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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. @sarbian I am NOT asking when, I know how busy you are. I'm just wondering whether or not you are planning on upgrading this to 1.2? Thanks
  2. It was, and thank you. Could you put the letters SIM along the side of the rocket? The problem which you reported is odd, I'm waiting to hear from Squad about it, something isn't working which should.
  3. I think it should be somewhat thin. My feelings on this are that the seats themselves are hidden, this is more of a hatch cover for access to the mechanism. I just had a neat thought. If you could put a light animation on it, then I can add an Armed/Disarmed mode, light would be on when armed. Red flashing lights, or maybe red alternating with yellow. It should be obvious, not a tiny led
  4. Might I suggest that you put the version file in the root of the mod? Makes more sense to have it there, I think
  5. Gaaaah. I'm sorry. I was seeing the old one and ignoring the current one. Sorry for the false alarm.
  6. https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KRASH/releases/tag/ Slight change in the way the config window works. Used to be you could dismiss it by clicking a button, I disabled that
  7. Not working, and I see several problems: 1. Version on Spacedock not the same as in Github 2. You have the following in the version file: "URL":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/icedown/CactEye2/master/GameData/CactEye/Plugins/CactEye2.version", "DOWNLOAD":"https://github.com/icedown/CactEye2/releases", I think you want this instead: "URL":"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/icedown/CactEye-2/master/CactEyeOptics/GameData/CactEye/Plugins/CactEye2.version", "DOWNLOAD":"https://github.com/icedown/CactEye-2/releases", 3. The version file, has the wrong build version. You seem to be to up build 7, but the version file shows I can fix the Netkan if you like, but I can't do anything about the version file. Let me know. I'm wondering if the bad entries in the version file is keeping CKAN from seeing it, CKAN isn't even showing it as being unavailable.
  8. I'll check this evening, it will take a little while to get updated.
  9. @toadicus I have an idea for what you can do to continue AR: There is a lot of talk about stacking vs non-stacking antennas, and the different ways to stack. So, why not do the following: Option to select between different types of stacking Additive stacking Sqrt stacking other (there is a thread where this dicussion is going on now) Option to allow/disallow different antennas to stack together Option to check to see the orientation of the antennas, and only allow stacking if they are pointing in the same direction (within 1-2 degrees) and I'm sure there is other stuff which can be done along these lines
  10. Then sorry. 1.0.5 was quite a while ago, I can't go back that far. I did find that file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/y4yjb1gug94kx69/KRASH-
  11. Anyone know why the CKAN version is for 1.0.5? and if it's wrong, would you like me to fix it?
  12. I found the basic problem, but then came up with another related to the config screen, so I'm going to fix that this evening and then get out a new release
  13. Last time I did this, he popped in and said he was still working on it. I'll wait a bit before thinking about this
  14. Ok. I finally got the time to work on this, sorry for the delay @Three_Pounds I found a few areas where KSP is behaving differently and caused problems, but this one seems much better, please try it out and let me know https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KRASH/releases/tag/
  15. You could do one of two things: 1. Edit the save file and delete it, or, possibly, change it from being failed to in progress. I'm not sure exactly how to do this, contact @nightingale for help with that, he wrote ContractConfigurator 2. Just wait, I believe you will get it offered again.
  16. Rather busy with my stuff right now, sorry Besides, isn't @MrHappyFace still around?
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