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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Found a little issue at Minerva-VLL-30XL, Paxus-MGL 118/CGR120 and Paxus MGL119/SR2 in the latest github: Minerva-VLL-30XL: texture switch isn`t working correct: booster white, engine cover black... ...and booster black, engine cover white Paxus-MGL 118/CGR120: texture switch works only for the Booster, not for the engine cover Paxus MGL119/SR2: Engine cover is missing altough it is activated. Edit: more issues. Plume on Minerva-VLL-AIM is always on. Plume on Minerva-VLL-30XL is a little bit small I think.
  2. @davide96Thats Habtech2 but from github. There are some new/revamped parts. As far as I know the solar panel there is fixed. Look to page 58.
  3. There where some changes in KSP 1.9 so they don´t work and need some changes. But as far as I know a little bit more than little changes in config. There is a similar Solarpanel in Near Future Solar you can use.
  4. Wrong place to ask. You should ask here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/20-add-on-discussions/
  5. Making IVA, especially with RPM is a grat effort. There is already a shuttle-ive for RPM. Don`t know if it works with SOCK because it is build for MK3. But you can try it. There are two version: Full glas and Retro. Here is another IVA:
  6. There are some greater changes between 1.8 and newer versions. So you should use only 1.12.x for the newest Tantares.
  7. Is anyone else having problems with MJ in KSP 1.12.2? I have the latest MJ and since KSP 1.12.x MJ don`t save Ascent Settings. On every launch they are at default settings. Also: I cannot open settings. There is a little symbol at the left side but I cannot open them. And last but not least: I cannot move the MJ-Menu. It starts at the left top, over the KSP-time menue. After opening Ascent Guidance or other windows, the Menu switch to the right top. Log: https://www.file-upload.net/download-14751185/Player.log.html
  8. Attention: the included ModuleManager is outdated. If you play KSP 1.12.x download ModuleManager separately. Current version is 4.2.1! ModuleManager is needed for nearly all mods.
  9. Do you have a Dockingport at your ship? Which other mods do you have? Did you install it correctly? Do you have a "NavyFish"-folder in GameData or a "Docking Port Alignment Indicator"-folder? I think a screenshot ingame in flight and a screenshot of your Gamedata could be helpfull.
  10. There is the the C-100 (It is the one you can see in the most screenshots) in Benjees HabTech2 and there is a C-200 (APAS) in Benjee10_sharedAssets (it is smaller than the C-100). Also: Bluedog has a new one in the same size of the C-100 (but only in the Apollo Revamp Dev-Branch yet):
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