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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Looks great! I normally don't give special names to released, but this is the Boop release (will be that for final version as well): https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/EditorExtensionsRedux/releases/tag/
  2. I haven't done anything yet, if I recall you said all the changes were in a single file? Can you upload that for me again? thanks
  3. Yes, I was sent on a wild goose chase by what someone (at Squad) said :-) A solution has been implemented in the next version, so this particular discussion can be let go.
  4. I feel like banging my head against a wall. I'm trying to trigger the event that tells a kerbal on a ladder to let go. The only events related to the ladder are: public static EventData<KerbalEVA, Part> onPartLadderEnter; public static EventData<KerbalEVA, Part> onPartLadderExit; Using the following: if (kEVA.OnALadder && kEVA.Ready) { KerbalEVA kEVA = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.GetComponentInChildren<KerbalEVA>(); I've tried: EventData<KerbalEVA, Part> onLadderExit = new EventData<KerbalEVA, Part>("onLadderExit"); onLadderExit.Fire(kEVA, kEVA.LadderPart); and EventData<KerbalEVA, Part> onLadderExit = new EventData<KerbalEVA, Part>("onPartLadderExit"); onLadderExit.Fire(kEVA, kEVA.LadderPart); and GameEvents.onPartLadderExit.Fire(kEVA, kEVA.LadderPart); After firing the event, I then tried waiting 5 ticks (in FixedUpdate). Nothing happens. the kerbal is on the ladder and stays there So, what am I doing wrong here?
  5. Most likely. You will need to check after each patch This was addressed a while ago. I got some grief because it wasn't working properly
  6. What I need is something which is currently not available: KerbalEVA.On_ladderLetGo But I've been told that something is going to be done soon in the game, so now I'm just waiting. I will look at that, and the OnPartLadderExit, but I need to be able to let go of the ladder, which is a bit different. Thanks
  7. @Boop check the offsets again, I found that the OnMouseIsOver is now 262, but you have it in the file as 255, others are probably off as well
  8. PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE keep reporting bugs. Is that clear enough? :-) Anyway, I'm not going to be able to get back to this until later today, but thanks in advance.
  9. Looking forward to the changes, I (and others) really appreciate your work. I've been busy with other mods, so this is very helpful. Once you get me the changes, I'll get a semi-official build and then compare between 1.1.3 and 1.2 to see if everything is ok.
  10. Ok, I found it, not sure if it is a KSP bug, but I worked around it: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KRASH/releases/tag/
  11. This will help. I've been testing in Sandbox, now that I've gotten it stable, I'll be able to look into the career. FYI, the two DLLs are the same version of code, just one with debugging and one without. I had some odd results between the two a while ago, just wanted to be sure it wasn't a factor
  12. Well, one thing I found is that you are running build 1494 I'm running 1479, I forgot to update my local version Found and fixed a couple of problems, I've uploaded a new release to Github, you can get it here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KRASH/releases/download/ If you still have problems, please do the following: 1. Save both the game and the log file in a zip 2. Install the DLL in this zip file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i6nyfbo4551mvi1/krash.zip?dl=0 and try it again, send me the log from this as well Also, please detail exactly what you do, every key click until you see the problems. Thanks
  13. I just uploaded a recompiled version. When I tested, I got a few null refs when starting, and a few more when ending. It wasn't spamming, I'll be looking at this in the next day or so Thanks
  14. Gah, I feel stupid. 5 minutes after writing this, I found the answer: Where: origVessel is the ship FlightGlobals.Vessels[i] is the Kerbal Vector3 direction = FlightGlobals.Vessels[i].rootPart.transform.position - origVessel.rootPart.transform.position; direction.Normalize(); FlightGlobals.Vessels[i].rootPart.AddForce(direction * ejectionForce); I'm not sure yet of the order of the calculation, but it's mostly a matter of testing. Comments would be appreciated.
  15. A question for all you smart people who understand vector3 Here is the situation: A ship, and a Kerbal has just exited and is holding on to the ladder (or, possibly, has let go and is floating there). I want to use Vessel.AddForce(Vector3 awayFromCOM * ejectionForce) where awayFromCOM is calculated by pointing away from the Center of Mass of either the entire ship, or, preferably, from a specific part. Right now I'm using : part.transform.up, (part is the kerbal), but, if the kerbal is underneath the ship, bad things happen. How would I do this? Thanks in advance.
  16. Sorry, on mobile right now. But that looks nice, what I'm working on will fit with it nicely, Eva parachutes and ejecting all kerbals. Last problem is the ejection, and having them let go of the ladder
  17. Well, the OnALadder is not true right after the spawnEVA, but probably the next frame. and, the ON_ladderLetGo is private, which means I'll have to do some Reflection to use it. So next up is trying to capture the event onCrewOnEva
  18. So right now, after using spawnEVA to send a kerbal out on EVA, I use an ejection force to get him away from the ship. This has problems, mainly if the direction of the force happens to be into the ship, bad things happen (explosions, receding form Kerben at >40,000m/sec, etc). I'd rather just have the kerbal let go, but haven't yet found how to do this. Any ideas? Thanks in advance
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