initial LinuxGuruGamer release for 1.2.2 Added additional parachutes in addition to the RealChutes ModuleParachute ModuleKrKerbalParachute RealChuteFAR fixed flickering of windows Removed do-nothing toggle on the debug screen Fixed crash due to transfer to flight too quickly Added Settings page Added configurable timer save delay after staging fixed blizzy icons Added code to hide when F2 is pressed Tied debug window to main window, so it won't be there when nothing is there Found bug which was a segfault when entering launch scene, problem with ordering of Start() vs Awake() Added option to make FMRS always be active at a launch optional Got internal version & beta number updating properly Found bug which occured when staging, causing following error: ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range. New icons courtesy of @EmbersArc Fixed F2 bug Fixed issue with returning to main mission after recovering dropped stage Replaced lost line which was causing the greyed out buttons (I shouldn't do dev when tired and having a migraine) Added code to reload settings properly after they are changed Added new settings: _SETTING_Parachutes _SETTING_Defer_Parachutes_to_StageRecovery If _SETTING_Parachutes is false, then parachutes won't be included as a controllable stage if _SETTING_Defer_Parachutes_to_StageRecovery is true AND SR is installed, even if _SETTING_Parachutes is true, then parachutes won't be included as a controllable stage. Added code to check for StageRecovery being installed Removed 1/10 second delay before auto-shutting off engines
  14. The mod has a built-in delay of 1/10 second before shutting off the engines. I'm removing that.
  15. Was wondering if this could be done before Sunday, I'm starting to stream then and will need this mod in ETT thanks
  16. If I get time tonite, I'll print out a works to a pdf and link it here. A picture IS worth a thousand words, after all
  17. I have used this to print out a world and tape it together. Been a while, I'll check my version when I get home
  18. Fractal Terrains 3 Features Create Your Worlds Fractal generation of entire random worlds. Choice of continent size, land area and many fractal funtions. Automatic generation of river networks. Import real-world data sets that can be used to produce maps of Earth and Mars are included on the FT3 CD and free online. Import maps with color to altitidue conversion, allowing color contoured maps to be converted to FT3 3D relief, or, start with a flat world.
  19. Take a look at this: https://secure.profantasy.com/products/ft_features.asp It can import data, and print out a map which can be taped together into a ball. I've used it in the past.
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