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Everything posted by minepagan

  1. I second this. Making tomahawks with stock parts is....difficult..... - - - Updated - - - Although what I REALLY want are GPS-guided MIRVs with Nukes on them......
  2. IKR! What I am REALLY looking forward to is the 2-seat size-1 cabin.....TOURISM!!!!
  3. This would be more suitable to ask on the DMP forum. However, Baha, you should add a link to his work in the OP.
  4. oh my god yes - - - Updated - - - On another note, the Mk82 bomb, and Mk82 Snakeye, seem to be incompatible with FAR....they always cause my craft to have it's lift calculated for only the root part.
  5. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Darnit beat me to it. Only reason was because weather. :-(
  6. Possibly with Kerbin City, adding a highway between it and the KSC? On that note....I might try that.
  7. So you are saying split the conical tank into 2 1.25-1.875m adapters? I like that. Although if you do that, please add a 1.875m fairing.
  8. Also, I'm having trouble with the LV-905....although the -902, the LV-1, and the LV-15 are looking good. Once I sort out the LV-905 issues, I might start working on a Kerbin 1 capsule.
  9. PC problems are done, but....some IRL stuff is keeping me busy. I will resume work soon.
  10. They are for attacking ground RADARs. You need to have a Weapon Manager, and select the radar with it.
  11. because I kept thinking it was named damage​ effects......
  12. YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!! +rep for you! - - - Updated - - - Crap, I have to spread some first.....
  13. Awwww....... Either way, there IS someone experimenting with terrain deformation....MWAHAHA........ Also, how about just picking a 'standard' nuke, a hydrogen bomb, making kerbalized verisons, and calling it a day? (Although ICBM MIRVs would be nice....)
  14. I agree with this. A quick fix: Have Q Tweakscale Configs installed! (No, really....with that, the possibilities are literally endless)
  15. Welcome to realism, mate. On another note, you could also make the pod vertical, and clip it in until only the ball sticks out. Makes it look a lot like a FLIR.
  16. OMG PAVEWAY! *faints* OMG MOAB *faints again* OMG.....a......*heart attack* Any chance of fixed guns, and/or small turrets? Like, a 20/30mm IFV turret, or at least fixed versions (just the barrel) for the 30mm and .50 cals? On another note, HAVE A COOKIE! You have done 'MERCIA proud.
  17. Why? This is world war II! (On a side note, Oto-bereta and Oto-melara cannons would be nice, in varying calibers)
  18. Baha, you should *really* put a link to this in your sig. I spent (literally) 3/4 months looking for this until I stumbled upon someone posting about it in another thread (FASA).
  19. If only we could do that..... (I wonder how much a lifelong stay on the ISS would cost?)
  20. On balistic guidance, could we get that as an option for Modular Missile Guidance? Me wants to make an ICBM.
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