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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. There must be a problem with another mod because, in your pics there is only a electric charge of 0.40 - 0.44 but Aqua has originally a charge of 500. Also: what stands the Megajoules for? Which Mods do you have installed?
  2. If you have a fresh installation and no stockparts removed there shouldn`t be empty nodes with community tech tree. I think there is another mod which occurs this issue. TechTrees should have no affect to kerbalism itself. They only organize which parts are in which nodes. There is no separate SIMPLEX-Techtree for Kerbalism. Don`t mix up SIMPLEX Techtree and SIMPLEX Kerbalism. They do completly other things. Simplex for Kerbalism is only a config for Kerbalism like the KerbalismConfig in your GameData. It changes many but not the techtree.
  3. Do you have both in your GameData, Kerbalism and KerbalismConfig?
  4. Bluedog has new RCS-Engines (part-name: bluedog_Gemini_OAMSThruster, ingame-name: Leo-OMAS-G "Gus" Manuevering Thruster), which are the primary engines for the Gemini spaceship and RCS Thrusters in one. Here are problems with reliability. The Engines have a max ignition of 2 (with high quality) and explodes/fail nearly every flight.
  5. There is a picture in the first post.
  6. I think it`s the X-33 someone is modding. But it isn`t officially released yet.
  7. As far as I know it works well in 1.9.x without any update.
  8. There is no need for another parts. Do you have all dependencies (Animated Decouplers, B9PartSwitch and CommunityCategoryKit )? Reinstall the mod and download the newest versions of the dependencies separately.
  9. You can use Sigma Dimensions to do that.
  10. Because Ж has obviously a similarity to X.
  11. @Zorg Is the texture-switch implemented in the newest developement version? Because I downloaded it and there is no textureswitch.
  12. In the first post you can find the link to github. There you can find the version 0.2.2.
  13. Super Job. I like the shiny Atlas very much. Is it possible to make the alternate paint schemes (Chrayol, SM-65, Midas 2) for the TU-Version too?
  14. Why should this be impossible? The included drop pipes retracts like a hosepipe already. So physically this should be possible. I think @AlphaMensae can answer this better.
  15. The Fenris 1500-1700 Upper Tank has 3 different lengths (long, extended, extra extended) but ingame the extended Tank has the same lenght as the long tank, only more fuel. The same with the Fenris 1300-2300 Lower Tank: Base Tank and Long tank has the same lenght and the same amount of fuel. The extended and extra extended Tank have the same lenght but different amount of fuel. Is this intended or an issue?
  16. @raidernick Hey raidernick, there is a little issue with the Delta L/M/N/0900 First Stage Fuel Tank. It has 4319.5 Oxidator but 35341.1 Liquid Fuel. I think it should be 3534.11
  17. @Drakenex Is there a working version of the Tantares in Colors with the last Tantares-Release?
  18. If the CDST is minus, you are at the wrong side. Then fly "backwards".
  19. @KartoffelkuchenWill there be a counterpart for the Dockingport? And do you plan a Dragon (1) or a Dragon 2 Cargo?
  20. No, for RO-compatibility you must ask the RO-guys in there own thread. Not here.
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