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Everything posted by maceemiller

  1. Hi there. Have you the latest drivers for your graphics card? Have you recently updated to Windows 10? Also I had a similar problem when I first installed KSP and clicking "run as administrator " fixed it for me. Maybe worth a try.
  2. I tested my new lander on Laythe from 65km to land on the ocean and retake off back to orbit at 65km and it weighed under 4 tonnes not the lightest craft ever made but I am over the moon with it!
  3. It doesn't matter what flight game I play I'm useless at them!! Rockets are all I do now. As for control lag it works fine on my logitech attack 3. No delay at all.
  4. I'd be happy to buy this pack however I love the game just as it is...now back to my Jool 5 craft building...
  5. @sal_vager if you ever need to rest your head on your travels and your near Northampton UK shout me up and your more than welcome to stop. You have been a solid and trusted member of this forum and as sad as it is to see you go....go. Go spread your wings and live the life you want to. Farewell buddy and take care
  6. Mmm...I'm guessing someone was either bored or drunk..
  7. Still a nice find even if it is a glitch....this is why KSP is this good....you never know what's out there
  8. Yeah! I thought about ending the failed attempt but decided to see where I ended up
  9. I only use the set orbit cheat to test my landers....no point going somewhere to find out your landers broken in some way. Once satisfied I start the mission from the launchpad....if it goes wrong I try to revert back to launchpad and do it again. I like it like that
  10. So, testing my Jool 5 Laythe lander it decided to go down and not up.....here i am using a RAPIER engine holding myself on the sea bed....odd
  11. Here is my picture of my first little plane I built flying over the mountains behind the KSC runway.
  12. It would be brilliant if there was a small citys or towns dotted around Kerbin that we could visit and meet other Kerbals going about their business. ....maybe a cantina to visit and talk to other kerbals (players) online about new crafts they've built etc. I'm no programmer but could it be that hard to do? Would make landing, rovering and flying to these so much more interesting. ..
  13. I have sent messages but no replies. It's not a problem. I'll just have to accept it will not work.
  14. Thankyou for your reply. Odd thing is I know others have stated they already use it. Kerb track has been updated to 1.2 so maybe it's just me. Not sure it is though as I'm fairly computer savvy and I did everything to the letter. Never mind
  15. well ive tried everything to make Kerb Track work and spent countless hours searching on the internet and it will not work with KSP. Works on other games so im guessing its outdated now for KSP
  16. I'm using facetracknoir but the camera does not move in IVA. I see the kerbtrack menu when I pause but no movement at all? so after tryin War Thunder it works perfectly so im guessing it doesnt work in KSP no more.....
  17. Hi all. Just a quick question. I've got facetracknoir on my laptop and was wondering if it will work with KSP in IVA. I can't seem to get it working however I'm a noob at this. Any help appreciated Edit. I've installed kerbtrack and I can get to the settings when I pause but no head movement in game....facetracknoir is working...Web Cam on....if I quit KSP the facetracknoir interface sees my head and moves as it should...
  18. So, while doing some housework I'd put this video on my TV for my 4 year old granddaughter. Walking by my lounge I heard something very familiar (1 minute into the video ) I had to double check I hadn't left my laptop on! What got me was she knew that music was from when "Papa is in space"....I think I play too much lol
  19. Something interesting to do, see, interact with on a planet would be nice.
  20. Kerbals to me are like friends...I lost Bill last night and, briefly it hurt. Don't like losing friends
  21. I....urm....thought I'd look into this side of the forum and quickly realised I am WAY outta my depth here! Far to technical for me so I'm just going to creep quietly out of the door and pretend I never ventured in Stunning if you can understand it though!
  22. Maybe not a mod but I've just started forscience. Takes the grind out of the science side of things https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php%3F/topic/107803-12-forscience-v141-your-science-autopilot/&ved=0ahUKEwi2uKy8pqTRAhXBMhoKHfGwCb0QrAIIHigBMAA&usg=AFQjCNGHXXLibDtTWx4DU4SzE6RJrNhn6w&sig2=WBxCxfL1BY35euHH72MTRQ
  23. Hi all. In my career game I accepted a contract dock 2 vessels on or in orbit of the Mun. I did this perfectly at a height of 289k but didn't it never fulfilled the contract. I even undocked and redid it to make sure but still nothing? Any ideas as to why not?
  24. So I'd like to wish you all a very happy new year. Today I can barely walk, never mind fly. Hope your all having a great day
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