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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. @SirBlobTested the preview. Everything looks OK but there are Unity-crashes to desktop. Unfortunately I have no log.
  2. Both are Conformal Decals. By using colored flags you can "paint" a tank. And: Please avoid doublepostings (3 in a row). You can edit your posts.
  3. I make a flag from a texture of another mod. Also: I made a copy of the decal and edit the config with ablator. So it is really a heatshield. Here is a pic: https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.de/gallery/image/9338-hitzeschild-aus-conformal-decals/ It is only a proposal yet, didn`t test it in flight.
  4. Why? It should work in 1.12.3 because it is only a parts mod. And TweakScale: you can easily write a little patch for yourself. I think there is no need for Tweakscale.
  5. I am planning my first longtime Apollo-Mission to Minmus and need the small Orbital Mission Module (8OMM). I determine that tere isn`t a separate hidden node to attach at the LAM while the LAM has a B9-switch for the small and the big OMM. I checked the 12OMM and the node is missing too.
  6. There is no need for a mod. It`s a stock feature. Go into your Tracking station. Select the craft. Then use the Info-Button at the right bottom. The you can dounle click into the name.
  7. It`s Near Future Construction. There is a patch included.
  8. Ah, thanks. Yes, there is a patch included for cubic, triangular and planar. No, it`s Near Future Construction. There is a patch named "NFConstructionStockPartReplacement.cfg". I had Restock installed and don`t have this parts.
  9. @pTrevTrevsYou used a girder at the LRV. Which mod is this? I had it too in the past but don`t remember which it was. I know there was a part-switching between triangle and flat.
  10. Wasn`t there a variant of the little girder-truss which had a switch to a triangle and a flat truss? I could swear there was, but didn`t found it.
  11. A little note: I have a similar design for my rover. There is a foldable seat from ASET. Perfect for LRV.
  12. My car isn`t running, anyone know why that might be? Sorry but this aren`t enough info to help you: KSP-version? Do you have the newest dependencies? What exactly isn`t working? Log?
  13. You should ask in the thread of Fexible Parts because it is a problem of their parts not conformal decals. For most parts you can do this yourself by changing the attach-rules: here`s the documentation: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/CFG_File_Documentation#Attachment_rules For surface Attach you need to change the 4th number to 1. You can do this in every .cfg for every part or write a little patch like this: Put this into a .cfg, put in the partname(s) and put this .cfg somewhere into GameData. Attention: This works for "normal" parts but I don`t know if this works for flexible parts.
  14. For Spacecraft: look here And for japanese section og ISS look here:
  15. It looks like you use KSP 1.9.x instead of KSP 1.8.x. Look at the first post of @Wazin this thread: For newer KSP-versions use this:
  16. As you can see in the title it is maximum for KSP 1.3.1. But that doesn`t mean that it didn`t work in newer KSP-versions. You need to test it.
  17. As you can see in the title it is maximum for KSP 1.3.1. But that doesn`t mean that it didn`t work in newer KSP-versions. You need to test it.
  18. Here`s the addon: https://spacedock.info/mod/2472/Project EOC(WIP)
  19. If you used an older version of Tantares before then it can be. There are some parts revamped and older parts removed. If you have older craft-files you should use an older version of tantares.
  20. You should use procedural interstages, not the fairings.
  21. Do you have the following folders in your GameData: CryEngines, CryoTanks? Or only CryTanks?
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