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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. What are you trying to do with this list? As far as I can see, most mods are compatible. Please explain why you are still asking for updates everywhere?
  2. Have you actually read the previous posts? And why should the mods be updated? They ARE compatible. Hudreplacer and Ztheme too. In the case of the latter, you even wrote version 1.12.5 behind it yourself. Please explain what you want here in the first place.
  3. The Super Dracos are for launch abort only. Moreover, they were once intended for landing on land and without a parachute. But this option was discarded. For attitude control, like @JebTheDestroyersaid, only the 4 Dracos at the top are used. A total of 18 Dracos are installed for orbital manoeuvres and the 8 Super Dracos for launch abort.
  4. Parts in KSP can only be fixed in one place at a time. There is no other way. If they wobble too much you have to use struts/autostruts. Alternatively, there is the mod Kerbal Joint Reinforcement.
  5. Look one post above yours. The subsat no longer seems to work. Simply remove the config. Please also note that this mod is very old and has not been updated for a long time.
  6. As I said yesterday to you: This mod is old and outdated. It`s death!!!
  7. Writing to every modder is the wrong choice now. Especially as many mods are no longer supported because they are too old, modders are no longer active, etc. In addition, some of the mods you wrote about have already been updated to 1.12.x. You only have to look at the title of the mods to see that. Well, this is now a case for the admins/mods.
  8. @JonnyOThanI already told him in another thread but he doesn't seem to understand. Now the request to update comes from him in all kinds of mod threads.
  9. I don't know where you got this information, but it's wrong. Scatterer is indeed compatible with 1.12.5. The title says [1.9.x-1.12.x], which includes 1.12.5. Furthermore, here in the forum you will find tons of players who play with 1.12.5 and Scatterer, including myself. It works. Here is the link to the download which has also Gameversion 1.12.5: https://spacedock.info/mod/141/scatterer
  10. Please avoid multiposting, you can edit your posts. I don`t know what you mean. Scatterer works in 1.12.x. Latest version is for 1.10 but no information about 1.12 Did you read my post? OPM Visual Overhaul: is really outdated since KSP 1.3.1. That should work. But you have to test it yourself. In general, it does not mean that a mod no longer works just because the latest KSP version was not specified. A mod for KSP 1.10 can certainly work in 1.12. But the older the mod, the higher the probability that it will no longer work, as there have been major changes in KSP from time to time and some mods have subsequently no longer worked. This is especially true for non-part mods. Many modders then lost the desire to update at some point. And as long as no one takes over (observe the licence), there will be no possibilities.
  11. Some of them works in 1.12.x like Reentry Particle Effects There is a 1.12.x-version of OPM Parallax here: https://spacedock.info/mod/2958/Parallax for OPM KSC Extended: should work too. GEA: use EVE. OPM Visual Overhaul: is really outdated. Collision fx: Works but has seemingly FPS drops.
  12. Yes, the main engines continue to run until fuel is empty. You cannot shutdown engines with staging. A tip from me: learn ksp without mods, the basics like rocket building and staging. Once you understand ksp, you can move on to mods. And yes, there is an autopilot mod. Mechjeb. But still, I would understand ksp first.
  13. Staging. First you need to make sure that the staging is set up correctly. Then you can trigger the next stage with the space bar. This has nothing to do with the mod here, but are basics of the game. I recommend some tutorials here. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorials https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Basic_Rocket_Design
  14. And what have you changed? I am sure that everything was available and explorable in my career.
  15. First: Wrong place to ask. Here is the section for Mod Releases. Second: B9 is the problem. B9Partswitch is missing in your installation.
  16. I thin you downloaded the 1.0.0 beta. Here is the link for the latest versions: https://github.com/EStreetRockets/ORANGES
  17. There is no need for the patch anymore because there are separate upper parts for the main tank included now.
  18. As far as I can see: PEW is outdated long ago. Last version was for KSP 1.2.2.
  19. I think you have something mixed up here. This mod does not control the vertical speed but prevents lateral drift, e.g. through laterally mounted RCS nozzles. Hence the name of the mod "Horizontal Landing Aid", which makes it possible to hover over a point. To regulate the vertical speed, another mod is required: This is also mentioned on page one here. Both mods are originally from the same modder and work together. Edit: tested both mods together and they works fine.
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