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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. FE is not my mod, it's @Crzyrndm . I would consider it rude to ask another modder to change a mod that is actively under development
  2. I was able to replicate, then saw you had a new commit, I'm testing it now
  3. KSP does NOT needs mods, the game is perfectly playable without it. Mods enhance the game play. Since mods are not needed/required, I would say that nothing is being forced on you. You don't like it, then download the source and modify it to not show the cat. If you can't do that, then shut up and stop complaining like an entitled little boy. There have been plenty of suggestions as to how to avoid the cat, including mine above, which is to CHANGE YOUR SYSTEM DATE TO AFTER NOVEMBER 1.
  4. Well, if you want to go ahead and make the model, I'll try it out.
  5. But this requires that you use the offset tool, which I wasn't using to do this. I hear what you are saying, but, if, for example, you have several parts you want to align with part A, your way would require selecting each of the secondary part and then hovering the mouse over part A and hitting V. I think that your way is actually more complicated, and subject to more confusion. Sure. Go ahead and pull down the latest, and be sure to add it to the 1.1.3 branch
  6. Fixed, both the fuel tanks and the engines. Version 3.0.17 Also, looks like CKAN updated
  7. That is auto-generated, pulling information in from SpaceDock. Here is the netkan file, you can see that it doesn't have any version info in it. I have to go, but if you like, get on the CKAN IRC and ask someone to get it updated: { "spec_version" : "v1.4", "identifier" : "KWRocketryRedux", "$kref" : "#/ckan/github/linuxgurugamer/KWRocketryRedux", "$vref" : "#/ckan/ksp-avc", "license" : "CC-BY-SA-3.0", "name" : "KW Rocketry Redux", "abstract" : "This is the full KW Rocketry with the Community Fixes included. Repackaged so that the power configs are selecteable in CKAN", "resources" : { "homepage" : "https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KWRocketryRedux" }, "depends": [ { "name" : "ModuleManager" }, { "name" : "KWRocketryRedux-power" } ], "conflicts" : [ { "name" : "KWRocketry" }, { "name" : "KWRocketry-CommunityFixes" }, { "name" : "KWRocketry-CommunityFixes-interstage" } ], "install" : [ { "find" : "KWRocketry/GameData/KWRocketry", "install_to": "GameData" } ] }
  8. CKAN sometimes takes a while to update. I just checked all the settings, they are correct, so give it until tomorrow
  9. CKAN is automatic, I don't have to do anything since it was already in it
  10. I've started a new thread for this (also, released for 1.2):
  11. This is a continuation of the old FTL Drive mod, written by @krh42, original thread here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/103056-102-ftl-drive-updates-on-development/& New Dependency Click Through Blocker ToolbarController CKAN has been updated to install the dependencies, if needed. Ever wished you where somewhere else instantly. With the Kerbin Science Foundry faster than light (FTL) drive you can! Just spin it up to create an instant reality dysfunction that might, just might transport you instantly to another point in space. To actually end up where you want to go, instead of experiencing a permanent fatal reality dis-coherence (i.e. your ship goes puff, aka. explodes) there are a few recommendations to observe: Place a FTL beacon where you want to go, otherwise, the FTL drive cannot get a lock on your target destination and will refuse to even spin up. Never, never, ever spin up the drive in a strong gravity field, keep far away from planets, suns, and other heavy objects. Other than that the FTL drive holds the promise to revolutionize interplanetary transfers and to take the grind out of flying vessels from one point in the Kerbol system to another. Downloads: http://spacedock.info/mod/835/FTL Drive Continued Source: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/FTLDriveContinued License: CC-BY-NC-SA-3.0 https://www.patreon.com/linuxgurugamer New parts:
  12. Gaaah. Go to the KW directory: KWRocketry/Part Rename FuelTank to Fuel Case sensitive sorry ABOUT THAT. 3.0.16 is uploaded with the correct directory name
  13. Sounds like you didn't follow the manual install instructions. That is what the Manual Install is for, among other things, it includes the instructions
  14. Sounds like you grabbed the wrong version. For 1.1.3 and 1.2, you need to have the Redux. It includes all patches. First, delete the entire kw directory and reinstall. I'll take a look later this afternoon of I get some free time to check for that engine
  15. Make sure you have the correct version of Modulemanager installed Delete the old directory, a directory name was changed Then reinstall it
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