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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. There are no craft files for reDIRECT. You can use the unofficial BDB-Wiki for blueprints: https://github.com/friznit/Unofficial-BDB-Wiki/wiki/Shuttle-Derived-Launchers Or build your own creations.
  2. It`s not in a required mod, it`s in SOCK itself. But not in the Spacesdock-version. You need the Dev-version of SOCK. Link on page 1 or here. In the Dev-Version is a folder "Extras". In this folder you can find a Installation Instruction.
  3. The lines you posted above show no error. They only say that no props were found because you did not install the mod MAS (MOARdVs Avionic System). Errors begins with [ERR.....]. You need to post the player.log, not the KSP.log. Here is an instruction how to find the player.log:
  4. You need to go to the developement-branch at page 1. Here is the link: https://github.com/CobaltWolf/Bluedog-Design-Bureau/tree/1.11-development Parts are in the Skylab-folder.
  5. RO is the problem. Realism Overhaul has configs for SOCK. But not for O.R.A.N.G.E.S. So SOCK is beeing rescaled while O.R.A.N.G.E.S not. It is not compatible with RO yet. Also: you have two ModuleManager.
  6. What do you mean with "too small"? Diameter or lenght? The diameter is correct for SOCK and the same as Benjees reDirect-External Tank. And the lenght: you can choose the lenght by B9 part switch (two lenghts, default one and long). But as far as I know the default lenght is the right lenght for SOCK-Shuttle.
  7. You should ask in the parallax-thread: Here you find a installation guide. Newest Kopernicus is here: https://github.com/kopernicus/kopernicus/releases Also: you should read the support rules here:
  8. If it was smaller than 75km then the scanner is for atmospheric flights. As soon as you get above 75km, it probably doesn't work any more. I am not quite sure because I have hardly used the atmospheric flights so far.
  9. 0 inclination means that it only flies over the equator. And in the lowest possible orbit. Of course, the scanning is then only done on the equator and in a narrow strip. So it is understandable that it does not go above 7%. Scansat gives a minimum, a maximum and an ideal altitude for each instrument. In addition, the satellite must be launched in a high inclination so that it covers as much area as possible.
  10. Which inklination? It can only scan what it flies over. On the night side, it must also be ensured that enough energy is available, solar cells alone are not enough, you also need quite a lot of battery capacity to bridge the gap.
  11. What do you mean with "I installed a scan"? crg-100r was a part in the separate mod "Shuttle payload technologies: It is outdated but should work. @Pakhas parts of it overtaken in Cormorant, but not the crg-100r as far as I know.
  12. It could be that you are using an old craft file. As far as I know this was the old decoupler, replaced later by the decoupler of payload Utilities, which was an own mod earlier.
  13. Sorry, but be patient. It is a mod and the modders do this in their free time. Also, I refer you to the forum rules here: --> For everyone interested in updates to their favorite add-ons, please do not pester modders in the add-on thread, modders volunteer their time and requests or inquiries for updates just derail threads and will not make updates come any sooner.
  14. You are in the wrong area. Here are only Threads for Mod releases. Radiation belt is not stock so: what mods do you use? Kerbalism? Then you should ask in the Kerbalism Thread.
  15. Strange. I just downloaded the latest development branch. No other mods installed. Edit: Found the issue. Wrongly attached the 3rd stage to the adapter.
  16. Yes. You need to download the 1.11-developement, not the master. @CobaltWolf The Mutineer lower stage/adapter and the upper stage does not fit.
  17. You again didn`t remove MiniAVC V1, it is still there in GameData.
  18. Do you have the newest HabTech and Habtech props? Without Habtech probs you don`t have IVA. I think it is better to ask in the FreeIVA-Thread.
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