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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Is there a reason why not now? Because it confuses players. They don`t know really for which KSP-version this is. It is only a little change for you.
  2. Then you should change this at spacedock and the foldername.
  3. Spacedock says "Outdatet" because the version is for 1.10.0. It is very confusing for users: the foldername says "... for KSP 1.8.x", Spacedock says 1.10.0 and your title of this thread says 1.8.x - 1.11.x. And in lack of the animation and be a standalone launchclamp (the stock ones are needed as your "Recommended"-File says), shouldn`t this mod be in the developement area in this forum?
  4. Then there is sometihng wrong with yout install. I checked it and there is LCH4/Ox. There is no combi LCH4/LOx included in this mod. Do you have another Fuelswitch-mod installed? Like Interstellar Fuel Switch? If so, delete it. Did you install Real Plume/Waterfall?
  5. I think he is not meaning a gravity turn , he means a gravity assist by another planet. There was a mod that did this but I don`t remind the name.
  6. Yes, there is a decoupler, called "R7 Booster Decoupler" in category Coupling. PS: Noch jemand aus DE.
  7. Which KSP-version? All dependencies installed ("Planetside requires B9PartSwitch, ModuleManager, HabTechProps, and Benjee10_sharedAssets to function, all of which are bundled in the download" )?
  8. Then it is not a mod, only a model. Here in this forum we share only mods which are ready to play or WIP. And I second @SpaceFace545: you need a license. Here are the posting rules:
  9. Not all Mods are hostet/linked at CKAN. You can find downloadlinks in every mod-thread (mostly in the first post at page 1) here. If there isn`t a link, the mod is outdated or WIP. This mod was hosted at *** malicious site we no longer use *** which is dead for years. So there isn`t a working link anymore. Here is another, working mod:
  10. Wiki (page 1): Retirement Kerbals have a retirement date where they will quit your program and enjoy a quiet life eating snacks etc. This retirement age can be delayed by sending Kerbals on a mission. Although they will still retire, the retirement age will be pushed back based on the length of the mission.
  11. RealPlume Waterfall (don`t know if it works in 1.8 because first versions came with 1.10 or 1.11)
  12. They work but was build in another KSP-version. Go into the craftfile and change the second line to "version = 1.11.2". Also: @CobaltWolfis making an overhaul of the saturn. So it didn`t make sense to make new craftfiles.
  13. Sorry but you give us no infos, logs or anything. Please read "How to get support". The version which works in 1.11.2 HAS this folders and files for sure. Here you go: Tweakscale is the newest one. So you cannot have the "the one that works with 1.11.2".
  14. ModuleManager is working but it isn`t the newest one. So the first thing is to download ModuleManager 4.1.4 instead of 4.1.3. Second thing is: Here is the newest version of Tweakscale and this includes your missing _local folder. There is also a ModuleManager Watchdog folder and two other files which must be copied into GameData. I think you downloaded an old version of Tweakscale where this folders wasn`t included long time ago. So please make sure you have the newest version of mods in your GameData, matching your KSP-version. For future issues please read this post first:
  15. Did you put the LFO-patch into another folder? configs works in every folder also directly in the gamedata
  16. I build it too with this configuration and for me everything is OK. There is no offset.
  17. 1. Did you put the mod files of tweakscale and ksp recall into GameData or the folders 999_KSP-Recall, TweakScale and __LOCAL? 2. ModuleManager 4.1.4 is the neweset one 3. Is Tweakscale not working for the SpaceX-mod (which SpaceX-mod?) or for stock parts too? Because: there are not configs for all mods included so Tweakscale don`t work with every part. But you can write your own config easily. 4. This is not the right place to ask for problems with mods. You should go to here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/70-technical-support-pc-modded-installs/ or post it in the thread of the mod which is causing issues (Tweakscale).
  18. If you use KSP 1.11.x you must download the dependencies manually because the included Rational Ressources is outdated. Also a newer Kopernicus is available. JNSQ itself is outdatet but works in KSP 1.11.x.
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