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Everything posted by minepagan

  1. Any chance of a .zip download for PPTS Alpha? If it's not too much of a hassle. I'm a windows sucker. :-)
  2. Just a thought.... Is it bad that when I type "KS" into Google, it auto-completes to "KSP Tantares"?
  3. You have inspired me to make a TRUE Red October mod. Now, if I could figure out how.....
  4. Hey, Is there any way you could make this mod work with Persistent Rotation, so that if Kerbal 1 is in Part X, and Part X is on the outside of a spinning vessel, and if Part X is properly oriented, has enough space, ect. ect, then Kerbal 1 would get 'Exercise'. Just a thought. If you want I can take a crack at it.
  5. I would personally make them have the same price, and weight, but make the 4-crew have more KIS space, Life Support, ect. and (if KeepFit/KerbKrasiness is installed) give it more "attractive" stats for those mods.
  6. I'm thinking someone else should just make their own. *hint* *hint* No, really....there is no need for frizzank to do so, but I think it would be neat if someone else did! (with his permission, of course.) Edit: And why only the Titan? I've made versions for the Redstone & Atlas, too!
  7. That was a hint. - - - Updated - - - Whelp, after you release it I'll update my CLS configs. Anyone else got requests for other compatibility patches?
  8. Why throw away that IVA? How about make 2 versions, the Orbiter and the Lander/Interplanetary? (6 seat/4 seat). Of course, for balance reasons, there would have to be advantages OTHER than capacity to the 4 seat one. Also, on animating the POL panels, how about like NFT's circular solar panels, only smaller?
  9. Also, I'd say not to 'remove' the Tantares "Wayfarer" vernier engine, and have it be unlocked along with the Atlas parts.
  10. Possibly take the "Star" OME from Tantares, scale it up to 2.5m, and make it not throttle-able or turn-off-able? But still use Lf/O? Or strap a bunch of stock SRB's together, and hope they don't overheat? I'll experiment with the 2nd one, but I do not have the technical capacity right now to test the 1st idea.
  11. I am downloading this just for the craft files.... I don't care if my download speed is measured in bits/sec.... - - - Updated - - - Also...you should add the subassembly for the Titan III. (The one with huge SRB's)
  12. What are the issues with submarines? The camera? In that case, I'd recommend KerbCam or Hullcam VDS. Or IVA. (Yes, I know, easier said than done) But please...tell me.....what are the issues? I'd be happy to give my two cents.
  13. Nice Job! Although I noticed on Kerbal Stuff this has the same description as the Soviet conversion.....SHAME......but you might want to update it a bit. It still says "Soviet" and does not list OMSK as a requirement.
  14. TRANSFORMERS! OMG! And speaking of Namco Bandai, how about the Aigaion from AC6? - - - Updated - - - No, really....nice job! The request wasn't really serious. :-)
  15. Something that would be very useful would be tweakscale compatibility. Want me to take a crack at it? Also, I'm thinking.....possibly make some KAS/KIS parts that have grapple hook/anchor attached? Like, a bow with an anchor (for obvious reasons) and a grapple hook for arresting gear? or something that acts as arresting gear?
  16. I don't care if I'm on a terrible laptop that can barely run stock KSP....I'm downloading this! It cannot wait a week! That, and it IS a low-RAM usage pack.
  17. You mentioned incompatibility with KK. How so?
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