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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Next time, please provide the Player.Log file as well. I'm looking into this right now, I thought I had updated the mod, will figure out and get a release up there tonite
  2. New release, 0.1.2 Thanks to github user AtomikkuSan for these: Update CONFIG_X-37B_LFO.cfg Update CONFIG_X-37B_RCS.cfg Create CONFIG_X-37B_LqfOx_RCS.cfg Update CONFIG_X-37B_cargoBay.cfg Update CONFIG_X-37B_droneCore.cfg Create MM_New_Wings.cfg Create CONFIG_X-37B_crewModule.cfg
  3. New release, Fixed periscope not being deployable on the Bluedog Mercury capsule New release, Fixed Mk2Pod when restock is installed
  4. I'm busy with some other mods, but took a quick look at this. I think I see the problem, I'll see if I can get a fix out this evening LGG
  5. Apparently not the correct log files, most of those mods that you listed aren't in the log file. At the very least, I would have expected to see a list of all the folders for all the mods, and all that's listed in the file are about a dozen or so. Just an FYI, while CkAN says it's a dependency, it really isn't, so you can delete the directory after the install and it will be fine. I'd also suggest updating to KSP 1.12.3
  6. Wrong thread, I adopted this a while ago, look up a few posts. If not done already, upload it to my repo and I’ll get it merged.
  7. KER is another window on the screen. This does it in a much nicer way. as always, there are many different ways to accomplish the same thing.
  8. @SnarkGreat mod! Would it be possible to have it active in the mapview for the currently planet, regardless if you are focused on it or not? There seem to be some cases where it just isn't visible. Not sure if this is a function of KSP or not, though
  9. Rather than a complete new mod, possible an option to only be active in the editor and not in flight would do
  10. New release, Thanks to github user @AtomikkuSan for updating ALL the descriptions and titles
  11. New release, Added two new modes, stock and hybrid Use <ALT>O (alt key and letter O) to toggle between the different modes Normal mode will smooth scroll to the new focus and back to the active vessel Stock mode will instantly snap to the new vessel, and snap back to the active vessel Hybrid mode will scroll smoothly to the new focus, and snap back to the active vessel The Stock and Hybrid modes should fix the camera shake problems reported for the normal mode Replaced XML file with cfg file The config file is in the PluginData directory, and is easier to change than the xml file
  12. It blocks click through of one mod to another, nothing can be done about stock
  13. Rather than try to fix the current model, why not just use the tiny model and use the textures for the larger one for it?
  14. The only odd thing I see is the angle of the chutes, the model has them going to the side instead of up. Your solution is good until he gets them fixed. My only comment is to the author, @Coldrifting, the parachutes are in the wrong category, they should be in Utility
  15. Looks like it's one of the "mouse" settings, probably mouse3, but you may want to try any of the following: Mouse0 Mouse1 Mouse2 Mouse3 Mouse4 Mouse5 Mouse6 Not sure if case is relevant in that file
  16. I'll open an issue, will see when I can figure it out https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/HullcamVDSContinued/issues/32
  17. Most of them don't do anything in the VAB. I'd suggest you get the mod Through The Eyes to be able to look through the Kerbal's eyes, not sure when I'll have time to look at it
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