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Everything posted by Raptor22

  1. Snack resources show up now (hooray!), however I've discovered a new problem: in flight, the Snacks window doesn't show the estimated times. You can still use the "Snack time" button in that window, but hitting the stop/start simulators thing does nothing. Snacks still seem to be consumed, and the estimate in the VAB/SPH still works. It's usable, that's for sure, though in flight you're blind as to how many days you have left (unless you go and manually do the math) It just shows the body name, but doesn't show any of the vessels. I can deal with it for now, it's not that hard to do the math manually (divide the number of snacks remaining by the number of crew multiplied by the number of snacks they eat per day). Just thought I'd bring it to your attention. EDIT: I've seen lately that occasionally, the estimates will inexplicably show up again, and then other times disappear. I'm trying to hunt through logs myself to see if I can make heads or tails of this. For now, potentially disregard this.
  2. I'll have to keep an eye on this mod! I hope to see more content like this to use the new stock inventory system. Is there a way that you could incorporate KIS with this? More specifically, have it so that it also increases the Kerbal's KIS lift weight. I find myself using both the stock building system and KIS (using the latter more frequently for now, as I've had more experience with it).
  3. I'm absolutely LOVING this mod so far. I've finally switched away from using KSPI-E because this warp drive is just so great. My venerable Courageous-Class starships now look better than they ever have before, and boy, are the screenshots just EYE CANDY! I've also been pairing this up with KFS, with fantastic results. I can't wait until you resume work on KFS and complete the S-4 Excalibur so that I can make a new NX-01 replica with the two mods. The only suggestion I might have is to add a line to the config where you can have a multiplier for warp coil strength. I found that in order to get satisfactory speeds with my Courageous-Class and other Trek-alike ships that I've been building, I had to clip a ton more nacelles into them, and eventually resorted to going into the part configs and manually overwriting the warp capacity that they add, bumping them up from 1 each to 10 each. So, perhaps a multiplier slider in the in-game settings or otherwise some line in the general config to allow for higher warp capacity to get better speeds in interplanetary space might help. And another slight personal request, though one that isn't necessarily needed (If you don't have time for it, don't bother): a texture switch for the hemispherical FTL fuel tanks, which I use at the ends of the nacelles to look like the buzzard collectors, to look like the red buzzard collectors of Star Trek. If they were animated and/or actually served as something like a Gravolium scoop (sort of like a smaller version of that large deployable one you have in KFS), I'd absolutely love you - more so than I already do for making this incredible mod. Can't wait to see what comes of this!
  4. Do the harvesters require an air intake in order to work? Even though I discovered bands of liquid hydrogen in the exosphere of Kerbin, when I activated a harvester, it said "harvesting", but even with time warp the LH2 levels hadn't changed.
  5. I've been having some issues with SNACKS lately. Despite having a fresh install of SNACKS in KSP 1.11.2, none of the command pods have the snacks resource in them. I can of course still add extra snacks containers to give the craft the resources it needs, however it's rather annoying that they don't come with snacks aboard them from the get-go. I'm not sure if this is a mod conflict (since I have a few dozen mods already) or if this is just some new bug. For the record, I have no other life support mods installed. In the part info, it shows the snacks thing there, but the amount is set to 0, and when the part is placed in the editor, it doesn't even show the resource slider. If there's any other info that I can provide that might help with this, please let me know.
  6. Unfortunately, I'm not a huge fan of solid modules phasing through the side of the ship. It's just too exploit-y to me and it looks pretty bad. For now, I'll just wait.
  7. Eskandare lives! I haven't seen you on the forums since May - it's good to have you back! I'm glad to hear that your computer is up again.
  8. I've been trying to think of a good way to make Starship in this actually viable for landing cargo. The aft containers don't give a whole lot of room for packing in base parts (so no KIS base assembly, unless you're using inflatables ala WBI Pathfinder), however the cargo nose cone isn't great for landing stuff on the surface because of the way how it opens - you'd either need a crane or to release the payload mid-air in some sort of hairbrained air-drop maneuver which, unfortunately, lead to me losing more than a few starships. I thought of trying to use regular stock fairings, now that they've gotten the metal texture, however that means that it's a one-time-use deal. Perhaps in a future update, we could have something like this? Some kind of side-opening cargo bay - elevator optional. That way, it can be used for what Starship is really intended for: building colonies. Right now, Tundra Exploration Starships work well as orbital payload launchers, and fairly decently as crew transports, but in terms of surface operations they're really limited to what you can fit in the 3 aft containers.
  9. Best news I've heard all day! Can't wait to see some more wedge sections for the Excalibur down the road once things start rolling again. Then I can truly have a functional NX-01 - crew quarters, cargo holds, docking bays and all. I'll have to keep tabs on this thread!
  10. Don't beat yourself up for not being able to fix everything - it's more progress than has been made (at least accessible to the public) in literally years. Great work!
  11. Linux and I already worked things out in DMs earlier. The issues have been resolved - from what I can tell, I ended up pulling the wrong copy of StateFunding which did not have the DLL in it. And yes, I am aware of Linux's legendary record - I meant no disrespect earlier, and I apologize once again if I got a bit heated.
  12. [snip] Your release on Github is the same exact version as the one on Spacedock - version 0.6.18. I had no luck with the spacedock RELEASE, which I had previously installed, along with the dependencies, before attempting to use the github repo as the spacedock release did not work, so unless there's something different between the 0.6.18 uploaded on spacedock and the one uploaded to github, I don't see what will be different. Either way, I will give it a try and report back to you momentarily.
  13. [snip] I've been able to pull the correct gamedata folder from github repositories before, typically when I'm trying to get the latest / developer content, without any issues. I had no luck with a spacedock release, which is why I went to your github to see if you had posted any changes there. I know the correct folders to pull from there (go from the zip -> StateFundingContinued-master -> GameData -> State Funding). [snip] I don't need CKAN to do something as basic as pulling the proper files to put in GameData. But since you insist, I'll grab the one from spacedock again and try this again Stand by for a bit - it takes a while for my game to load, so it may take a bit for me to get a log to you. Would you prefer a google drive link or some other file upload service?
  14. I pulled your github repository and installed the statefunding folder like I would any other mod (I've been installing mods for 7 years now, so I have a fair good idea of how to do it from just a straight master folder pull.) I made sure I had the latest versions of clickthroughblocker, toolbarcontroller and modulemanager (4.1.4) installed as well. Unless there's some other dependency that I need that you didn't mention in the thread that's changed since the last time I used StateFunding back in 1.6, I'm fairly certain that I have everything. I'll re-install it one more time to get a proper log file to send off to you.
  15. State Funding does not appear to work in KSP 1.10.1. While I have all of the dependencies installed, the U.I. does not appear, nor does it show up in the settings menu (where, normally, there'd be a tab for state funding settings, alongside the general game/save settings and settings for other mods). You might already be aware of this, but since no one has mentioned it yet, I thought that it'd be prudent to do so. I tried to hunt through the log to find relevant entries, but there didn't seem to be too many. While there were a lot of references to the StateFundingDisposable module (namely it getting patched to various parts), the only entries after the MM patch entries were as follows: [ERR 18:00:49.971] Cannot find a PartModule of typename 'ModuleStateFundingDisposable' Otherwise, there are no other mentions of StateFunding in the log.
  16. Ah, I didn't see the 2 hours ago bit when I first checked. I just saw the 2-4 months ago ones and I guess I must have skimmed over the other ones. Update: I went and checked those files. Aside from 1 or 2 of them, most of them are still outdated and still have the missing parts. I guess I'll have to go and fix/replace them all myself.
  17. For some reason, when I've been attempting to run Habtech2 v 0.2.2 in KSP 1.10.1, the load process always gets hung up on the ht2.solarArray.duo. Here's the last few lines from the log: I've tried to simply let it run, however after 20 minutes of it sitting on that one part, I gave up. I noticed that it mentions several part modules that appear to relate to the DangIt! mod - ModuleReliabilityInfo, InspectionModule, and ModuleSolarReliability. However, I don't see why that would cause the loading process to halt on that part. Is anyone else having this problem? If so, does anyone here know of a way to work around it? Update: I've confirmed that it has nothing to do with DangIt! as it still gets hung up even without it. The last line in the log looks fairly identical aside from the mentions of the DangIt! modules.
  18. Aren't those just all of the same craft files as we already have in the release, or were they updated since then?
  19. What was the last version of Tantares that had those part in them? If I can find that, I can temporarily move them over, replace them, and then send you updated craft files to replace the current ones with, saving you a bit of time!
  20. Did you recently deprecate a bunch of parts, @Beale? I have all 3 Tantares packs installed (latest versions for 1.10 in 1.10; Tantares, TantaresLV and TantaresSP), and around half of the craft files you provide are missing parts. Most of the parts are titled Eridani.[Something]. Here's the parts that are missing for the craft files that you provided (in spoiler below, to save space in the thread): There's also some external craft files, such as those used by Modular Launch Pads, that are missing some parts. From what I can tell, the MLP craft files are missing the part Tantares.Crew.1 Have these parts been replaced with new parts that perform the same function? If so, what was the last version that these parts were in before they were deprecated? If the new parts are still roughly the same shape/size, I'd like to either try to merge those parts in to my current tantares directory, or bring them in long enough to update the craft files by swapping out all of the parts that were deprecated with their new counterparts.
  21. I've tested the rover out, and I've run into a number of problems. Firstly, the rover struggles to go forwards. As soon as you try to turn, the rover will come to a dead stop, and will refuse to turn. If you use forward wheel steering only, it will not budge. If you use rear wheel steering, the rover will get launched into the air. However, if you have all wheel steering enabled and all motors enabled, if you try to turn and go forwards, the rover will instead start strafing to the side, like one of those omnidirectional forklifts. Incredibly, this is the fastest way to get around on the rover - but good luck steering, because you still can't do much there. I have no clue what's causing the wheels to misbehave this much. Among the other problems that I've seen, the rover has a nasty habit of occasionally launching itself into low orbit when you attach the wheels, and there is terrible z-fighting on the solar panels. I'll post a video of the problems in action as soon as I can find the time to record one.
  22. I just made quite the realization. I tried to launch my ship the legitimate way, flying it up to orbit. However, when I checked my map view, I noticed something quite odd - I had no orbit line, and hovering over the vessel icon showed that it said the ship was still landed at the runway. I've never had this happen before I loaded in the castillo modules (which are still in the ship, as I have not used any set orbit tools.) Now, I don't know much about the internal workings of this mod, but if I were to take a shot in the dark, I'd say that something is causing the castillo modules to only work when they are landed. Otherwise, they either get detached from the ship, or seemingly cease to exist when it is forced into an orbit condition (you can still fly to orbit with them attached, but it will say that the ship is landed/moving over terrain). Note that they are deployed when this is happening. I believe I captured it in the log, @Angel-125. It happened at around 8:31 (or 20:31 in log). if you don't see anything, I'll try to replicate it again. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/458707053993656320/615358217056419840/KSP.log Another thing that I have noticed: the castillo modules seem to make the craft retain the position of where the modules were deployed. It's hard to word it right, but pretty much if you try to take a crew report or other science report, it will report the vessel being wherever the module was deployed. For example, I made a mining rig recently with some of the large castillo drills pre-deployed and attached, and launched it at the runway. I then moved the rig into the mountain range to the west of the KSC, and when I did a crew report, it showed the crew report for the runway. Additionally, map view shows the rig as "landed at runway," even though the runway is roughly 100km away.
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