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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Don't forget to change the anyToUnlock = True to anyToUnlock = False Thanks
  2. Ummm. ok :-) The latest commit seems to be version 3.0, for 1.2. At least that is what I just got when I cloned it. Regarding the additional parent for the experimentalRocketery. I'm not sure how to proceed. Should I wait for a consensus, or just submit a PR with the change?
  3. [1.1.3] Community Tech Tree [2.4, last updated 18/04/16]. So no. Interesting. I downloaded the entire repo from Git and had a 3.0 release. I suppose it is not yet ready for release
  4. BTW, is there an official 3.0 release file? If so where, I was unable to find it.
  5. It's not a matter of career vs sandbox. There is a flaw in the basic code, or at least, it's worse in 1.2. I put a ship with 2 kerbals on top, when physics activated, the ship started dancing. Sorry
  6. Well, KW has a MM patch to use the CTT node instead of it's own if CTT is available. If not, KW puts in it's own experimentalRocketry node I'm asking if it would make sense to add an additional parent to this node, similar to the way that KW does.
  7. It's not an incompatibliity, the user seems to have a problem. Regardless, would anyone like to comment on adding the additional parent to it?
  8. Turns out there is a 3.0 version of CTT which is for 1.2 I just tested with it and KW, and the patches worked properly. I don't know where the regular download is, but I just zipped it up for you here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0krhh2mrm0t0mlo/CTT-3.0.zip?dl=0 The folder inside till be called CommunityTechTree, just move it into the GameData directory. Make sure any older version has been deleted
  9. Wondering why VOID wasn't in the survey? So, who uses VOID?
  10. GameData/CommunityTechTree But I'd advise you to leave it and live with the extra nodes right now, removing that can cause other problems
  11. That being said, I'm going to look into this, it appears there is a more recent version which might be updated. If you used ckan, then it might have been pulled in that way depending on other mods Quite possibly.
  12. An incompatibility has been brought to my attention regarding the CTT & KWRocketry. Specifically, the ExperimentalRocketry node. KW has a slightly more strict mode for unlocking it, I was wondering if there would be any objection to change the CTT node to the following (following from KW) : RDNode { id = experimentalRocketry title = Experimental Rocketry description = The closer the top of your rocket is to the stars on the launchpad, the easier it is to reach them. Well, that's the theory. cost = 1000 hideEmpty = False nodeName = ct_experimentalRocketry anyToUnlock = False icon = RDicon_rocketry-veryHeavy pos = -952,1635,-1 scale = 0.6 Parent { parentID = veryHeavyRocketry lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } Parent { parentID = highPerformanceFuelSystems lineFrom = RIGHT lineTo = LEFT } }
  13. Actually, I need that log. It looks like you have another mod installed which is also added the ExperimentalRocketry node
  14. To get me the log: If on windows: One is a detailed log file (henceforth output_log.txt) that (I believe) is created by Unity, and it differs for each OS; KSP_Data/output_log.txt for Windows,or KSP_Data_x64/output_log.txt if runnin g64 bit Player.log for Mac, and I believe something similar for Linux. T. However, I see the problem, will fix it this evening.
  15. This is an unofficial working version for 1.2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/99o6gqqp9j98buj/TimeControl.zip?dl=0 Edit: Please note that this is ONLY THE DLL. You need the rest of the mod installed first before adding the dll to it.
  16. I initially wrote this for SXT, which I'm working on, but it is usable by any mod which wants to incorporate it. I believe that Contares includes it already
  17. No it doesn't. But... depending on when you installed, it's possible one of the directories is messed up. Also, there was an update of KW this morning. So first delete the entire KW directory, if you are using CKAN, then remove KW then to be save, go in and make sure the entire directory is removed. Then reinstall and try it again. Beyond that, it wouldn't be KW, but post logs and pics, maybe we can help
  18. You don't need the source, I'm not including source with downloads, it's available on Github You need to move both the VOID and ToadicusTools into the GameData directory. If it doesn't work, then please do the following: Take a screenshot of the GameData directory Send me both the screenshot and the output_log.txt file
  19. Since @Kramer doesn't seem to be around, or at least, not supporting this mod, I'll probably take it over in a maintenance mode. This means that I'll get it compiled for the current version of KSP, but since I don't use it, I'll have to depend on the users to let me know of any problems. I'm doing this as a service to the community.
  20. Here is a test compile of the mod: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KramaxAutoPilot/releases/tag/0.3.2-beta Please note: I did not test it I need your feedback, and if a problem, as complete a description (and a craft file) as possible. Thanks
  21. I checked all the tanks, except for the one that @Shirson pointed out, they all seem ok. Batteries have been updated. Next time, please specify exactly which parts have problems. Makes it easier to find and fix. Looking for a random tank is rather tedious and prone to error. update with these fixes in a few minutes New release is on Github, Spacedock seems to be down right now, I'll get it updated there when it comes back
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