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Everything posted by minepagan

  1. I know old turrets won't work, but what about missiles/bombs? Example: P.E.W.
  2. Will old packs work with 0.9.0? Certainly yes, certainly no, or meh, possibly?
  3. Also, if you are going to make Chinook parts, you have to make helicopter rotors too!
  4. Looking very nice! Love to see you rising up to the challenge, Mr. Bread!
  5. Only problem is that the top 2 hellfires did not fire, due to collision checking.....GRRR...... - - - Updated - - - And BTW, I know since I tried. :-)
  6. Any chance you can make a separate download for just those? Or is it safe to delete everything but them?
  7. Where is the Steam group? - - - Updated - - - Not for this thread. Go to the thread where the contract was made.
  8. I was having....issues.....with your F-35 engine/fan parts... It made FAR only calculate lift for the root part, so....yeah......Bad things happened.
  9. Yes, some nodes have original tech tree nodes, so you will unlock everything. Just that some placement may seem odd.
  10. BTW, you cannot do just KAX. At least for me, you do not unlock anything until jets.
  11. The current remotetech configs are old, and not all parts have them. A little while back, someone posted updated CFGs.
  12. Can you make it to where you can toggle on/off clearance checks on a per-weapon basis? And make the same for the Pro-grade check, although separately?
  13. Just a thought I had. I know some mod engines have thrust reversers, so.....
  14. Any chance of making this compatible with FAR? Specifically, spoilers. And how about options to fire AGs or Stage on landing?
  15. FTP = Fuel Tanks Plus. Basically, all of the Necrobones' suite is what I'm asking for, although you already have 2 of them (didn't see them), and only 2 of the rest are Parts Packs. - - - Updated - - - Also, is it possible to use just KAX? Or are there some FS parts that unlock first, and are badly needed?
  16. Just a question....does this work with BD Armory expansions?
  17. Same! Have you thought about making some ships? :-) 'Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahe-'
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