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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Did you install it correctly? Do you have ModuleManager? Without a log it is difficult to help.
  2. Sure: https://www.file-upload.net/download-14527085/KSP.log.html https://www.file-upload.net/download-14527087/Player.log.html https://www.file-upload.net/download-14527089/BureaucracySettings.cfg.html Edit: I think I found the issue. For some reason the option UseItOrLoseIt was true. It was false so far.
  3. As far as I can see Bureaucracy didn`t work in 1.11.2. Load a savegame from 1.11.1 and didn`t get any funds next month (90% funds should be around 1.400.000 in my savegame). The UI is working.
  4. It is balanced like the most part-mods: for stock. But in the fact that te stock-parts are very overpowered and works well in JNSQ or other 2.5 scaled systems, Luciole works well too in JNSQ.
  5. As far as I know @rogerwang86is planning for a lunar lander. also @bcinkhas build a Artemis-/Altair-Lander:
  6. You mean the lander in the video at page one? You can build it with SSTU. Just downlaod SSTU and build it. You don`t need realism overhaul. Your screenshot doesn`t work here. You must upload it and then insert a link here.
  7. The last three mods are not outdatet. They work in KSP 1.11.x even they declared as 1.8.x. Only the American Pack don`t work. And what has this to do with you nationality?
  8. Cormorant has a Block II. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/119951-171-cormorant-aeronology-mk3-space-shuttle/
  9. No, there isn`t one. As far as I know BonVoyage works without real physics and are only "simulating" a drive from A to B. In real it beans the rover to a calculated position. If you understand what I mean...
  10. There are, felt, 1000 mods with Pods ans Landercans (Tantares, Bluedog, NearFuture, HGR, ModPods and many more...). I can`t see the need of more Pods. If you ment more stock-pods then you are in the wrong forum-area here.
  11. BDB has a good RS-68 and SSME. Only the mount doesn`t fit, also this engine is bigger than your SSME.
  12. I second this. @rogerwang86has some cool stuff in addition to reDirect (Orion revamp, Ares V, SLS-interstage and upper stage...).
  13. Look at Contares RUS. It has Yenisei and Orel/Federazija.
  14. Did you see that blackheart postet this in 2014??? 7 years ago.
  15. There should no need for a patch because a KIS-Patch is delivered with KIS directly. So if you have KIS installed you can use both, KIS and Stock inventory.
  16. The thread is already opened as you can see in the post of rogerwang which you quoted. There is also a link to the developement on github.
  17. That was from Bobcat`s American Pack. But it is outdatetd a long time and shouln`d work anymore. Also the Download isn`t work anymore. But you can use reDirect, Konstellation Program and Kertemis Program. The last two mods are extensions of reDirect and very WIP. rogerwang is working on some more stuff.
  18. Both, SpaceX Launch Vehicles and Tundra have decouplers for boosters.
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