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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. I'm here, just been busy with other stuff. I'll see if I can get a recompile of this tomorrow
  2. New release: 3.0.20 Tags added thanks @Green Baron for doing the legwork.
  3. Released 1.3.5 Deleted old Mk2TwinTurboJet.orig.cfg file Added antennas to all probes and pods Added Kerbnet and hibernation to probe core
  4. I'm seeing this refrain more and more, and it's annoying. If you don't like a mod, that's fine. No need to argue about it or complain, just don't use it. If you want to use just a single feature of a mod, go to that mods thread and ask about it there. Not here. When some asked me about a single feature of a mod I maintain and improve, he was respectful and polite, in response I spent some time pulling that feature out into its owl dll and sent it to him. For the record, I use this mod, and also use Mechjeb. This mod does a more efficient job of getting a vessel into orbit, but it takes about 1/2 an orbit to do so. Mechjeb is less efficient, but gets a vessel into orbit much faster. I like and use both.
  5. I see the problem, but it's going to be a while until I can fix it. Something changed in the internals and I need to figure out what.
  6. Not sure I can fix that, but I'll take a look later Feature, not a bug. :-) NM, I just added them, will send out an update later
  7. Odd, I thought I had taken care of it. I'll need to look at my packaging script, maybe the are pulling in an extra file. Regarding the antenna and kerb net issues, I'd like to see what you suggest; either a github PR or just the files with the changes. I probably won't be able to get back to this until this evening
  8. There are several good MK2 part packs available. For example, QuizTechAero was just released this morning for 1.2, and has a number of mk2 parts. Others also, I just don't remember them right now
  9. Sorry to say, I'm not planning on continuing with this. There are too many changes to deal with If anyone else would like to pick it up, please let me know
  10. I just released an initial release for 1.2 Please let me know of any issues. This includes the new Twin Turbojet Afterburner model, as well as tags for all parts to make the search easier Not sure what problems you are having, please post pictures and logs
  11. Per @toadicus' request, can you please lock these old threads: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/49950-12-void-110-beta-vessel-orbital-informational-display/&page=24 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/58773-12-tweakableeverything-116-beta-for-all-your-part-tweaking-needs/&page=39 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/109071-10-evamanager-configurable-modules-resources-for-eva-kerbals/
  12. This is the continuation of EVAManager. At this time I have not yet updated it for 1.2 EVAManager provides a config-based interface for adding, removing, and modifying PartModules and PartResources for EVA Kerbals. Also provided is a basic mechanism for "filling" resources from the origin pod, allowing for proper conservation across missions. Someday soon I'll improve this thread to be more like a release thread. In the meantime, it's just a conversation moved over from another thread. My first post on the subject: EVAManager is chiefly available within the TweakableEverything and AntennaRange archives, as those are the only official uses I am aware of. If you'd like it for your own use, you can also get it at the links below. SpaceDock: [zip] Not A SpaceDock: [zip] [tar.gz] [tar.xz]
  13. Please move all further converstion about TweakableEverything to the following thread:
  14. Please move all conversations about VOID to the new continuation thread here:
  15. This is the continuation of VOID, now with updated fuel flow calculations Dependencies  Click Through Blocker ToolbarController ToadicusToolsContinued CKAN has been updated to install the dependencies, if needed. If you love at-a-glance information on your flight conditions, detailed information about your orbital dynamics or upcoming transfer maneuver, then VOID is a solution for you! Is it the solution for you? Give it a try and find out! I've long used VOID to fill the void (doh!) for detailed orbital, surface, and vessel information without adding any new functionality that other mods may focus on. As I find new data that I "need" for my missions, I've been slowly adding information to my own VOID displays and am honored to continue development following Iannic-ann-od's stellar release series. Many thanks Iannic-ann-od! As before, credit where it's due to code and/or calculations by cybutek, Younata, Adammada, Nivvydaskrl, mrenigma0, r4m0n, The_Duck, Cilph, and Innsewerants, used with permission and/or under license. This software uses VesselSimulator and Engineer.Extensions from Engineer Redux. Engineer Redux © 2013-2014 cybutek, Padishar, et al Used by permission. DOWNLOADS: Available in CKAN GitHub: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/VOID/releases/ Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/1413/VOID unVoided Source Code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/VOID/ INSTALL: 1. Unpack archive into /path/to/KSP_folder/GameData. 2. ??? 3. Profit! USAGE: * Click the VOID icon, hopefully located somewhere near the middle-to-bottom left of your KSP screen. * Go to the "Misc" menu and "Change icon position" to move the icon to your liking. * Enable or disable other informational windows as you please! TODO: * Revisit transfer angle calculations. * Revisit pressure indication. * Revisit localization and find translators <insert trilingual, bilingual, American joke here>. * Revisit data logging. * Add HUD customization features. LICENSE:
  16. Your code change wouldn't have this effect. Easy way to tell is to remove EER and test. The Filter Extensions list is talking about the same thing. It seems to happen when you have more parts. I'm beginning to suspect the search code
  17. Oh great, I was wondering where an error was coming from. Thanks, I'll get it fixed and updated Just released 3.0.19 with the strut -> part fix, thanks @drtedastro
  18. Just released 3.0.18, which fixes the struts. Also, I'm asking for anyone interested in improving this mod to read the following: I need to get tags into all of the parts. Tags are used by the editor when searching for parts. This was a new feature added in 1.1 Please see the following posts for information on how tags work, and how to write the tags: I'll accept tags either as PRs on Github, or as a set of file/part name + tag list pairs. Look at the stock parts for examples of how Squad implemented the tags
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