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Everything posted by maceemiller

  1. 1. I have landed at 9 m/s in 1.1.2 with landing legs and survived 2. You could suicide burn but not advised as the last time I tried it the name lived up to its expected meaning.... 3. Sorry, I dont do planes in KSP
  2. I have an nvidia nvs 3100m 512mb. It runs KSP well though with all settings on high.
  3. Hi all. So, I thought I would install via CKAN RSS in 1.1.2 as 1.1.2 has been brilliant for me. 3 CTD's in the last 30 hours of gameplay with the stability "seeming" to just get better. One thing I still have though is when in orbit looking down at Kerbin I suffer a framerate drop - no biggy, just annoying, however tonight in RSS 1.1.2 that drop is not there. The game is as smooth as silk even when looking down at Earth - its simply stunning! Why is this? I shut down RSS and went stock 1.1.2 and boom, same framerate problem with a 5 part probe - the probe I've built in RSS has 14 parts @NathanKell ,you may be able to explain why RSS (on my weak laptop) plays SOOOO much smoother than stock KSP? Heres the mods Im using if it helps explain anything
  4. Are you using CKAN to install your mods? If not check it out as it works flawlessly.
  5. Wow......im literally shaking my head in disbelief with what im reading here. This may upset some but tough......I love KSP, I love 1.1.2 and instead of wasting my time on this thread, imma go to the VAB and build something.
  6. Im at 87000k atm but still trying to get closer!
  7. Thats correct and what I do with my saves. Be aware though that sometimes not all craft will work. I had a lander in 1.0.5 that would not load in 1.1.2 simply due to a ladder! An easy fix, I just removed the ladder and resaved. For this reason I always back up my craft folders too.
  8. @StarStreak2109 I installed @Ven's Stock Part Revamp from CKAN for 1.1.2 yesterday.
  9. Binned 1.0.5 in favour of 1.1.2. Had nearly 8 hours yesterday with only 1 CTD. Landed a few times on the Mun and Ike with no landing leg issues so well happy with it.
  10. At your age the world is your oyster and you should go for your dreams because if you dont have a plan now you may miss the boat. Get in there and make things happen for yourself!
  11. I had the same thing whilst looking at the KSC in 1.1.2. Tbh, I couldnt care that much as it doesnt affect the gameplay at all.
  12. This is what I do. Example....I had a fresh copy of 1.0.5, which I still have with no mods whatsoever. I also have a 1.0.5 with mods that I use to play. Same with, now, 1.1.2. 2 copies, 1 a virgin the other a playing copy. When 1.1.whatever sorts itself out then 1.5 will go. Rinse and repeat
  13. All the above except my first computer was a ZX81 followed by an Acorn Electron. 32k of pure power lol!
  14. I appreciate your feedback but thats double dutch to me.....what ive found is yes, hyperedit is not the best answer, but my word when it comes to testing a craft in a situation its impeccable. Editing a .cfg file is not where I want to be if im honest.
  15. New updates = new challenges, problems and thoughts....... Long live KSP.........
  16. Hi all. Since 1.1 and now 1.1.1 has been released if Im honest, the forum has been quite difficult reading. This isnt right, that isnt right and so on. This isnt a rant, nor is it a moan at anyone or anything in particular but please, can we, as a community of KSP gamers just get on with the "problems" were ALL facing ATM? Today, using 1.1.1 I had nearly 5 hours without a CTD but then it all went wrong for the next 30 minutes......nothing worked, then it all came back after a laptop restart. I nearly Googled an answer or an explanation but really, whats the point? @SQUAD know whats going on and TBH I feel for them right now......they must be under insane amounts of pressure. From my point of view, as frustrating as this can be/is to the common gamer, please be sure that a post you might be wanting to make hasnt been posted 10 times before or serves no constructive points as this will surely create an image of the game which is not an image we all want. Tough times we may be facing right now but when the patches have been released that fix what were unhappy about right now I can almost guarantee the forum will quieten down as we'll all be playing this great game. Just my 50pence worth and no offence to anyone intended......I just feel @SQUAD needs our support right now, not frustration.
  17. Luuuurvin this patch. For me anyways it has not CTD in the last 2 hours (it did quite often before) and it just feels more stable. Will sink my teeth into this properly later on today Thanks @SQUAD
  18. Just a thought, but have you tried looking through the forum first? Asking for help to get to the Mun is a common question and there is a wealth of info here if you just look. As for looking at your rocket, I dont know you well enough
  19. Yep, timewarp can be a problem too, requiring multiple reloads to make it (sometimes) work.
  20. Sorry for multiple posts but heres the answer.......suppose I want to goto Laythe......dont hyperedit there first, simply choose any other body THEN change it to your required destination (Laythe in my example)........boom! instant orbit lines and info
  21. now after a restart it works. I think its just tempremental tbh, but at least I can practise my Laythe landings/launch now
  22. that does make sence and yes it does say landed. thankyou and i will look at this again.
  23. Hi all. So, just testing a lander at Laythe in 1.1 using Hyperedit, only to find when I get there I have no orbit lines? Anyone else have this? Not the first time this has happened but thought the first time it could just be "one of those things" but now I see it is not?
  24. Not sure if this will help or is relevant but my first attempt at loading 1.1 just paused on the loading bar for over 20 minutes. Running as Administrator made it work. Im running the 64bit version on windows 7.
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