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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Strange. I assume you are on Windows? While I can't see it being an issue, what version of windows, how much memory, etc? I'll look at this later
  2. No, there isn't a complete list. I suggest you create a new install, install KW & Filter Extensions, and take a look there
  3. Ok, thanks. I'll look into it later, but, at a quick look, I didn't see anything wrong in relation to EEX. However, there are a number of Exceptions from other mods, and frankly, I would suggest you deal with those first. You really have no idea what effects other mods can have. Among other things, I see that you are missing the "SpaceTuxGroup", which is causing lots of problems with ContractConfigurator. Most of the errors are from CC, but there are also errors from ModuleRTAntenna. Try copying the entire game folder elsewhere, and in the new copy, delete ContractConfigurator and RemoteTech, and see if you can do the snaps to work.
  4. Does it have a .version file? If not the it should be added to make it easier for people to know when a new version is available, and, ckan can also use that
  5. Not directly. Install Filter Extensions, and you should then be able to search on "kw"
  6. Very close, and would probably work. It would have alarms for everything, i was thinking of an automatic alarm for the active vessel only. But, as I said, no need to do anything, this is better than what I suggested. Thanks I can't believe I wrote that drivel above. I must have had a brain fart! This is PERFECT, thank you!!!!!
  7. It may be a little while before I can look at this. First, you are on a Mac, second, you are using OpenGL. But I'll keep it in mind.
  8. @TriggerAu Got an idea for a fairly simple addition to KAC: Add the ability to have an automatic alarm, where it will not let you hyperwarp past a maneuver node of the active vessel.
  9. Sorting is different than blocking. When blocking, I'm not doing anything with the way things are displayed. FilterExtensions or PartOrganizer are much better places to do that Thank you.
  10. Made some progress, I figured out that the model name is either the model name (specified as a model in the cfg), or, taking the full configFileFullName, deleting the last item in that (the actual file name) and appending the mesh name I could also use the partURL, and delete the last two parts to get a relative patch name So all I need now is to get a list of the textures, and their paths (to the texture file). And, if you have a better way to get the path to the model (.mu) file, I'd love to hear it I also can now get the model from the game database by accessing the GameDatabase.Instance.databaseModel
  11. Is it sufficient to simply rename or delete the .cfg file for a part, or do I need to also rename the .mu file for that part? Also, how can I easily get the name of the mu file from the AvailablePart class, and, if possible, how can I get a list of the texture files used by that mu file?
  12. FYI, I received a courteous message back, stating that they were removing my mods. I checked, and all the ones I listed were gone. I replied asking that a few more be removed. So, I suggest that individual authors write a nice note to the email address I list above, requesting that their mods be removed. Include links to all the mods, and hopefully they will respond
  13. Just wanted to say that this was great, solved a problem I was having. Thanks
  14. 1.1.4??? Log file, please. Also, if needed, do you have module manager installed?
  15. @xEvilReeperx The code works well, thank you. I'm crediting you in the code with a comment, and will also add the credit to the OP when I release.
  16. first off, a big thank you for writing that code. Adding a listener to the button would be fine, if that's not too difficult. What I haven't yet figured out is how to do this, for the buttons which are added to the parts window. And, you mention "edit the prefab", which is total greek to me (I don't speak greek :-) ). What do you mean, and how is it done? Or is adding the listenr to the button what you are referring to? Thanks Edit: I just read the code, I assume that the code IS adding a listener to the button?
  17. I understand, but why not try it? You can have both installed, and KRASH is a bit more immersive FYI, I'm the author
  18. If you are using hyperedit fir simulations, why not use KRASH, that is what it it for
  19. Autopsies is an external app, which would need to be run manually. Due to squad rules, I can't call it directly.
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