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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. Which 1.5 rescale patch? Do you mean the 1.5m-B9PartSwitch-config? Soyuz have a diameter of 1.25m but it is too small so you can change to a 1.5m diameter.
  2. I know there was a mod which gives Kerbals more than one skill like a pilot with engineer skills. I found the mod Multi-Kerbs but it don`t seem to work in 1.12.x. But as far as I know there was another mod. Edit: Multi-Kerbs is working.
  3. Configs can be everywhere in GameDate. I recommend to make a new folder with name "configs". Put such configs in this folder.
  4. You need both because the files in the download of "Realism Overhaul" are just the configs for RO.
  5. @CessnaSkyhawkIf you only use it for personal use you can do this without any permission. You only not allowed to upload it for other people without the permission of the modder.
  6. This mod is compatible to every mod. Visual mods don`t have effects to partmods so: no, there are no incompatibilities.
  7. ReDirect has nothing to do with Ares and Altair so Benjee had no plans. But there are already a Mod for Ares V and Altair. They are outdated but should work and works fine together with redirect.
  8. Yes, but: NOTE: These logs are not the same as KSP.log, which lacks valuable data. Do not upload KSP.log; do upload output_log.txt / Player.log
  9. No, it`s here: KSP versions 1.8.0 and above: Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\LocalLow\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Player.log - This folder is usually hidden so you should enable the view hidden folders option (more information). Mac OSX: Open Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log Linux: The log is written to ~/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Player.log You can upload these files to any file sharing site (such as Dropbox, Pastebin or File2web). These sites will give you a link you can include in your posts to share your files. NOTE: These logs are not the same as KSP.log, which lacks valuable data. Do not upload KSP.log; do upload output_log.txt / Player.log
  10. You shoud ask in the thread of Interstellar Fuel Switch because reDirect does not support it. There are no patches included. I recommend to not use interstellar Fuel Switch. Use B9PartSwitch.
  11. I have some weird things with shadows since KSP 1.12.x and don`t know if it is JNSQ or Kopernicus or Scatterer or.... But here are some pics from Mun: And here from parts: The shadows disappear if I zoom out. Does someone else have this? KSP: 1.12.2 JNSQ: 0.10.0 Kopernicus: (RTB Stable Branch) Scatterer: 0.0722
  12. Without a log and/or a screenshot of your GameData-folder we can`t help you.
  13. Kerbalism adds the ability to need time for Science. For example: in stock you need only one click and you have all science. A satellite then is useless. In Kerbalism you start to collect science and it can take hours, days or month. But it works in the background.
  14. If it is broken then it is a bug or your KSP-installation is broken. Then there is no mod, you should reinstall KSP.
  15. There is already a 1.25m lab in KNES: Also there is one in MacLuky Space Solutions (no pic anymore in the thread).
  16. If it isn`t shown in Janitorscloset then it should be a Problem in Janitors closet. The Popups in the main-menue should be B9-errors. Most of them are harmless. Make sure you have the newest B9 and other dependencise. They must be downloaded separately because they are outdated. With the newest dependencies this mod works well. The mod itself need no update. For further investigation we need Screenshots of the messages and Logs.
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