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Everything posted by theersink

  1. It doesn't appear that the Blue Dog design patches are working. I think the names have been changed on some parts since the configs were written. I am getting the default Blue Dog part placements on the tree. Taking a peek at the configs it does look like names were changed on Blue Dogs side at some point: Snip from BDB Mercury - part name = bluedog_Mercury_Capsule Snip from UKS config - @PART[bluedog_mercuryPod] There are numerous others with similar nomenclature changes.
  2. @theonegalen Any chance of getting support for this in your next update? Aies was a very good part pack back in the day. Should fit nicely. Good to hear your still working on this. Been away for awhile. Take your time and deal with RL first. We can wait.
  3. Anybody done an Aies Aerospace cfg since it has been reborn from years ago it seems? Good parts pack but need some reconfig on the tech tree for UKS and I unfortunately do not have the expertise.
  4. The licence is creative commons so anyone can pick it up. OP probably has real world stuff going on and may not be back for awhile.
  5. Eh, thanks for looking. I think I am done with KSP for awhile. I get my install right where it works and then an update comes and whacks everything. (Not yours mind you, KSP in general).
  6. I am getting this exact same issue on 1.8.1 install with "lots" of mods. I am almost sure it is one of them, forgive me I am not a modder, maybe going back and touching a patch after Tweakscale has already withdrawn support for it? Anyhow, here are the logs to see if you can make sense of it. Thanks in advance. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10_BRBt0WkSo6MeT7uFRM9YwqkGwMQhhr?usp=sharing Side note for clarity - I am getting the same issue but not the exact same part. It is the EP-12 and EP -18, I think those may be new parts from Missing History. EP-12 is added via Missing History, EP-18 is stock, it is happening on both. I took the liberty of screenshotting the ALT F12 Screen with the offending error too, not sure if that helps. It is in the shared folder now as well.
  7. Getting continuous log spam from KER in the VAB and during flight. Using 1.8.1 and JNSQ. Any ideas what could be causing this? I can provide the full log if needed.
  8. In addition, I see the AIES mod has been revived. Would love to see support for it as well. That was a staple back before it died. Lots of good engines and ant. parts.
  9. Unfortunately due to the recent updates to many part mods, Ven's, restock ect. this mod probably needs a major update to fix some issues with placement of parts due to callbacks of some mods. Ven's and Restock are the major. I have tried to track down where the issues are but I am not a modder. Hopefully we can get an update that addresses this. IIt is my favorite tech tree mod but I just can't do without some of the other mods this does not play well with.
  10. Ahh I thought that might have been the one. Thanks for the quick reply. That took care of it.
  11. My apologies here is the KSP log. Not sure which is causing the issue Tweakscale or All Tweak, If I remove one or the other the fatal error goes away. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zaevd-mSWH64XQj_sbybX6o4i0BAH3NL
  12. I have 4 fatal errors going on. Logs are here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QUHKz5Fz1X1PjbEndmk6XtpZoSWjW2qt Any help would be appreciated.
  13. Always a good idea to read the release posts anyway as some do not play well with CKAN and the authors recommend manual installs. They will usually say so on the release post. DoctorDavinci has the best advice, read through the first post for install instructions. Even when using CKAN you can always use the link to go to the mod page quickly.
  14. Unfortunately the mod is basically dead. Yemo is no longer around and unlocked all his mods for future versions, you'd have to modify the patches yourself to get it to work. His license does not allow for someone to pick it up either so it is best to move on to one of the alternatives. Head over to the release thread and read through the last few pages and you will see that a few have released their own versions in the spirit of the original.
  15. See post by Ger_Space 4 posts above yours. There is a new version with new dependency CustomPrelaunchChecks. Don't use CKAN. Go manual. CKAN did not install correctly for me.
  16. You can use this mod to trim down parts you don't use. You can block part in VAB, SPH or both. Has ongoing list so if you need to unblock them later it is easy to do. Works excellent for trimming the fat in the VAB and SPH.
  17. It is a GPL3 license so I do not think it would be a violation. My concern is that if it is posted then some will expect support and start bugging the mod author. My testing has been limited so I am not sure if there are any major bugs that would require code work which I cannot do, I am not a coder. It appears as someone has asked DIazo to take over the upkeep judging from the public post on his profile. Let's give hime some time to respond. If he does not I can post the DLL here with the understanding it is as is, use at your own risk, with no support implied.
  18. If you know how to recompile the DLL it works in 1.4.2. Haven't tested on 1.4.3 yet.
  19. @FreeThinker I get the same 30 MM Errors. Log and screenshot here: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Al6GOD6z9Sxci8IqsKqkfwFAzzxIJQ MM cache cleared prior to load.
  20. No it does not. Spams NREs. Although that is with a lot of other mods installed, I can't attest to just by itself.
  21. Already did that before posting. Everything is installed as directed. If the DLL itself was missing VOID would be throwing an error as well. Interesting though, I changed nothing else but I replaced the toadacious tools DLL with the last one released with the BETA VOID before linuxgurugamer took them over and it fixed both issues. I no longer have the log error and the gimbal is back to normal. UPDATE: Uninstalled all 3, Toadacious Tools, VOID, and Tweakable everything. Re-installed via CKAN. Boom, same issue. Uninstalled again via CKAN, made sure no folders were left over. Re-installed via D/L manual unzip method and walla, issue resolved. Evidently CKAN is whacking the install of one of those 3. I am beginning to agree with others about the reliability of CKAN, the install time it saves may not be worth the issues it causes. Thanks for the assistance Jacke.
  22. It is the correct version for sure. I am getting the error and the gimbal issue reported above as well.
  23. I am getting the exact same issue on my install. Verified ToadicusTools is there. VOID loads fine, IIRC VOID uses this as well. After VOID has loaded it then starts putting out these errors for Tweakable Everything. I think this is a coincidence though. There is a conflict with a mod somewhere. I will try to narrow it down. Log is a bit of a mess as tweakscale is throwing a lot of errors I think with either Vens or SXT. https://1drv.ms/f/s!Al6GOD6z9Sxci8IqsKqkfwFAzzxIJQ < This one is with current Mods installed.
  24. @Yemo Couple of questions: I know it has been a while but was anything ever figured out with TAC LS so that we can have integrated 3 day life support back on crewed parts. I think you had to disable that due to a math issue IIRC. Would it be hard for you to integrate this mod into your Alkaline Fuel cells? This is sweet little mod that will automatically turn on and off fuel cells based on a configurable threshold. Looks as if FuelCellTweaks already made the adjustment
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