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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Then you and I will have to agree to disagree on this question.
  2. But it isn't a CKAN problem, so taking it to the CKAN thread is useless. The correct answer is: It's a beta, and it's not on CKAN, and it won't be on CKAN until the full 1.2 release in a week or so
  3. @goldenpsp, if you actually READ the thread, you would know that it isn't in CKAN because of, among other things, a version mismatch. Please keep in mind that this is a BETA. 1.2 IS A BETA CKAN is not for betas.
  4. Sherlock Holmes. He had an older brother called Mycroft, who was, in Sherlock's words, smarter, but detested legwork
  5. Hmmmm. Wrong. People have to pay bills. Life happens. Jobs get offered. I can think of a thousand things which would cause an "enthusiast" to leave a project shortly after joining. and, in this case, Sarbian was a short-term hire to fix bugs. @RoverDude I have been astounded and offended by all the comments people have said to and about you. On behalf of everyone who isn't saying, please accept the community's apologies for a few ignorant hotheads. We all appreciate what you do. And personally, as a developer myself, I totally agree with you!!!
  6. Sarbian was a short-term hire specifically for the 1.2 release. Of course he is leaving, 1.2 is being released. No, due to legal reasons. If, for example, they say that this group left because of contracts ending, but another person leaves and they don't say anything, that can imply something. By not saying anything, they are protecting both themselves AND the employees who have left.
  7. I can probably do it either or both ways, but, related to career, I would have to have a part which can then be unlocked in career. I'm not a modeler, would someone be interested in making a part for me?
  8. What makes you say that? All you know is that several employees left, probably when their contract allowed them to. Some of them were short-term contracters brought in for this release. In addition, the total development staff is still larger now than it was at the beginning of the year.
  9. Kerbalstuff has been down for months. The github link is still good The author, @stevehead, hasn't been around since May 7. I'm working on a 1.2 revival, but it isn't ready yet. When it is, I'll start a new thread for it This is from the old Kerbalstuff archive, I have no idea whether it works for 1.1.3, it was uploaded on May 27 https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bzid7e3pW1k7dThfV21TTzBzUm8/view?usp=sharing
  10. This....is interesting. I hadn't thought about adding a career element to it.
  11. Interesting ideas, let me address them: 1 & 2: Currently there is a base chance for a failure, of 2% every launch. It checks the odds every launch, and 2% of the time, there will be a failure 3. It currently selects one of the active engines, be it rocket, SRB or jet. The control surface is a nice idea, and easily doable 4. Currently, it works by causing an overthrust condition combined with an overheat condition, which then causes an explosion Reduced control authority. Not so easy to do. Radial decoupler comes loose. Not too difficult Underthrust. I'll have to see, but offhand, not so easy 5. It's already doing an overthrust/overheat, fairly quickly, but with enough time for a player to be able to respond and cut the engine. I'll think about this 6. I'm not going to have anything insta-fail. That being said, you have an interesting idea here 7. Don't think so. This isn't an rpg :-) 8. No. Only relevant if #7 is done, and I'm not going to do that
  12. Actually, that error, while referring to a stock part, is being caused by a mod, CrewManifest
  13. I'm adding the following: autoAbortDelay A time delay between the failure and the abort sequence being triggered, only if autoAbort = true preFailureAlarm An alarm will go off the specified number of seconds before the failure I also want to get a UI so that config files don't need to be edited. Am open to other suggestions
  14. You have lots of errors in the log file: IndexOutOfRangeException: [PartCrewManifest Error]: seat index out of range: i = 4 while Mark1-2Pod has 3 seats at PartCrewManifest.AddCrewToSeat (.ProtoCrewMember crew, Int32 seatIndex) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 Before you start playing with this mod, you really should resolve these errors
  15. Are you planning on porting this to 1.2? Not sure if it's needed, since 1.2 includes this:
  16. For any/all interested, I have this working for 1.2, and will release it in a week or so. I want to add a couple of small things to it before releasing
  17. I may revive this, looks like fun, and combined with both AAS and EVA Parachutes, could make for an interesting time
  18. Updated for 1564: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/EditorExtensionsRedux/releases/tag/3.2.18
  19. It was more aimed at Stone blue, since he posted after you did. Sorry if it sounded harsh.
  20. Well, 1.2 is a PRE-RELEASE Before complaining, why not wait until it gets recompiled for the latest build
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