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Everything posted by Cheesecake

  1. I think the updated only the Gameversion from 1.3.x to 1.12.5.
  2. beta-2 doesn`t have shuttle-c parts. beta-2 is a release but Shutlle-C-parts are in the experimental branch here: https://github.com/EStreetRockets/ORANGES
  3. No, all of the capsules in your pic are from Near Future Spacecraft (not all of them are shown in imgur). The SpaceX-like capsule too. SSTU and Wyvern looks different.
  4. This mod isn`t made for RO. If you want RO-configs then ask in the RO-Thread.
  5. Do you mean the Launchpads at page 1? They are included in this mod.
  6. As far as I know every part of htRobotics is compatible with Infernal Robotics next.
  7. Just like any other mod. In the first post in this thread is a link to the download. In this case spacedock.
  8. You didn`t say that you use Realism Overhaul. This changes everything because this mod per se is not intended for RO and @Raidernick does not provide any configs for it. These come from RO itself. So you should rather ask in the RO thread. You should also generally check your installed mods as your log has >60MB. That is already very large.
  9. I never had such problems. But here too: we need the log and other information, e.g. whether it was installed via CKAN etc.
  10. @Shadow Wolf TJC Did you install the mod correctly? I think we need the whole log or the part where the installed mods and the created folders are listed. Also we need the KSP-version.
  11. I once asked in the Kerbalism thread but unfortunately nobody there could help: Does anyone have current BDB-configs for Kerbalism? Especially Science? Skyhawk Science System has some but unfortunately inflatable habitats don't work anymore and there are some more problems in combination with Kerbalism. Unfortunately @CessnaSkyhawk is currently not active.
  12. Sorry to say it like this but: 1. nowhere did @bigyihsuan say anything about YOUR or HIS problem. @bigyihsuan merely gave you an answer to your question. 2. you are talking to @bigyihsuan as if it were his mod. But he is not the modder. The modder is @CessnaSkyhawk, which isn`t active since a few months. 3. I find it presumptuous to judge how others do THEIR mods. Whether this techtree would have worked with other mods is irrelevant here. The fact is that this techtree was created specifically for BDB. And a lot of people play with this combination. If you don't like BDB or this techtree then just don't use BDB and use another techtree. Nobody is forcing you to use mod x or y. But back to your question and to give you a simple answer: Answer: Because the modder @CessnaSkyhawk wanted it that way.
  13. If you only want to keep the experiments, all you have to do is delete all subfolders in the \GameData\Bluedog_DB\Parts folder except the `Science` folder
  14. Many people are affected here. Seems to be due to Discord. Apparently there is a restriction that deletes pictures after a certain time.
  15. I recommend: You can adjust the strength in the settings. In general, Joint Reinforcement is recommended for most partmods because of the very large rockets.
  16. This is described on the first page. Training Laboratory: This mod provides Training method with consuming Science points. Paying 20 sci, your kerbal can get 1 exp. Since leveling up method is very limited, you have to pay science point once enough to advance level. Field training Facility: This mod is similar with Training Laboratory, But one thing is different. It consumes Time and Electric Charge. If you want level 5 kerbalnaut from level 0, You need to train your kerbal 1 year. Becoming level 1 will only need to wait 13 days, But as you know, high level needs more training.
  17. https://github.com/Kari1407/Starship-Expansion-Project/tree/V2.1_Dev
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