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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Moderators, could you lock this thread? It seems to be flamebait more than anything else
  2. I've confirmed the stock behaviour. and confirmed that it isn't working properly in EEX. Thanks for the feedback, I'll get it fixed, but not tonite
  3. New release to fix the ALT key hard code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/JanitorsCloset/releases/tag/0.0.6 Should now work properly on Linux and OSX
  4. New release: This is updated for 1576 It also now includes an option to disable the reroot functionality, and a new toggle using (for now) the letter K, to temporarily toggle the reroot functionality on and off. this will allow you to be able to reroot shadow part assemblies https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/EditorExtensionsRedux/releases/tag/3.3.0 @swjr-swis I've been thinking about this post for a while, and finally was able to implement a fix.
  5. You are correct. I'm fixing it, should have a new version up in a hour or so. sorry it took so long to respond, I've been busy with RL and two other mods I'm writing
  6. One of the things that stock can do is to reroot shadow part assemblies. I'm adding a way to disable the EEX reroot functionality in the settings, but I'd also like to have a keystoke toggle. I can't use R for a default, since that is already used by the symmetry toggle. For now I'm using K, but would like to see any other suggestions
  7. I'm pretty sure that is exactly what Stock does. I just removed EEX and tested, had the same behaviour
  8. After looking at the code and the release notes, I can state with certainty that the version on Github won't work. However, I did some playing, and have a compiled DLL here if you would like to try it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bzf7k9zkclp7piu/stageRecoveryDll.zip?dl=0 @magico13 All the changes were in RecoveryItem.cs, I found the following note in the Build 1548 notes and used it to make the fixes: I had a problem getting a clone of the repo, so I don't think I can (yet) create a PR for you. I'll keep working on it, but I can always send you the file. Let me know Going to do a PR for you
  9. Ummm, what? See here for a version for 1.2:
  10. That was compiled 3 weeks ago. there have been a number of changes, it's unlikely to work without at least a recompile
  11. Updated for 1576: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/EditorExtensionsRedux/releases/tag/3.2.19
  12. Try removing all of them, but leave MM. Then add them back one at a time.
  13. One more update: You can now show parts with specific resources. Click the "Resources" button to select which resources parts need in order to show. Both the Categories and the Resources filters work together. Version is now https://www.dropbox.com/s/1d486k4gf8vawzy/PartWizardUnofficial.zip?dl=0
  14. An update to my changes: I've added a way to only display specific class of parts. Click the "Categories" button to select which part categories to show Same file as above, the version in the .version file and in the compiled dll is now
  15. I've added some code to PartWizard which will show bad struts & fuel lines. This gives it the functionality of the old StrutFinder mod. @ozraven, Let me know if you would like me to create a PR on github for you Compiled for 1.2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1d486k4gf8vawzy/PartWizardUnofficial.zip?dl=0
  16. This topic reminds me of an old D&D game. The DM had a monster called an Ohmygod, so named because when you saw it, you would say: OH MY GOD!
  17. What makes you think there aren't more developers?
  18. It's normal for developers to come and go. Kudos to them for stating until 1.2 was mostly finished. They still have a number of developers, in fact, they have more total developers now than at the beginning of the year. Please drop this, since the topic has been beaten to death in other forums and threads
  19. Your welcome. It was an interesting experience, I learned about some of your modlets I wasn't aware of before
  20. This mod needs to be recompiled and adjusted for every build. I haven't had a chance to do it yet for any of the current ones
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