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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. @JustDarkGreat video. But: wasn`t the interstage jettisoned several seconds after ignition of the second stage? Or was this different to the Apollo-missions?
  2. The title of this thread should be the name of this mod. Also you should make videos at daytime because it`s hard to recognize something.
  3. @pTrevTrevs You can use Ship Manifest to "beam" him home. It has an option to edit Kerbals in flight.
  4. Did a test with JNSQ. The last workikng version is Build 70. With newer versions I have extrem flickering of the world, weird artifacs (flickering square at kerbins surace) and weird shadows at rockets. I went back to Build 70 and everything is OK.
  5. Made some Tweakscale-configs for several parts. Restock Squad DLC for Robotic Parts Rocket Emporium for the inflatable bags and the camera ASET PRC (Portable Rover Components) for the seats Near Future Construction Quantum Struts BDB for Antennas and some other parts Missing Robotics ... Note: I edit some parts like the Pioneer Extension Bus. Made a copy as Battery Pack.
  6. Then you didn`t install it correct or you forgot a dependencie like ModuleManager.
  7. You mean Tantares SP? I don`t know if they are on CKAN. But you can download and install it manually.
  8. @Scarecrow71Do I understand: You use the Core and Boosters from Raidernick (as we can see in the pic, the shown Block A and the boosters are NOT Tantares, they are from Raidernicks Soviet Rockets)) and use the engines from Tantares? I think this is the problem because they are balanced different. It`s no good idea to mix this two mods because they are very different in look and performance (empty weight, quantity of fuel, ISP, Thrust...). As example: I can see in the screenshot that the launcher has a weight of 97 tons. A Tantares R7 does never ever have 97 tons.
  9. @Scarecrow71Are you really using only Tantares because i see Raidernicks parts. That`s not Tantares.
  10. @Scarecrow71Do you play in stock or in a rescaled (2.5x/2.7x) world like JNSQ or KSRSS or in RSS? In Stock it should very overpowered. In a 2.5/2.7 it should have a similar performance like in real. This worked last time I used Tantares. Only in RSS/RO you need separate configs. Here you should ask the RO-Guys. Also: I think you don`t understand the R-7. All Engines, core and Boosters are launched at the same time at launch in real. The Block A isn`t a second Stage like the most other launchers. R-7 without an real upper stage (designated as 3rd stage at R-7 derivates) is more like a 1.5 stage design like Atlas.
  11. This works only for normal prograde and retrograde in orbit. If you are prograde/retrograde in relation of a target like a spacestation, the issue remains.
  12. No, the APU is from VaporVent. It is a Generator like a fuel cell.
  13. You didn`t install it correctly. You should look here: Mods must be put into the GameData of KSP. For BDB it should be \Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Bluedog_DB. You put the entire content of the .zip into GameData. Thats wrong. Craftfiles must be in the Save-folder and the Extras should only installed if you want them. Note: some of the Extras are not up to date.
  14. I think it is a little bit late because Beale said that Tantares is final. No more parts.
  15. For B9: download it separately from here to make sure it is the newest: Shared Assets should be the newest in both mods.
  16. You need to unzip and then copy the content of GameData (folder X-20-Moroz) into your GameData, like every other mod. The folder structure is predetermined in the download. GameData\Mod. Note: Some Mods have dependencies you need to install. ModuleManager is needed for nearly all mods. The KSP version can be found in the title of this thread (1.12.0) but it works in 1.12.3 too.
  17. You need to unzip and then copy the content of GameData (folder Knes) into your GameData, like every other mod. The folder structure is predetermined in the download. GameData\Mod. Note: Some Mods have dependencies you need to install. ModuleManager is needed for nearly all mods. The KSP version can be found in the title of this thread (1.12.2) but it works in 1.12.3 too.
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