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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. @Nertea Is it possible to make a Dockingport for the Hexa-Girder somewhere in the future?
  2. Hey @Beale Found a little issue at the Hamal_Avionics_1. The default variant is Tantares_grey. There are also tantares_black and tantares_green but there is no difference between grey and black.
  3. After installing Antenna Consumptor v3.0.0 (KSP 1.8.1), CommNet Antennas Info shows me a consumption of 18.4 EC/per Year for the most Antennas. But in real I have a consumption of 35EC/sek!!! Is there a conflict with Kerbalism or another mod? Also the CommNet Toggler isn`t still active for all Antennas.
  4. Why did you copy the entire first post? This mod is very old as I said to you a month ago (May 31.). There are no fixes. But, if you can read the last posts above yours, there is a project to bring it back.
  5. Downloaded the newest version for KSP 1.7.x but which folders do I need? Do I need to make a new folder in GameData and put all the folders of the download in it or put them directly in GameData?
  6. Do you have Tantares 22.0 or 22.1 (released later the same day with some fixes)?
  7. You mean the config included in the BDB-Download? You can put it, like every other .cfg, everywhere into GameData.
  8. -->Soviet Probes & Soviet Rockets<-- Angara is no soviet launcher, it`s a russian launcher.
  9. It`s not useless if you play with kerbalism or another lifesupport-mod to bring Water, food and oxygen to a station. Or with KIS for parts. Or to use with NEOS to bring experiments to a station.
  10. Yes: Download the latest version. OK, download the latest Dev-Version from Github. In this version the old parts are removed. Or delete the folder "Old" in Gamedata\Bluedog_DB\Parts\Titan\.
  11. On github there`s the full SourceCode. If you don`t understand to use this, use the download at Spacedock. Put the VaporVent-Folder into GameData. Then it works. You shouldn´t do anything like right click. Just put the vents to your rocket.
  12. Does anyone know this issue? There are no landmasses to see in mapview. KSP 1.8.1
  13. As far as I know the lower Tank of the ICPS is a separate Tank. The upper tank is for LH2 and the lower tank for Oxidizer.
  14. I have problems with the Kemini-experiments and Kerbalism. The Experiments works but at the end when I complete the experiment I can only choose between "send" and "hold". There are Antennas and a slot for samples. But I can`t find the samples/data there. Newest Kerbalism and NEOS, KSP 1.8.1
  15. Again and again: Did you read the last post above yours? There is your answer.
  16. The newest version of MechJeb2 is 2.9.2. It is for KSP 1.8.x and 1.9.x.
  17. -->[1.9.x]<-- MemGraph Updated with Stutter Reduction Yes, it does.
  18. This mod is really old and don`t work with DX11 as far as I know. But there is a new project to make this mod working again:
  19. Did you see the title of this mod? -->[1.9.x] <--Flight Manager for Reusable Stages (FMRS), now with RecoveryController integration So, yes, it works in 1.9.x and you can find the download in the first post of this mod.
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