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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I code, and never learned to model. Which leads to my problem: I am updating an older model which has two parts, each with two wheels attached. Due to the new wheel modules, this won't work anymore. The wheels need to be removed and made into individual parts, so each of the original parts will end up being two parts; the axle aND a wheel which gets attached to each side. It's possible that the wheels are the same on both of the original parts. Anyone care to help?
  2. I just removed that link, now there is only a single link to what will be renamed to be a standard install
  3. I just tried using this on a 1.2 install. Cars just sat there, using a/d made the wheels tilt in odd directions, I could see the wheels spinning, but no movement. Also, the wheels are sunken in the runway about 1/3 of the way. This was the 2a version Any ideas?
  4. There was a mod which was saving editor settings incorrectly. While it wasn't this mod, it interfered with it. I believe it was TimeControl; if you have that mod, please update it to get the latest version with the fix
  5. I'm working on updating an old mod for 1.2. So far it's mostly working, except for two parts. These parts are truck bases, and each one has two wheels, one on each side. Here is the old code from the cfg file (I've commented it out in the file): // MODULE // { // name = ModuleWheel // hasMotor = true // resourceName = ElectricCharge // resourceConsumptionRate = 0.7 // canSteer = true // controlAxisType = Forward // steeringModeType = AutomaticSteer // brakeTorque = 35 // brakeSpeed = 0.1 // impactTolerance = 800 // overSpeedDamage = 50 // // WHEEL // { // wheelName = wheel // wheelColliderName = wheelCollider // suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse // suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint // damagedObjectName = BustWheel // rotateX = 1 // rotateY = 0 // rotateZ = 0 // } // WHEEL // { // wheelName = wheel001 // wheelColliderName = wheelCollider001 // suspensionTransformName = suspensionTraverse001 // suspensionNeutralPointName = suspensionNeutralPoint001 // damagedObjectName = BustWheel001 // rotateX = 1 // rotateY = 0 // rotateZ = 0 // } // steeringCurve // { // key = 0 20 // key = 10 5 // key = 30 2 // key = 50 1 // } When I tried to add 2 ModuleWheelBase modules, I get the following error: Can't add 'KSPWheelController' to KSCTruckAxleNarrowComplex because a 'KSPWheelController' is already added to the game object! A GameObject can only contain one 'VehicleBase' component. (Filename: Line: 97) NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at KSPWheelController.Create (UnityEngine.Rigidbody rb, UnityEngine.GameObject host, UnityEngine.GameObject wheelColliderHost) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ModuleWheelBase.wheelSetup () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at CallbackUtil+<WaitUntil>c__IteratorF5.MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (IEnumerator enumerator, IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00000] in <filename Since I can't add two ModuleWheelBase modules, is there any way to control the two wheels, or are these parts dead and unrecoverable? Also, if someone could point me to the wheel documentation, that would be helpful. Thanks in advance
  6. Thanks Actually looks like I'll need two modules to replace it: KASModuleGrab and ModuleKISItem
  7. I am. Hope to have a beta release next weekend
  8. I have no idea, this is an older mod I'm trying to update. I would assume it used to be used for grabbing things
  9. I'm working on updating an older mod which used the KASModuleGrab What replaced it? This is the current code: MODULE { name = KASModuleGrab evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.0, -0.15) evaPartDir = (0,0,-1) storable = True storedSize = 8 attachOnPart = True attachOnEva = False attachOnStatic = False } Thanks
  10. So, this is depreciated, but still works: module = Propulsion Exactly what happens with parts labeled with this, and I assume they should be changed to either Engines or FuelTanks?
  11. There are nearly 300 parts in this. I'm a mother 2/3 of the way through. Other than bug fixes, this is at the opening of my list. I'm hoping (cross your fingers) to have an initial beta next weekend or so. It going well, but very tedious. Please wait until I release a 1.with beta Last count, about 25 or so. The count has dropped since antenna range isn't needed, what I dropped were the AR mm cfgs Also, when the is done, I'm moving on to the full LLL mod
  12. It's a stockish bug, and according to two of the developers, it's been found and fixed.
  13. Don't bother. RPM is in a maintenance mode while @MOARdV is working on a new mod to eventually replace it. Unless there is an overriding reason, he has stated that he is not going to add any new features to this.
  14. They have already fixed the flicker bug, so I would expect an update on the next few weeks
  15. @ozraven You need to fix a problem in the ToolbarWrapper.cs, see this post for more info:
  16. Thanks. and I have others I need to fix as well. Will take a day or so to get them all done. appreciate the heads-up
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