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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Wheels, schmeels. I want the caterpillar track Seriously, take your time. I'd rather wait for a good release rather than a rushed one. Thank you for all the work on this
  2. Beta release for 1.2: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/WasdEditorCameraContinued/releases/tag/
  3. That is expected behaviour. Thanks, I'm at work and wasn't able to do more than make sure it worked. Let's see what @Fwiffo says Beta release here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/EditorExtensionsRedux/releases/tag/3.2.15 I need some feedback, please, @Fwiffo especially, since you seem to be aware of the issue. Thanks
  4. I got the changes in, and also fixed the GetComponent problem. Beta release here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/EditorExtensionsRedux/releases/tag/3.2.15 I need some feedback, please, @Fwiffo especially, since you seem to be aware of the issue. Thanks
  5. Great, about what I expected, but thank you for doing the work. I'll get a new release out this evening and give you the credit for it. I think I'm also going to add those instructions I wrote for you in the file, so that it is available for anyone in the future.
  6. If you REALLY want to, here is what you will need to do to fix the Reflection issues, and I suggest you do this BEFORE any more debugging: Compile in debug mode Install and start the game Exit, and open up the output_log.txt file Look in the file EditorExtensionsRedux.cs, near the top, in the Init function, you will see wher a number of constants have their values set depending on the version. Create a new section for 1.2, copy them in from one of the other sections. Look in the log file, for lines beginning with: EditorLogic Field name KFSMEvent KFSMEvent Field name MethodInfo EditorLogic methods name MethodInfo Part name MethodInfo KFSMEvent methods name MethodInfo KFSMState methods name Look in the log for the corresponding value for each line in the Init function, you should find the corresponding number. Update the Init section Now, recompile in Debug mode, restart the game and go into the Editor Place a part, then activate one of the gizmos on it (rotation, etc). Exit the game, and again, open the output_log.txt file This time, look for lines which match: EditorLogic Gizmo Rotate Field name You need to look for the two items in the Init function which relate to the Grid, update the values as required Compile and test.
  7. You just ran into the reflection problem If you don't know how to do a PR, then send me a zip with everything and I'll figure it out. since you got this far, I'll move it up the list of mods I'm working on, the reflection stuff will only take an hour when I able to get to it, probably this evening (US East coast)
  8. Thanks. I haven't yet started on this yet, but, there are a number of reflection values which need to be updated which aren't that obvious. Those batch files are used to install the compiled mod into my test install, and to build the release. If you would put your changes in a PR, that would be great. But only code changes, please do not put the deleted files into the commit.
  9. This really isn't a good idea, it will clutter up the GameData directory. It would be MUCH better to put both directories in their own folder, such as: DLL in the following: GameData/MissionPatchManager/Plugins Data in: GameData/MissionPatchmanager/PluginData This is the convention that is used by most mods, and is designed to work well with the way that KSP load files and with ModuleManager
  10. Interesting idea, but not really feasible. Time needs to run,I would suggest just timewarping to the correct time.
  11. I was more wondering how much work I'll have with my mods. Anyway, thanks for replying. I looked at one of the github repos, doesn't seem to bad
  12. I wanted to know IF any changes were necessary, not which ones. :-)
  13. Did you have to make any changes for it?
  14. Saved it as ksplink.cmd (works same as .bat) Found a bug: If I use the following command: ksplink.cmd KSP_1.1.3_dev jbb2 it will create the directory "jbb2" inside the source directory To avoid, I needed to put in the drive letter, or at least a backslash to start a complete path. I expected it to create the jbb2 directory in my current directory Other than that, worked well
  15. Thanks, I'll do some more testing this evening with that Works nicely! Gave me an idea for something though, I need to think about it.
  16. This isn't a CAD program, at least, not a professional one. It works for people who don't know anything about CAD
  17. Need a little information, please: OS System specs (ie: memory, cpu) How did you install the mod (very important)? and finally, a log file
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