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Bug Hunter
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Everything posted by linuxgurugamer

  1. Hi, I've downloaded the pre-release. so far, I haven't done a lot, been building and testing a ship. But it does appear to be working, actually better than in 0.90 I expect to get some more time on it this evening. LGG
  2. You state that the range is a bit excessive, so what would be a more reasonable range for a normal Kerbin system?
  3. It would help to read the manual :-) Anyway, the basics: You need to have the following antennas on it: Reflectron DP-10 for initial communications up to 500 km Communotron 16 for communications up to 2,500 km. This is an omni-directional antenna, it doesn't need to be pointed, just activated Comms DTS-M1 for communication up to 50,000 km. This antenna is directional, needs to be activated AND pointed to something. Initially you will point it to the space center. The Reflectron is used to launchpad communications and the initial ascent. As soon as your probe gets above 50 km or so, you need to activate the Communotron 16 so that you still have control when the ship gets further away than 500 km. You should shortly after that activate the DTS-M1 and point it to the space center. Make sure of the following: 1. You don't run out of electricity 2. There is a line of sight between the probe and the space center. If there is no line of sight, you will not have control 3. In the map view, you will see the currently active communication lines (in yellow, i think) If you don't see lines, you don't have line-of-sight. Line-of-sight is really to another transmitter/receiver. As long as there is a complete path back to the space center, you have control. In my (admittedly limited) experience, I found that I only had time to get the probe to an orbit of about 150 km, otherwise it would get out of range before attaining orbit. The next time around, I'm able to boost the orbit to a higher level. I suggest you read this web page, which is a much more in-depth description of what I just summarized LGG
  4. I'm curious as to why you think you need manned vehicles to get started. I set up a probe with 3 different antennas on it, launched it and was able to get it into orbit at about 150 km. The only annoyance I had was having to activate the second and third antennas while the ship was under power
  5. Ummm, I think that if you already accepted the contract, the current values and requirements are preserved. You will need to accept a new mission after the update to get the updated parameters.
  6. AVC is described here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79745-0-23-5-KSP-AVC-Add-on-Version-Checker-Plugin-KSP-AVC-Online You can use this page to generate the file: http://ksp-avc.cybutek.net Or here is a file I just whipped up for you. Just save it in the directory with the suffix being .version { "NAME":"Engine Lighting", "URL":"http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/121987", "DOWNLOAD": [Link to defunct website removed by moderator], "CHANGE_LOG_URL":[Link to defunct website removed by moderator], "VERSION": { "MAJOR":1, "MINOR":2, "PATCH":0, "BUILD":0 }, "KSP_VERSION": { "MAJOR":1, "MINOR":0, "PATCH":2 } }
  7. Hmmm, and now it's working. Strange. sorry for the false alarm. Would you consider adding a .version file so that AVC could keep track of it as well?
  8. Awesome! As of now, CKAN, while it is aware of the current version 1.2, doesn't think it is compatible with 1.0.2 Yet I do see on Kerbalstuff that it is. LGG
  9. you need to install KIS - Kerbal Inventory System
  10. Well, if I delete FAR, it still happens, but if I delete DRE, it doesn't. In other words, I delete DRE, and it works properly. but if I delete FAR and leave DRE, it doesn't work.
  11. I am using the second file, was just letting you know since a previous post said it was fixed in 7.0.3 Re the ModularFlightIntegrator, i thought I had replaced it with the one from FAR, but I'll try again. Thanks LGG - - - Updated - - - I just tried it again using the ModularFlightIntegrator I copied from the DRE 7.0.3 file. No go, it still happened. LGG - - - Updated - - - Just did the same using the ModularFlightIntegrator from the FAR 0.15.2 file No change, the fairing still doesn't seem to work when FAR is installed. I'm not going to be around all weekend, so if you need something from me for debugging, send me a PM and I'll see it Monday evening. LGG
  12. This is such a cool mod. Thank you for writing it LGG - - - Updated - - - This isn't specific to a KSP version, since it's only renaming files.
  13. Hmmm. So the best way may be to simply have a batch file (script for Linux people) which will delete the parts I don't want. My main intention is to save memory.
  14. A few questions: 1. Is it possible to use MM to delete a part, so that it doesn't show up AND doesn't take up memory? 2. If yes, how? An example would be fine. 3. If not, then how can I just delete a part so it doesn't show up? I run a lot of mods, and would like to be able to write a config which will delete parts which I don't use to save memory. Thanks in advance LGG
  15. Just an FYI, 7.0.3 still has the error in the KWRocketry cfg file (following is only a short part of the file) I see that the emissiveConstant is different between the two below, I'm not sure which is right: @PART[KW2mSRBNoseCone] { @maxTemp = 1523.15 emissiveConstant = 0.9 { name = ModuleAeroReentry skinThicknessFactor = 0.1 skinHeatConductivity = 0.012 skinMaxTemp = 2000 } } @PART[KW1mNoseCone] { @maxTemp = 1523.15 emissiveConstant = 0.9 MODULE { name = ModuleAeroReentry skinThicknessFactor = 0.1 skinHeatConductivity = 0.012 skinMaxTemp = 2000 } } should be: @PART[KW2mSRBNoseCone]{ @maxTemp = 1523.15 emissiveConstant = 0.6 { name = ModuleAeroReentry skinThicknessFactor = 0.1 skinHeatConductivity = 0.012 skinMaxTemp = 2000 } } @PART[KW1mNoseCone] { @maxTemp = 1523.15 emissiveConstant = 0.6 { name = ModuleAeroReentry skinThicknessFactor = 0.1 skinHeatConductivity = 0.012 skinMaxTemp = 2000 } }
  16. I have an odd problem. I first thought it was FAR, but deleting DRE solved it: I built a rocket using the stock fairings. When I launch it, the fairing don't seem to block the aerodynamic stuff. Parts inside the fairing explode due to heating, a satellite was knocked off the decoupler and destroyed, etc. I replaced the stock fairing with the conic fairing from Keramzit Engineering (I think it is the Procedural Fairing mod), and the rocket was fine. This happened on two different rockets. I just downloaded the updated FAR (0.15.2), and I see the same thing. I also have the latest DRE installed (7.0.3) I verified that ModularFlightIntegrator is installed, version 1.0.0 I have a lot of mods installed, so before I post a complete report, I'll make a new install with the minimal mods I need to reproduce this. I just need to know if you need this info or if you already have it. If you only need a craft file, let me know. This isn't a game killer since Procedural Fairings works well. I looked at the list of issues and solved issues, didn't see anything like this. Thanks in advance LGG
  17. I think I've traced this to DRE and not FAR. When I delete DRE, the fairings work. sorry for the false alarm, I'll go to the DRE thread
  18. Before I spend a lot of time on this, can you tell me if this would be a FAR issue or something else: I built a rocket using the stock fairings. When I launch it, the fairing don't seem to block the aerodynamic stuff. Parts inside the fairing explode due to heating, a satellite was knocked off the decoupler and destroyed, etc. I replaced the stock fairing with the conic fairing from Keramzit Engineering (I think it is the Procedural Fairing mod), and the rocket was fine. This happened on two different rockets. I just downloaded the updated FAR (0.15.2), and I see the same thing. I also have the latest DRE installed (7.0.3) I verified that ModularFlightIntegrator is installed, version 1.0.0 I have a lot of mods installed, so before I post a complete report, I'll make a new install with the minimal mods I need to reproduce this. I just need to know if you need this info or if you already have it. If you only need a craft file, let me know. This isn't a game killer since Prodedural Fairings works well. I looked at the list of issues and solved issues, didn't see anything like this. Thanks in advance LGG
  19. OK. Is there any way I can fix my save, or should i just delete the failed contract and do it again? Also, when do you expect to release it? Not putting pressure, just want to manage my expectations. Thanks LGG
  20. I have a problem with the contract to create a Kerbin comm network. I launched a single rocket with 4 satellites, into a 300km orbit. I then released all the satellites (due to a Kraken bug, I had to release them all at once), renamed each satellite to CommSat 1/2/3/4 respectively, and then, one at a time, boosted each into a 600 KM orbit, spacing them around so that they essentially formed a huge square around kerbin. Each satellite had 6 antennas; 4 DTS-M1, and 2 Reflectron KR-7. Each also had a Reflectron DP-10 for local comm, and a Communitron 16 for medium range comms. The booster rocket also had 4 antenna on it; a DP-10, 2 Communitron 16 and a DTS-M1, which I used during the ascent since the satellites were all enclosed in a fairing. I got all of them into orbit, and then noticed that the contract had failed. On each satellite, I pointed one DTS-M1 at each of the other satellites, and the 4th at mission control. The KR-7s were used to target the Mun & Minmus (for another contract). It appears that not all of the satellites were recognized, and that the launcher itself was being interpreted as a satellite. What puzzles me is why it failed; from what I see, there is no expiration on the contract, so I expected it to simply be active until it was fulfilled. Here is link to the persistent.sfs file Here is a link to my complete modlist There are a lot of mods, most of which aren't needed for this mission. and this is a link to the craft file This is 1.0.2, will all mods fully updated using CKAN The following is what appears in the Mission Control: Vessel: Kerbin Comm Launcher Probe: Complete Connected to KSP: Complete Vessel: Not CommSat 3: Complete Vessel: Not CommSat 1: Failed Vessel: Not CommSat IV (new): Complete Orbit: Periapsis: Above 248,528m,; Eccentricity: Below 0.0040; Inclination: Below 1.0: Complete Destination: Kerbin: Incomplete Situation: Orbit: Incomplete Periapsis: Above 248,528 m: Incomplete Eccentricity: Below 0.0040: Incomplete Inclination: Below 1.0: incomplete Vessel: CommSat 3: complete Direct connection to: Kerbin Comm Launcher Probe: Complete Vessel: Not CommSat 1: Failed Vessel: Not CommSat IV (new): Complete Connected to KSP: Complete Orbit: Periapsis: Above 248,528m,; Eccentricity: Below 0.0040; Inclination: Below 1.0: Complete Destination: Kerbin: Incomplete Situation: Orbit: Incomplete Periapsis: Above 248,528 m: Incomplete Eccentricity: Below 0.0040: Incomplete Inclination: Below 1.0: incomplete Vessel: CommSat 1: complete Vessel: Not Kerbin Comm launcher Probe: Complete Direct connection to: CommSat 3: Complete Vessel: Not CommSat IV (new): Complete Connected to KSP: Complete Orbit: Periapsis: Above 248,528m,; Eccentricity: Below 0.0040; Inclination: Below 1.0: Complete Destination: Kerbin: Incomplete Situation: Orbit: Incomplete Periapsis: Above 248,528 m: Incomplete Eccentricity: Below 0.0040: Incomplete Inclination: Below 1.0: incomplete Complete any ONE of the following: Incomplete Vessel: CommSat 1: Incomplete Direct connection to : Kerbin Comm Launcher Probe: Complete Orbit: Incomplete Destination: Kerbin: Incomplete Situation: Orbit: Incomplete Periapsis: Above 600,000 m: Incomplete Vessel: CommSat IV (new): Incomplete Completion: 75,000 Direction connection to: Kerbin Comm Launcher Probe: Complete Vessel: Not CommSat 3: Complete Direction connection to: CommSat 1: Incomplete Connected to KSP: Complete Orbit: Periapsis: Above 248,528m,; Eccentricity: Below 0.0040; Inclination: Below 1.0: Complete Destination: Kerbin: Incomplete situation: Orbit: Incomplete Periapsis: Above 248,528 m: Incomplete Eccentricity: Below 0.0040: Incomplete Inclination: Below 1.0: Complete So, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't I properly fulfill the contract with the 4 satellites at 600km altitude? If so, is there a way to change it from failed to completed in the game? Let me know if there is anything else you need LGG Edit: I'm wondering if this is the same issue raised on the previous pages. But I'm running Contractconfigurator 1.1.3, Contract Pack Remote Tech 1.1.3 as well
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