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Everything posted by pTrevTrevs

  1. New little Munar Flyer. I named it the Dragonfly. It works alright, but I think I need more power, because it's really sluggish when translating, especially if thrusting upwards. It is completely self sufficient in everything except fuel. It has RTGs forpower, plus a battery, landing gear, a light, comms antennas, and a surface scanning module to determine biome. Hopefully I can make it able to land safely from Munar orbit, so it can be used as a base ferry, but we'll see. It can probably already land on Minmus.
  2. Saturn's rings are made of cookie crumbs, and it's atmosphere is hot cocoa in its gaseous state. It has been proposed that Titan is simply a Whopper (the candy) that has been dipped in chocolate milk.
  3. Did you know that the surface of Saturn (yes, it does have one!) is made entirely of peanut butter and graham crackers?
  4. I like Ground Strike and Assault. If I ever find the person who dared to create Domination and Air Domination, I will burn them at the stake and feed their remains to the birds. It wouldn't be that bad, but you can't choose what map to play in the queue like you should. In TF2, you have lots of different gamemodes, but you can choose which one you want to play. In War Thunder, you can only choose the difficulty setting.
  5. Good, a 2.5 meter heatshield that doesn't look like Squad's ugly monstrosities.
  6. World War II planes, airliners, and a feeble attempt at a Zeppelin (what ever happened to that, by the way?)
  7. Well, the X-wings have been redesigned, so one could argue that it's a newer model of X-wing. Also, I think the movie takes place twenty years after Endor, so it's not totally ridiculous for them to still use X-wings, after all, the F-18 has been in service for at least twenty years as a standard fighter.
  8. 5/10 lots of badges, and a mildly amusing quote. Not bad
  9. I guess as long as they don't mess with Boba Fett having survived falling into the Sarlaac, it won't be as upset. Fett is one of my favorite characters in Star Wars, partly because of how unkillable he is.
  10. I tried out the British planes while flying in a squad today, I've got to say I like them a lot. Even the reserve planes look so graceful and maneuver so well, I can easily outmanuever He-112s and even a Hurricane once, which was quite surprising.
  11. Alright, I let you in the squad, welcome.
  12. Exactly. The Expanded Universe is... well, was (thanks, Disney) regarded as canon. There was absolutely no reason to make a whole new storyline for Star Wars except to annoy diehard Star Wars fans such as myself and many others. No matter what happens, I still and always will consider the EU as canon and refer to it as such.
  13. This is a helicopter I designed in Autodesk Inventor and made with the 3D printer in my engineering class last year. Both the main and tail rotor can spin freely.
  14. I've been looking for one of these, also been considering building one myself. It looks good, or at least as good as a WWI bomber can look.
  15. What made me really angry is how they didn't stick to the original Expanded Universe and instead were like "Nah, we've got a better idea, we'll make our own storyline, that's better than the stupid old one Lucas made!" I was hoping to see the Yuzang-Vong War or maybe even that one incident where Luke turned to the Dark Side for a short time, but instead he have this "First Order" bullcrap and an astromech that looks like it was made out of a soccer ball and a cereal bowl! I'm anticipating Episode VII with suspicion. I don't expect it to be any better than Revenge of the Sith, but I think it's going to be really hard for them to make it as bad as The Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones​.
  16. After being forced to fly a few Japanese planes by my buddy, I find the Bf-109s somewhat lacking in maneuverability. In addition to that, I'm still stuck on the E-1, which doesn't have any fancy cannons, just 4 machine guns, so armament isn't so good yet either. The Bf-110 is my main aircraft right now, I like to think of it as the God of Boom and Zoom.
  17. I uh... I unlocked a Spanish Civil War single mission... This happened...
  18. 1/10 Can't say I've seen you before, either.
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