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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. That was compiled 3 weeks ago. there have been a number of changes, it's unlikely to work without at least a recompile
  2. Updated for 1576: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/EditorExtensionsRedux/releases/tag/3.2.19
  3. Try removing all of them, but leave MM. Then add them back one at a time.
  4. One more update: You can now show parts with specific resources. Click the "Resources" button to select which resources parts need in order to show. Both the Categories and the Resources filters work together. Version is now https://www.dropbox.com/s/1d486k4gf8vawzy/PartWizardUnofficial.zip?dl=0
  5. An update to my changes: I've added a way to only display specific class of parts. Click the "Categories" button to select which part categories to show Same file as above, the version in the .version file and in the compiled dll is now
  6. I've added some code to PartWizard which will show bad struts & fuel lines. This gives it the functionality of the old StrutFinder mod. @ozraven, Let me know if you would like me to create a PR on github for you Compiled for 1.2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1d486k4gf8vawzy/PartWizardUnofficial.zip?dl=0
  7. This topic reminds me of an old D&D game. The DM had a monster called an Ohmygod, so named because when you saw it, you would say: OH MY GOD!
  8. What makes you think there aren't more developers?
  9. It's normal for developers to come and go. Kudos to them for stating until 1.2 was mostly finished. They still have a number of developers, in fact, they have more total developers now than at the beginning of the year. Please drop this, since the topic has been beaten to death in other forums and threads
  10. Your welcome. It was an interesting experience, I learned about some of your modlets I wasn't aware of before
  11. This mod needs to be recompiled and adjusted for every build. I haven't had a chance to do it yet for any of the current ones
  12. @ozraven Are you going to update this for 1.2? Do you need any help with it? I took a quick look, and have a working DLL. Not too much testing, but there weren't too many changes needed.
  13. Ummm, it wouldn't make sense for this mod; when a launch fails, things explode. And it's only in atmosphere. Sounds like you would like a modlet to do that; why not ask @Malah or @magico13 to write something?
  14. You probably have two ModuleRCS entries in the cfg. There is one at the beginning of the rcs module parameters, comment it out
  15. Try adding this: MODULE { name = ModuleRCS thrusterTransformName = rcsTransform thrusterPower = 10 fullThrust = false runningEffectName = running flameoutEffectName = flameout engageEffectName = engage PROPELLANT { name = IntakeAir ratio = 15 } atmosphereCurve { key = 0 1000 key = 0.3 1800 key = 1 2000 } } and let me know how it works.
  16. Can you define "not working properly"? I'm pretty sure things won't work, the commented code refers to ModuleRCSFX, which doesn't exist anymore
  17. The patch was updated a while ago to be "NEEDS" rather than "FOR". please download the latest and try again KSP Version, & a log file would be useful. This is NOT updated for 1.2, so if that's your problem, please wait. This mod depends on two other mods, and until they get updated, I won't be doing anything with this
  18. Then you and I will have to agree to disagree on this question.
  19. But it isn't a CKAN problem, so taking it to the CKAN thread is useless. The correct answer is: It's a beta, and it's not on CKAN, and it won't be on CKAN until the full 1.2 release in a week or so
  20. @goldenpsp, if you actually READ the thread, you would know that it isn't in CKAN because of, among other things, a version mismatch. Please keep in mind that this is a BETA. 1.2 IS A BETA CKAN is not for betas.
  21. Sherlock Holmes. He had an older brother called Mycroft, who was, in Sherlock's words, smarter, but detested legwork
  22. Hmmmm. Wrong. People have to pay bills. Life happens. Jobs get offered. I can think of a thousand things which would cause an "enthusiast" to leave a project shortly after joining. and, in this case, Sarbian was a short-term hire to fix bugs. @RoverDude I have been astounded and offended by all the comments people have said to and about you. On behalf of everyone who isn't saying, please accept the community's apologies for a few ignorant hotheads. We all appreciate what you do. And personally, as a developer myself, I totally agree with you!!!
  23. Sarbian was a short-term hire specifically for the 1.2 release. Of course he is leaving, 1.2 is being released. No, due to legal reasons. If, for example, they say that this group left because of contracts ending, but another person leaves and they don't say anything, that can imply something. By not saying anything, they are protecting both themselves AND the employees who have left.
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