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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Great, thanks. This is one of my required mods for career mode
  2. @DMagic I know the amount of work you have to do, so was just wondering if you are going to get CKAN updated, it isn't showing up there at all (not even when i show all) No rush, I'll grab it directly. LGG
  3. I'd like to start using this in a test mode on 1.1, are you going to update Github soon with an updated build for the 1.1 release?
  4. Ok, I almost have it. I looked at the ActiveTextureManagement configs as a guide. I first compiled each netkan to a ckan file using the netkan.exe. Then I started CKAN, and loaded the first one (KWRocketryRedux-GraduatedPwr). After it loaded, I uninstalled it from CKAN, then loaded the second one (KWRocketryRedux-InstantPwr), and after it loaded, uninstalled it. Finally I loaded KWRocketryRedux-3.0.1, and got the following error: Too many mods provide KWPowerResponse: KWRocketryRedux-GraduatedPwr 3.0.1 * KWRocketryRedux-InstantPwr 3.0.1 I'm wondering if this error is due to running these locally. I changed the order of install, and it seemed to work. So, I'll list the three .netkans here: KWRocketryRedux.netkan { "spec_version" : "v1.4", "identifier" : "KWRocketryRedux", "$kref" : "#/ckan/github/linuxgurugamer/KWRocketryRedux", "license" : "CC-BY-SA-3.0", "name" : "KW Rocketry Redux, including the Community Fixes", "abstract" : "This is the full KW Rocketry with the Community Fixes included. Repackaged so that the power configs are selecteable in CKAN", "resources" : { "homepage" : "https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KWRocketryRedux" }, "depends": [ { "name" : "ModuleManager" }, { "name" : "KWPowerResponse" } ], "conflicts" : [ { "name" : "KWRocketry" }, { "name" : "KWRocketry-CommunityFixes" }, { "name" : "KWRocketry-CommunityFixes-interstage" } ], "install" : [ { "find" : "KWRocketry", "install_to": "GameData" } ] } KWRocketryRedux-GraduatedPwr.netkan { "spec_version" : "v1.4", "identifier" : "KWRocketryRedux-GraduatedPwr", "$kref" : "#/ckan/github/linuxgurugamer/KWRocketryRedux", "license" : "CC-BY-SA-3.0", "name" : "KWRocketry Graduated Power Response Configs", "abstract" : "For graduated power response on engines", "provides" : [ "KWPowerResponse" ], "conflicts" : [ { "name" : "KWRocketryRedux-InstantPwr" } ], "install" : [ { "find" : "KWRocketry/Extras/GraduatedPowerResponseConfigs/GameData/KWRocketry", "install_to":"GameData" } ] } KWRocketryRedux-InstantPwr.netkan { "spec_version" : "v1.4", "identifier" : "KWRocketryRedux-InstantPwr", "$kref" : "#/ckan/github/linuxgurugamer/KWRocketryRedux", "license" : "CC-BY-SA-3.0", "name" : "KWRocketry Instant Power Response Configs", "abstract" : "For instant power response on engines", "provides" : [ "KWPowerResponse" ], "conflicts" : [ { "name" : "KWRocketryRedux-GraduatedPwr" } ], "install" : [ { "find" : "Extras/InstantPowerResponseConfigs/GameData/KWRocketry", "install_to":"GameData" } ] }
  5. well, if you do view it, at least give it a thumbs-down
  6. Look further down, you want version I don't know why it says Mar 16 Edit: It says Mar 16 because that is when it was initially released. I've deleted all the old pre-releases
  7. Notice how he isn't allowing any comments on the video on YouTube?
  8. That's actually what I have (I think) I just put it wrong. Rather than PM, I'll put it here. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the the identifier should be the same as the file name? KWRocketryRedux.netkan: { "spec_version" : "v1.4", "identifier" : "KWRocketryRedux", "$kref" : "#/ckan/github/linuxgurugamer/KWRocketryRedux", "license" : "CC-BY-SA-3.0", "name" : "KW Rocketry Redux, including the Community Fixes", "abstract" : "This is the full KW Rocketry with the Community Fixes included. Repackaged so that the power configs are selecteable in CKAN", "resources" : { "homepage" : "https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KWRocketryRedux" }, "depends": [ { "name": "ModuleManager" }, { "name" : "KWPowerResponse" } "conflicts" : [ { "name" : "KWRocketry" }, { "name" : "KWRocketry-CommunityFixes" }, { "name" : "KWRocketry-CommunityFixes-interstage" } ], "install" : [ { "find" : "KWRocketry", "install_to": "GameData" } ] } KWRocketryRedux-InstantPwr.netkan: { "spec_version" : "v1.4", "identifier" : "KWRocketryRedux-InstantPwr", "$kref" : "#/ckan/github/linuxgurugamer/KWRocketryRedux", "license" : "CC-BY-SA-3.0", "name" : "Instant Power Response Configs", "abstract" : "For instant power response on engines", "provides" : [ "KWPowerResponse" ], "requires" : [ "KWRocketryRedux" ], "conflicts" : [ { "name" : "KWPowerCurves" } ], "install" : [ { "find" : "Extras/InstantPowerResponseConfigs/GameData/KWRocketry", "install_to":"GameData" } ] } KWRocketryRedux-GraduatedPwr.netkan: { "spec_version" : "v1.4", "identifier" : "KWRocketryRedux-GraduatedPwr", "$kref" : "#/ckan/github/linuxgurugamer/KWRocketryRedux", "license" : "CC-BY-SA-3.0", "name" : "Instant Power Response Configs", "abstract" : "For graduated power response on engines", "provides" : [ "KWPowerResponse" ], "requires" : [ "KWRocketryRedux" ], "conflicts" : [ { "name" : "KWPowerCurves" } ], "install" : [ { "find" : "Extras/graduatedPowerResponseConfigs/GameData/KWRocketry", "install_to":"GameData" } ] }
  9. Or at least an LOL, or a smiley Thanks for the complement, I'll keep it going
  10. Ok, apology accepted. But keep in mind that thing written may not mean the same as what you thought when you wrote it. All mod authors are getting hammered with requests like this, and it takes the fun out of writing the mods
  11. I can't, the first one absolutely requires one of the following two, and the 2nd & 3rd ones have the first as a dependency.
  12. I know how to run netkan.exe locally, but how can I have CKAN.exe read three different .ckan files, do I just list them on the cmdline or concatenate them together into one file? thanks
  13. Why don't you contact Squad and see if they have any ideas/suggestions for this?
  14. With that attitude, you aren't going to get it from me. ========================================= All others: Sorry about the spacedock issue. The 1.1 version is available on Github at this location: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/WasdEditorCameraContinued/releases
  15. That would be my guess. Some people have dozens to hundreds of ships, folders wou k d make it easier to organize
  16. I'll do what I can, but keep in mind that I don't really do planes that well in KSP, and still don't fully understand how this mod is supposed to be controlled. Like I said, i did this because the author didn't have access to 1.1, I'm kind of hoping he will be able to pick it back up when 1.1 is finally released. LGG
  17. I'm looking for some people willing to test a new packaging of KW. This is for 1.1 only. The full release is available here: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/KWRocketryRedux/releases This is anticipation of having CKAN do the install and allowing the selection of one of the two different power response configs (instant or graduated). Please let me know your results IMPORTANT: You MUST install one of the two power response directories, otherwise the engines will not work. How to install: Firstly, Insure any older version of KW has been removed. (GameData/KWRocketry) and the KW Rocketry Community Fixes ----MAIN INSTALLATION---- Now, for a normal install simply unpack the GameData folder included in the download >> MERGING << the folders when prompted. ----POWER RESPONSE ---- There are two different power response configs. One is an instant response, similar to stock, and the second is a graduated power response, where it takes the engines a few seconds spool up to full thrust ----GRADUATED POWER RESPONSE ---- For the graduated power response on engines you have to extract the GameData folder contained within the Extras/GraduatedPowerResponseConfigs folder after having previously installed KW Rocketry as above.You should merge and overwrite the parts files when prompted and this should mean your engines have instant power response. ----INSTANT POWER RESPONSE ---- For alteratively instant power response on engines you have to extract the GameData folder contained within the Extras/InstantPowerResponseConfigs folder after having previously installed KW Rocketry as above.You should merge and overwrite the parts files when prompted and this should mean your engines have instant power response.
  18. I need some help with a set of .netkan files. This set of files is for KWRocketryRedux (with the original author's permission). The set consists of three .netkan files: KWRocketryRedux.netkan - Main KW Rocketry install KWRocketryRedux-GraduatedPowerResponse.netkan - Power curve configs for graduated power KWRocketryRedux-InstantPowerResponse.netkan - Power curve configs for instant power I'd like to be able to test them before the general public having access to them. Is there any way I can do this? Thanks in advance Linuxgurugamer
  19. So here is my very simple entry, I look forward to it being beaten quickly Time to 70k: 1:40 Time to landing: 7:08 I lost a minute by opening the chute too soon.
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