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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. I had this problems with the NR-U3. As far as I know with the ER-U1 and NR-U2 too. Some more information: The Launcher begins to wobble very strong. Only with this interstages.
  2. You can do this yourself. Add a texture to \Launchers Pack\Rockets\SpaceX\PayloadFairingtextures (there is a example yourowntexture.png), call it like Turksat.png. Then go to the config of the Fairing and put something like this between the other variants: VARIANT { name = turksat displayName = turksat themeName = turksat primaryColor = #ffffff secondaryColor = #eeeeee TEXTURE { mainTextureURL = Launchers Pack/Rockets/SpaceX/PayloadFairingtextures/Turksat } }
  3. I have a problem with the enginemounts in NFLV: I have rigid attachement and autostruts active but it looks like this: I use KSP 1.10.1 but I had this issue in 1.8.x and 1.9.x too. Also it appears with KJR/KJR Next.
  4. I have a problem with the crew-UI. If there are more than 4 or 5 Kerbals the "Next" or "Previous"-Button slips under the edge of the UI and partially unreachable.
  5. Then you did something wrong because this works for sure. The original IVA at part B2_cockpit is: INTERNAL { name = B2_cockpit_INT } You need to change into this: INTERNAL { name = MK3_Cockpit_Int } This is the Squad-IVA for the Shuttle-Cockpit.
  6. Go into the .cfg of the Block II and search for INTERNAL { name = >>insert the name of the IVA here<< } If you pen the Block-I-cfg you can copy the name. There is also an old IVA for RPM: I don`t know if it is working in newer KSP-version but it shoud if RPM is working.
  7. Spectra doesn`t seems to work as @dekker831said: So something is wrong. And so we need some information of the installed version of Spectra, KSP and the other mods.
  8. Is there a need for an Update? It`s just an partmod so it should work. Last I used it in 1.9.x and it works.
  9. I have exatly the same error. KSP 1.10.1 Mods: JNSQ, EVE-Redux, Kopernicus BE and a lot more but issue happened only with the last scatterer. Log: https://www.file-upload.net/download-14399629/KSP.log.html
  10. Hey, after a little break I play KSP again. I use KSP 1.10.1 with a lot of mods (used the same mods in KSP 1.8.1). Now I have a problem. Every Antenna is set to inactive but ther eis no button to activate them. After launching a rocket I can control it till a height of ~100km and then I can`t control the rocket. CommNet says: connected. Here is my log: https://www.file-upload.net/download-14399240/KSP.log.html
  11. Please read the last posts. This mod is outdated a long time. So it shouldn`t work in KSP 1.10.x.
  12. First: Welcome to the Forum. Second: Please use the "Edit" instead of several new posts behind each other with the same question. Also: give the community some time to answer your questions. Workaround: hold shift while useing the offset-tool.
  13. You can put a .cfg everywhere in the GameData-folder. It does no matter where. But: 1. you need the mod Cryogenic Engines for this Patch 2. xD-FireStriker said that the patch doesn`t work at the last page: Its broken new version incoming, the error was not where i thought it was. Teaches me for trying to cut corners, I should of and im actualy currently rewriteting the fueltank Fuel Switch patch.
  14. You can find a version for KSP 1.3.1 here: Look at Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/1685/Action Groups Extended
  15. Why do you use a very old version of KSP with newer Mods?
  16. Look in the first post of this thread. There is a link to spacedock.
  17. Because RO-Support is not a thing of the modder. You must ask the RO-guys. Also: Did you see how old this mod is?
  18. No. Read first post: "The addon is not connected to the RO".
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